SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow February 10th. That is 4 days before my B day. I wish I had a Wii because I want this game so bad and it is not even done yet. The snapshot feature looks pretty sweet though. Just imagine taking photos while your friend is out for a second. LOL:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow Psycho do you always type in blue. I don't know why but Snake is my favorite announced character, I haven't even playe Metal Gear Solid I just like the fact that he gets big weapons.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I am still waiting on Mewtwo as a playable character. I am also waiting for Rayquaza to be confirmed as a throwable Pokemon.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

sure, why shouldn't i type blue? why is this feature available? to be used i think, no?
anyways, rayquaza as a pokéball Pokémon! now that would be sweet :p
what shud he use? outrage: flyes throughout the screen smashing into everybody scizzor-like? or use hyper beam from the background lugia-style? or something else? dragonclaw, or dragonrage perhaps? but how would that look like? or extrespeed? i'm wondering...

i would love to see a gardy come out and use psychic on everybody :p that would be like shoothing them all upwards or so :p with mediocre dmg (you can't make that move heavy dmg or they would all instantly die...) or make that heavy dmg, but make gardy a rare appearance like the legendaries in ssbm...i'd rather have the first thingy then, then i see it more^^

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i am mad about the launch date because dec.3 is 1 day after my birthday. now its feb.10! humph.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LOL My B-Day is so far from both dates and you guys are talking about how your's is so close to the release dates...Photos, gives me another reason to buy an SD card...

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yeah, my b-day is the 30th of i don't care when the game comes out :p when it comes out in europe, it'll almost be my next b-day i think:p
lol, i would almost hope for some more delays, so it would come out in europe in the month of july^^
nah, that's way to long to wait:p
i've got ssbm to go until it comes out :p training with fox atm ^^ and pikachu ^^ that rat is freakin strong:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
yeah, my b-day is the 30th of i don't care when the game comes out :p when it comes out in europe, it'll almost be my next b-day i think:p
lol, i would almost hope for some more delays, so it would come out in europe in the month of july^^
nah, that's way to long to wait:p
i've got ssbm to go until it comes out :p training with fox atm ^^ and pikachu ^^ that rat is freakin strong:p


Someone else that type in blue fount.Well I could get the game no matter what so I don't care when it out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hey no copying my typingstyle:p
i always use italic text and blue is one of my favorite colours^^
how would you get the game, if they don't release it huh?
i'd love to see you try...
nintendo won't allow anymore copies going out since what happened when they fired someone, and that person released the game till that far on internet...

so don't bluff you'll get it before the release date, 'cause the release in america and asia will be the same date...and you CANNOT get it faster then that...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wow, that was a long post, PT, on the last page.

Why don't we try and figure out different stages for different characters?

Characters that do not have a stage yet and are open for discussion:

Diddy Kong
Pikachu/Pokemon Trainer (Only one of them can have Pokemon Stadium. :V)
Ice Climbers
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ok, i don't know the fire emblem series, but they have castle siege of lucas is from there....
kirby probably gets fountain of dreams again, it was a pretty decent zone to fight on i think...
sonic, my favorite char^^ he'll probably get emerald hill/green hill zone, or otherwise casino night zone, boss stage on sega16-bit series you know, the half-moon shaped with bumpers etc within it...
diddy kong, that'll be a tough one, we already have 2 dk stages on ssbm...i wouldn't know what to give him...
pikachu would get a power plany zone or something like that:p 'cause a trainer belongs on a stadium, no?
peach has her castle...or golf courses...or tennis fields to choose from, but i would love the castle back....
ice climbers probably aren't joining in, but the mountain was a fun place to battle:p although the npc's were morons on it:p :d:d
zelda...hmm, i would give her hyrule temple again...sweet zone to fight on :p i actually managed to get a 999% there versus 3 ganondorfs^^
bowser...hmm, maybe they can put bowsers castle in the background, and have the underside of the zone have burning lava or something...and with certain moves you can crack that zone, and people fall into it...i know, sounds a bit like a mix between samus's zone on ssbm and a new zone they have introduced...but it would be totally bowser-style^^

and togeshroob, i also said why it was a really long post...i wonder if anybody took the time to read it...'cause i have put more time in it to type it probably...
also, if oyu need to shorten my nickname, please use the one i conclude my messages with...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Okay, a few points to be made here.

1) Lucas is NOT from Fire Emblem.... <.<

2) I think Sonics course should be Station Square. That would be so awesome.

3) If you haven't noticed yet, Ice Climbers ARE IN THE GAME. They've been announced for a while.

4) About the long post, don't forget that you used big text. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol i just checked the site again, and you are totally right:p
i totally forgot lucas is of mother/eartbound....hmm, what should we give him...i cannot say, never played that game...
about the sonic: you are right, that IS a sweet zone...hmm, multpile possibilities for him...maybe they'll take 2: one newer one, and one older one...
ice climbers are indeed in the game :p i totally forgot that :p my apologies :p well as i said, i hope they'll keep their mountain:p but not in adventure anymore >< i hated that part:p

about the long post...i know it was big text, but even without that, it still would be very long...


ps: what do you think of the rest of my ideas for zones? you may comment them too you know, not only my mistakes:p
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Green Hill Zone + Station Square = Best two Sonic levels.

Since Brawl demos are starting to be released to the public, there have been a lot of videos of gameplay recently. Those videos and more videos to come are being compiled on this thread over at Smash Boards forums.

I highly suggest that you watch those videos. Personally it gave me a lot of new insight on how the game physics work, what basic fighting looks like, and just how a lot of characters look/attack.

Dang, from watching those now I'm awaiting the release of Brawl more than ever, and I've got four months to go.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh, wow....Those videos revealed so much!

They revealed that each character has a special intro to that battle (i.e. Mario comes in from a pipe).

It showed that the mushrooms are coming back. As well as another new item. It's some sort of spikey thing that stick into things and stays there. Don't touch it!

It also revealed that you have to beat up a Smash Ball in order to use it. It showed a light saber type item. The homerun bat is different, this time around.

Wow, Sonic looks great!

Princess Peach's final smash puts everyone (besides herself) to sleep, and drops these little pink things all over the place.

WOW! The "under" area for the Fire Emblem stage was revealed! You're battling on a dangling rock over a huge, flaming, dark, dreary volcano!

Lol, Albino DK. Costume?

Yay, Sudden Death is back!

A new stage! Mario Circuit!

Well, there's a ton more, but I don't have time to post it all.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

and the party ball

and those spiney things are zoomers from the metroid series

and there is a "smart bomb" sonic throws up??

and the lip stick makes a return
and so does the fire flower... love the vid.... the guy said if the people who like a fast character like falco or fox, they;d like sonic, they are so wrone XD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
sure, why shouldn't i type blue? why is this feature available? to be used i think, no?
anyways, rayquaza as a pokéball Pokémon! now that would be sweet :p
what shud he use? outrage: flyes throughout the screen smashing into everybody scizzor-like? or use hyper beam from the background lugia-style? or something else? dragonclaw, or dragonrage perhaps? but how would that look like? or extrespeed? i'm wondering...

i would love to see a gardy come out and use psychic on everybody :p that would be like shoothing them all upwards or so :p with mediocre dmg (you can't make that move heavy dmg or they would all instantly die...) or make that heavy dmg, but make gardy a rare appearance like the legendaries in ssbm...i'd rather have the first thingy then, then i see it more^^


I am hoping that Rayquaza uses Flamethrower or Ancient Power because his attacks are very strong in the Pokemon games so they have to give Rayquaza an attack like Ho-oh has in Melee because he is a Legendary Pokemon.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

psycho_trainer said:
hey no copying my typingstyle:p
i always use italic text and blue is one of my favorite colours^^
how would you get the game, if they don't release it huh?
i'd love to see you try...
nintendo won't allow anymore copies going out since what happened when they fired someone, and that person released the game till that far on internet...

so don't bluff you'll get it before the release date, 'cause the release in america and asia will be the same date...and you CANNOT get it faster then that...

I alway type in blue font you could check every post I made from my first day which was more then a year ago.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Check out the new stage. It is huge but awesome. Oh don't forget there is weird dude the kills you if you get touched.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

YES I LOVED THAT EARTHBOUND STAGE! (cant wait to play on it :D)