c-m = cute-mew = my previous nick = still my official abbreviation, thank you for confusing me like that.
Feint seems way too overpowered, because if you hit an opponent anyways, you can just keep on spamming him/her with that attack, it's just too good. Auto-hit attacks also require no ability whatsoever, just use, run away or use again, back to step 1.
Day so-many, we have forgotten who we are, who we were, what we did, what our purpose was, our hope, our life, ourselves. We've been waiting, waiting for so long, waiting with little to no hope left, waiting, waiting for what might not come, waiting for a clue, waiting for a sign. We've been waiting for so long now. I think we're going to have to eat each other soon, as there is no other option, and the waiting is killing us. Why won't there be a sign? Why won't they come? Why won't they spoil it? WHY??? Where are you, oh, ... Jigglypuff