SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
Update from Nintendo Power. The reason why the game is delayed by about 2 months is because of the announcement of Sonic the Hedgehog. He was announced just days before the game was announced for the original release date so they had to postpone the release date to coincide with the announcement of Sonic the Hedgehog. It is not big news but it was enough for me to post it here. They also had the chance to play the game and 2 whole days to be exact. They said Sonic the Hedgehog is by far the best character of the entire game because of his speed and ability to move like he does in the Sonic games. Be sure to get this issue because it is in Pulse and in the regular pages of the magazine. You might see it on but I don't know.:) EDIT. They do not have the virtual pages of the issues any more from what I can see. I guess you will have to buy it to see the info on the scoop.:)

they did not say sonic was the best..just their favorite. i liked the little story of the super sonic being completely useless because he was up against a smash veteran who could dodge it every time
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I've found in a few places Aipom is might be the last in...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I saw that in my issue of NP as well. It's funny how they had like 2 pages of comments from their mistake. Ness hasn't officialy been confirmed as being in the game or not. I'm leaning toward the latter though.

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

It does happen and besides the new release date mean this game will be the best of all like some of us have noted and it means more time and other thing so this is something good and I wonder why it is not posted on the site.:) The reason not the release date. With all that said now we can breathe.:) EDIT. Friend list has been added. It looks like you can create taunt messages too.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, today marks the day that Brawl should've been out. (For all us Americans and Japanese)
I was expecting to see either a very interesting update today, or maybe at least Sakurai would pay homage to the fact that Brawl should've been released today, but no, he gives us this update that we basically knew was going to be in the game.

Well, here we are just like we were in October. Two months sounded like a period of time that would take forever waiting for Brawl, and we made it. Now with just another two months, does our Final Destination finally appear in reach?

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
Now with just another two months, does our Final Destination finally appear in reach?
Probably, or a stage very similar to it will appear, probably almost identical. :p

There seem to be 2 possible side-taunt texts, but besides that, nothing new, I guess the connection strength circle-thingy can be handy, but, well, it's not very revolutionary now, is it?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Forgive me but I haven't been following many of the updates and it feels kind of pointless to flog my way through endless video-clips, as well as making an entirely new thread, so I'll just ask here:

Has there been any evidense that the wave-dashing/shining trick is still possible in brawl? I never learned how to do that thing so I don't want to get owned. Same goes for other things like chain-throwing or whatever it's called.

Me is nub.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wavedashing seems to be completely gone, some people have been trying it out with no results. Something about the mechanic for Air Dodging changing. Whether there'll be something like it remains a mystery.

Yeah, I never quite mastered wavedashing myself, but, well, it worked with luigi...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

yeah i could kinda-sorta do the wavedash...but i could never get it to work right in combat..
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

well this is a obvious update. Of course there a friend list.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah that update was kinda a waste. Sigh... guess what would be happening today?
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

bacon said:
Has there been any evidense that the wave-dashing/shining trick is still possible in brawl? I never learned how to do that thing so I don't want to get owned.
Yup, Wavedashing is out. In the old game, the Wavedash was executed by jumping and immediately changing your momentum into the ground in front of you, and repeating.
In the new game, the airdodge is momentum based. By that I mean that you keep the same momentum you had before the airdodge, it's just that you're invincible for a short period of time. This thus makes it impossible to change your momentum into the ground, thus proving that Wavedashing is out.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Well, FC is obvious for a Wi-Fi game, but they're really a hassle when you come down to it.

Every Wi-Fi game so far,(that I have) has Friend Codes, but they also have the option to battle w/o FC. I sincerely hope that that specific feature makes its way into 'Brawl. Taunting is pretty cool.

Yes, today was the original release date for Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and this kind-of sucks, that even though the game will be better with extra development time, we still have to wait another 2 months, which we just go through waiting for. Personally, what a waste. :F

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Nah, Sonic isn't the reason why the date has been prolonged, Nintendo's just bluffing. The REAL reason is that they're developing their best character, Princess Shroob, and it's taking a long time. ;p

Meh, not much of an update....

Wow, I just looked, and the last character update was on October 25th! It's been about a month and a half now! We need some good updates! >:[

d master31192385910329567 said:
Every Wi-Fi game so far,(that I have) has Friend Codes, but they also have the option to battle w/o FC

They do have this in Brawl. Check the Wifi update.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Oh I see now; just didn't remember if they made the update. Sonic is the reason they want us to believe, but you can believe that Princess Shroob will be in 'Brawl, 'Shroob. Just keep dreaming in la-la-land and a butler will serve you shortly. :p

EDIT: Don't add extra numbers on my name w/o permisson first.:( My name is not d master31192385910329567, at least get the "342" part right, jeez. :F

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Not really because it took forever for Sonic to be in the game. The same goes for Yoshi and it is taking longer for Mewtwo and he should be there sometime soon.:) EDIT 11:30 PM Check out the returning Pokemon from Melee and they look better than ever before and Mew and Celebi are back and occasionally drop items. Mew and Celebi are the only Pokemon that will drop an item.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Good update but I wish the pokemon actually had brawl graphix
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

They look better than they did in Melee. They looked cool then but they looked better now. Expect an update from WPM because I just PM'd him about 3 minutes ago. He should have a blurb in his next update.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

i can't believe it was suppose to be yesterday when the game would be released. we would of all been so happy but than they decided to change it. one upside is that i can buy it off release, because my mom won't let me buy stuff in december beacause of X-mas. if only they could of released it in January. nice update with the old pokemon but where is Raikou? and i doubt blastoise, Venasure (sorry i can't remember how to spell it) and Charzard will (as a pokeball) will be in the game but maybe different starters. remember how weird blastoise sounded in the N64 version of smash. but anyways of release think to the brighter side it could have been released later!
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

OMG xxxashxxx: mewtwo probably won't be in the game...he just plain sucked balls (sry for the language)
second: i don't mind having some old pokés back, they were cool :d
there probably will be another event called: legendary pokémon :d:d i actually succeeded in giving a female wire frame 999% in it :d:d

the last 8 updates or more were horrible...especially wario-man....-,-

and about the prolonged waiting time: we can't help or do anything about it: so deal with it...but always keep in mind: the longer they wait, the better it iwll be...they are doing it for us after all...they could've brought it yesterday, but maybe there would've been flaws or mistakes in it that ruined the game a bit for now they are working to obtain perfection :d:p
