SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
and you know what... sonic ruinened brawl in two ways:
1st of all he is only the run, jump, and collect the rings character.. no fighting what so ever
and 2nd he delayed the release of brawl because that M&S at the olympics was the first game with both of them in it, read this article: Sonic Delays SSBB Release

come on this is horrible news
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
ssb4ever said:
and you know what... sonic ruinened brawl in two ways:
1st of all he is only the run, jump, and collect the rings character.. no fighting what so ever
and 2nd he delayed the release of brawl because that M&S at the olympics was the first game with both of them in it, read this article: Sonic Delays SSBB Release

come on this is horrible news
No it not as long as the game come out and is good it doesn't matter so don't say that plus we don't know if he is the reason why.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

he delayed the game... would you have it like in february and have sonic or have it on December 3rd and not have sonic???? he delayed it basically, look at ssb dojo, the release date has changet to TBD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
he delayed the game... would you have it like in february and have sonic or have it on December 3rd and not have sonic???? he delayed it basically, look at ssb dojo, the release date has changet to TBD

I really don't care as long as it come out before 2010 which I think it will plus you don't know if it was really because of sonic.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
yes... alot of people think that he stinks... along with the ice climbers 0.o

Falco is among the top three characters in the game. (Them being Fox, Falco, and Marth) He has one of the greatest approaches (the short hop laser), and awesome short hop, great aerial attacks, probably the easiest and quickest spike in the game (the down aerial), and the ability to pillar people with his Down+B.

Falco does not stink. He's way too good.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
how come it changed when sonic was revield???

Maybe it change and so people won't notice they showed sonic so that people could still be happy it might not because of him.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever said:
ssb4ever said:
and you know what... sonic ruinened brawl in two ways:
1st of all he is only the run, jump, and collect the rings character.. no fighting what so ever
and 2nd he delayed the release of brawl because that M&S at the olympics was the first game with both of them in it, read this article: Sonic Delays SSBB Release

come on this is horrible news

This does not mean anything concrete. I haven't heard anything about the Olympic game being the first. It doesn't matter. Plus, all the Game Stops and EB Games have promised the game on Dec. 3. Perhaps they are just trying to create suspense.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

well they probobly have thousands of people in comas because of sonic in the game lol... but i have herd S&M at the Olympics bing the first game with both of them in the game...
ssb4ever goes and checks for the info
and what is better people:
C-Stick or Reguler A+Joy Stick
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I mean, at this point I could really care less if the game is delayed.


This really brightened up my day.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Arcanine 274 said:
Shadow being in it would be a bit of overkill. Sonic being it is cool. Can you imagine how fast those legs will go whenever he kicks?

Arcanine out.

I think he will glide a bit when walking because Sonic is for fast moving areas. Which they could adjust him to glide or slip and slide a bit when he moves along platforms. I hope he will be able to walk or run on walls or upside down while running.:) EDIT Do you guys realize that they are forgetting Lapras? They could make Lapras use Water absorb and heal 25% of your percentage or who ever throws the Pokeball Lapras.:) EDIT 12 AM. Check out Sonics special moves. They remind me of Samus's morph ball maneuvers in the Metroid games because of the way he moves like morph ball combined with boost ball does. I think Sonic is similar in a way to Samus because of the way he moves while in a ball if you know what I mean. The spring jump looks pretty sweet too.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Hmm, giving two moves to Sonic for his spin dash attack? That seems like a bit of a waste, but I guess I'll have to wait for the game to come out to see if it really hinders him or not.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

the special moves look cool..... Cant wait for this game to come out!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Nah, Sonic is the new Falco. Falco never had appealing looks for me. :/
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

sonic=albino hedgehog with sneakers / Falco=a Falcon with nice clothes, and cool guns =].
i never wanted sonic to join the game... i had a strong feeling he'd ruin it... what ever, he'll become the new jigglypuff... in the way of always battleing it because i thought it stunk (key word: thought) just think of all of the other 3rd party characters that could have filled that spot, like mega man or bomber man... or one of those people from ... uuuuu Nights :/... think about it =D
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Jigglypuff is bad (in my opinion) because it's a clone of Kirby who can't do anything. Sonic = / = Jigglypuff.