SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pokémon Trainer looks like a fun character to play as. He will probably be banned in tournaments, but I imagine that most of the games played both online and in real life will be casual battles. I like playing as characters that have random effects. It will be pretty difficult to use Pokémon Trainer effectively, though, as you have to keep switching out. I wonder what the people that play the demo will think of him.

The flight mechanism for Meta-Knight, Pit, and Charizard look pretty interesting so far... that opens up a whole different group of possible characters that we haven't considered before. I wonder if there will be any more winged characters...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Pimpwalkin' Mateo Johnson said:
DK's Final Smash (Konga Beat) and Pikachu's Final Smash (Volt Tackle) have both been showcased on the official site. You can see descriptions of both in the respective character's page.



Those final smashes were cool but I don't ever remember seeing them until now. When did they add them?:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They were added a while ago, when the site was still fairly new.

Peach's Final Smash looks okay I guess. Nothing too awesome, but what do you expect; It's Peach.
As long as stitchface is still in the game, Peach is fine.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

lol stitchface? :p the sick vegetable? :p
peache's final smash makes peaches appear :p:p lol
i'd rather go for the kill if there are chars with high percentages then eat peaches :p:p
especially with a homerun bat or bombs laying around....

indeed i forgot Pokémon could i? shame on me!! i think he will be one of the most difficult characters to manage, 'cause you actually have to learn 3 different styles of battlng: fast but not fairly strong: squirtle, mediocre strength and speed: ivysaur, uber strength but rather low speed: charizard...or i think it'll be something like this....
i would compare these three to: fox, mario and bowser, or something like that...
his final smash just has to hurt big time! it's gonna be interesting trying to dodge that :p:p

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

DocRobot_K-176 said:
Pokémon Trainer looks like a fun character to play as. He will probably be banned in tournaments, but I imagine that most of the games played both online and in real life will be casual battles.
Debatable. The ability/necessity to switch weakens him as a character. Even if the three Pokemon are really good, if he uses one too much, or switches between them too much, their stamina goes down and they become weaker. This will probably make him not banned in tournaments, but simply a very underused character. (Unless people find ways around his stamina-draining effect)

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

hmm, chances are inded that will happen...hmmm, i think if one plays enough with it, and becomes familiar with how long you can go with one poké it'll be a very strong char...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Peach's FS looks awesome. I'm absolutely in love with Peach as she is in my top 5 most used characters from SSBM and probably will continue. Lol Peach-y goodness. I'd pick up some and then blast any close oppoents in my way. I will then get some cream and pig out..:D:D

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.


Peach's Final Smash okay?!

I'd say it's one of the best Finals in the game, with Kirby's being the best!

1. Foes cannot avoid it.

2. You get to restore health, while foes are asleep.

3. You deal massive damage to a foe of choice while they are asleep. Imagine the possibilities!

4. No risk to it.

Kirby's is the best for those same reasons, except that the foes aren't completely imobilized while you restore all your damage. But, you restore much more damage with him, as well as getting delicious little items such as the Spicy thing. >:]

I can't even imagine what Lucas's Final Smash is going to be!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Speaking of the characters that can fly, doesn't Snake have the same ability? I saw some video clips with him hovering in the air, holding on to some sort of disc.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

No, Snake just hovers with the Cypher. It's like his "Up and B" attack.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Ah, I see. I'm still unsatisfied with the new characters. I would like to see Lucario or Infernape (I know... I'm dreaming) replace Mewtwo. At least put Chimchar in a PokeBall. :F
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, I seriously doubt Infernape, but Lucario is one of the most wanted characters in Brawl, and you remember what PMJ said a while back about him seeing something related to Lucario's voice acter on some official Brawl boards, I think.

And, you know, in Melee, there were four different playable Pokemon characters (one being a clone). So, if the Trainer only counts as one, then they have room for Lucario, and possibly one more.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Peach's final smash look pretty sweet because you can have a quick snack and then boo-ya and launch foes to sleep and off stage.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I hope Jigglypuff returns, as I like using Rest and Rollout to do quick strikes that send the opponent flying. I like to do it outside of 2 vs. 2 matches, especially when the other players are focusing on fighting each other. In SSBM, I'll Pound to set the opponent up on top of my character, and then use Rest to send them off the stage.

Lucario would be an awesome choice for a playable character. We need more playable Pokémon that are not 1st generation. The only one we have had so far is Pichu, who is just a Pikachu clone that seems to have a Life Orb attached (even though the Life Orb didn't exist back then, heh).

My guess is that Lucario would have moves similar to Mewtwo, but more energy-based attacks.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

DocRobot_K-176 said:
I hope Jigglypuff returns, as I like using Rest and Rollout to do quick strikes that send the opponent flying. I like to do it outside of 2 vs. 2 matches, especially when the other players are focusing on fighting each other. In SSBM, I'll Pound to set the opponent up on top of my character, and then use Rest to send them off the stage.

Lucario would be an awesome choice for a playable character. We need more playable Pokémon that are not 1st generation. The only one we have had so far is Pichu, who is just a Pikachu clone that seems to have a Life Orb attached (even though the Life Orb didn't exist back then, heh).

My guess is that Lucario would have moves similar to Mewtwo, but more energy-based attacks.

I am still waiting on Mewtwo and Rayquaza because Rayquaza could do a lot of damage if he has Ancient Power and I hope Mewtwo still has Shadow Ball and the UP+A move that launches them up and also the shocking foot was pretty sweet too. His Psychic was good for close range attacks so I am hoping for the return of Mewtwo and the debut of Rayquaza.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
I am still waiting on Mewtwo and Rayquaza because Rayquaza could do a lot of damage if he has Ancient Power and I hope Mewtwo still has Shadow Ball and the UP+A move that launches them up and also the shocking foot was pretty sweet too.
Rayquaza could probably end up being a Pokeball Pokemon, but I heavily doubt it could become an actual character. It has very little fanbase compared to other Pokemon fighters, and fighting as a giant serpent would just feel really odd.

DocRobot_K-176 said:
My guess is that Lucario would have moves similar to Mewtwo, but more energy-based attacks.
And ignore the fact that he could make a great physical fighter? Aura Sphere for his neutral B would make sense, but I would imagine a lot of his Smashes and Tilts to be punches or kicks.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I wish Lucario could be a playable character AND have Cresselia or Glaceon as a pokeball pokemon. Also, I think they should put the GGX series in, too. For instance, Dizzy NEEDS to be a playable character!!!!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Lucario actually has the next highest chance of being in the game, (even if we didn't see that they hired the announcer) next to Sonic, which is already in the game. Lucario is an actually fighter that can punch/kick so that's why he has the next highest chance. Plus, a ton of people want him in the game...

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
xxashxx said:
I am still waiting on Mewtwo and Rayquaza because Rayquaza could do a lot of damage if he has Ancient Power and I hope Mewtwo still has Shadow Ball and the UP+A move that launches them up and also the shocking foot was pretty sweet too.
Rayquaza could probably end up being a Pokeball Pokemon, but I heavily doubt it could become an actual character. It has very little fanbase compared to other Pokemon fighters, and fighting as a giant serpent would just feel really odd.


Sorry I meant Rayquaza as a Poke ball Pokemon and Mewtwo as a playable character. Rayquaza should be in. Actually I am 99.9% sure that he will be in becausy Kyogre and Groundon made it and they are the ones that were fighting in the games and we had to wake up Rayquaza to calm them down to get into Sootopolis city so I am almost positive that Rayquaza will be in Brawl and also it would not complete the Legendary trio without Rayquaza.:)