SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Widescreen support is cool, but on my Widescreen TV, I don't like using Full that much on the games. I don't see how having it Wide would hurt the game. :F

The Donkey Kong mix is so cool. It brings back old memories from back in the good ole' days. I'm going to play it 200 more times until my head explodes! :p

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

xxashxx said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
It BETTER be Lucario, Mewtwo, or Jigglypuff. :p

I am hoping for Mewtwo because Mewtwo is just the best and strongest Psychic Pokemon there is. Mewtwo is basically the Psychic form of Charizard.:)

Except incredibly slow XD
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

there is going to be no daisy! that's becasue peach has an alternative colour looking like her. plus what would her movests be like?
when they do add Luigi i wonder if he has the vacuum like mario has fludd. or maybe he will have movests from mario strikers
one more thing to add i hope they don't add any rip off characters like young link, ganandorf, or pichu.
falco was the only cool one
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LofaKing said:
there is going to be no daisy! that's becasue peach has an alternative colour looking like her.
This statement is false.
Mario has kept his alternate costume that colors him like Wario, yet Wario is still in the game.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

And don't say there's no moveset for Daisy either. You'll get killed by PMJ if he catches you said that. Look a couple pages back to see his incredibly thoughtful movset for Daisy. (See PMJ, I like Daisy too, XD)

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
LofaKing said:
there is going to be no daisy! that's becasue peach has an alternative colour looking like her.
This statement is false.
Mario has kept his alternate costume that colors him like Wario, yet Wario is still in the game.

Wario's outfit isn't his old school one. It's his WarioWare outfit, completely different from the yellow and purple garments of old. Until we see Wario in those clothes, that's actually the one reason why there's no way Daisy could be in. So while I want to use my mod powers to smite the unbeliever, I'll pass because what he says is essentially truth.

And speaking of Wario... his Final Smash was finally revealed today.

And I didn't think it was possible, but I do believe his is worse than Diddy's. I'll hold off on final judgment until I actually see it in action. For his bike to instantly KO you, his form had better be the best thing in the universe.

I wonder what happens if you ride his bike while trapped somewhere? Do you go so fast you just explode? Hm...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Silver said:
xxashxx said:
Water Pokémon Master said:
It BETTER be Lucario, Mewtwo, or Jigglypuff. :p

I am hoping for Mewtwo because Mewtwo is just the best and strongest Psychic Pokemon there is. Mewtwo is basically the Psychic form of Charizard.:)

Except incredibly slow XD

I am glad he is slow because the other characters are too fast except for Bowser and Yoshi. I could play all characters on the N64 because they were the right speed and they did not have the side moves like in Melee like Pikachu's Skull Bash. If I try to d his other move Quick Attack I can't do the 2nd direction of it because it does not give me time to respond to the 2nd direction like it does on the N64. I am glad Mewtwo is nice and slow and also steady. I would use the other characters a whole lot more if their attacks were slower.:) EDIT. Check out Wario's Final Smash. It is really weird and may be one of the worst from what I see anyway.:)
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

LofaKing said:
one more thing to add i hope they don't add any rip off characters like young link, ganandorf, or pichu.
falco was the only cool one

ok, first of: ganondorf has never been a ripoff character like pichu (pichu was basicly a clone of pikachu that hurted himself while doing his moves....) and young link is a younger version of link, with the exact same moveset...(some moves have small different effects...)
ganondorfs moveset was unique, and why do i think his is unique, and not falcon's? because the first game to appear in legend of zelda was in 1987, while f-zero didn't appear till mid 1990's...therefore, ganon existed first, and is the unique character...

falco was more a ripoff character then ganon actually, he was almost a double from fox...same smashes, same air moves, laser has small knockback while fox can keep shooting...and fire fox has a longer reach then falco's....same for the special side move....

ok, back to the updates: wario's final smash ^^ ow man, now he just looks like a stupid OHKO's you....he can fly though, that's a good thing...i suppose:p
i wonder what his charged fart will do when he is like that...they say his special moves are stronger...would he cover half the stages in an explosion or something? :p
i think it is safe to say: it's the worst FS till now...although...if he is invincible during the wrio-man period, it may not be so bad...but i don't recall reading anythin about being invincible...

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

C'mon, unless his speed has doubled or it lasts until KO, it's safe to say this is one of the worst FSes, probably onlu surpassed by ZS-Samus. Unlike Yoshi's, you can actually go avoiding Wario, since it's probably a very slow character. I guess it can be useful on small fields, but still, those moves don't see to do too much damage...
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

We can't make assumptions so far on the power of Super Wario's moves. For all we know, the could be along the same strength as Giga Bowser's.

And hey, at least it's not as bad as DK's.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Yeah, I mentioned avoiding didn't I? Warioman is the same size as wario, giga Bowser is not, let's stick with that. I guess flying helps, so we'll have to see how controllable it is.

I guess they could have just given him different moves, instead of just powering up its older, at least that would've been interesting.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Lol warioman why couldnt they have just made him do a big fart or something
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

Wario-Man kinda reminds me of a Whammy.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I don't see the really bad sides of Wario's Final Smash, except that he doesn't grow, and he's still slow.

He has an OHKO move, which is more than I can say for Diddy/ZSS. He also looks kind-of cool, as well.

Being able to block attacks and dish out more powerful ones is really cool as well. I don't see the big deal of Wario being bad. ://

dmaster out.
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.



that pic is so wrong with the hand positions.... that is sooooo wrong 0.0
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ihave to correct my self on the daisy thing. she might appear but i think she might do something from strikers like her crystal fist ,crystal mountain pop up, and teleporting abilities. but other wise wario's final would be like a huge nuke fart like in the movie seen but i guess not. it would of been way better ko'ing everybody or at least poisining them or in that order
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ssb4ever, I thought the exact same thing when I first saw that picture this morning.
I guess he's doing the wave with his arms or something? I hope so.

RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

ChanseyMaster said:
ssb4ever, I thought the exact same thing when I first saw that picture this morning.
I guess he's doing the wave with his arms or something? I hope so.


i hope so too lol
RE: The official Super Smash Bros Brawl thread.

I don't think Wario's Final Smash is going to be all that great compared to the other characters because it looks like they only do the same amount of damage that Giga Bowser does in Melee. It was a lot of damage but not as much of other Final Smash attacks would do. Personally I think it will be pretty weak compared to other characters Final Smash attacks.:) EDIT 12:24 AM. Event match is back and you can set your own difficulty and this time you are competing against the clock for high scores but no word if there are stages or characters at stake or how many event matches.:)