Finished Starter RPG - Part 3 - War of the Gods (Over, Waiting for Confirmation on Part 4)

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RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Yeah, because attacking Arceus last time was so sucessful! Fighting him again would be suicide. Besides, he kept Ashka alive. Maybe he has changed. Why do you want to kill him so badly in the first place? What we need to do is find Ashka a body, and quick"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OOC: Me? How'd I lead you into a trap? And I was just introducing the return of my character. Gah, whatever, I guess I won't be participating in this RPG...
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"If Arcues dies, Norzy is free from fighting in his own mind, and I would then be released. Ashka is just as important though."
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OoC: I was talking to Natas... Pretty sure I said that. But please guys can we stop with the OoC only posts?

IC: "You expect us to risk our lives so that hyper active Turtwig can be free from his need to fight? I am not trying to be rude here, I am just saying things as they are. Surely we can find some kind of shrink for him to talk to."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

I will join now....

Pokemon: Not Porygon, so Pokabu.
Name: Pory3
Appearance: Has an additional brain, transplanted. Made of a super computer.
Character: Not too emotional. Processes data before he emits it.
Other: Always has to open files before using them.

IC: Pory3 was trotting through the forest when he heard some people talking. He accessed the file languages.exe to identify what they were speaking and in which language, and then turned up his sound recording gaige to maximum. He continued to trot, and listened to their conversation as he went.

Pory3 burst in onto the scene by accident. He accessed the file speaking.exe and started. "GREETINGS. I AM PORY3. MY FULL ITLE IS PORISTICAL-37. MOST CALL ME PORY3 FOR THE SAKE OF TIME AND CONVENIENCE. I BELEIVE TO HAVE FOUND A SOLUTION TO OYR PROBLEM THAT WAS STORED IN MY DATA BANKS." Pory3 started accessing the files.
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Natas spoke to Seare, "I know a place, inside a dormant volcano, where Fire Pokemon live...We will go there, find a pokemon with a similar age and gender to Ashka..." The Typhlosion sat down, his wings expanded as he sat down. "...And remove the soul of the pokemon with the latter..."

Pyro hid behind Seare, scared stiff of Natas...
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"Let's go fight Arceus together Norzy! Use your incredibly convenient teleport ability to take us to his fortress!"
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"But what happens to the pokemon whose soul we steal?"
Just then, a Pokabo rushed into their group. He started yelling something to them.
uh-oh. A socially awkward pig. Just what we need
"Uh hi there. Who exactly are you?"
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"One, Norzy is elsewhere. Two, we aren't going anywhere until we get Ashka a body. We could quite simply transport her spirit into a hard drive of a Porygon. Or whatever."
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"File found. I'm not a socially awkard pig either. I am an example of modern science and technology. I am a Pokabu with a digital addition to my brain. If you want to her my idea to end your dilemma, ask again."
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Seare was shocked by what Pory3 had just said.
"Did you just... read my thoughts?"
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"Once you explain what the verb to her is, sure." said Mijee, rolling his eyes. "I have to point out the sun is going down and we haven't got anywhere. I think it's about time we summoned Arceus." And, taking a mysterious bottle from his satchel and drinking it, he vanished with a pop.
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"Hey guys whats up!"Squit yelled as he popped up out of the ground behind seare.
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Mijee appeared from thin air in a hall with magnificent golden arches curving to form a peaked roof. Marble was cold beneath his feet, and the air cold against his skin. Colossal statues towered up in imposing lines, all of one Pokemon - Arceus. They streched out through the circular dome, and met in the middle where there stood the Alpha Pokemon itself. Mijee was 20 yards from this. Arceus raised his head instantly.

"Who has the ignorance to disturb me in the heart of my kingdom..." he uttered, voice bouncing endlessly of the walls. Mijee shook all over. "We need a body to put Ashka in. Your other body is not enough. It will deteriorate soon." he muttered. Arceus rose up, enraged. "I do something for one who is nigh on insignificant to me, and you come pleading for more? I will destroy you, and you will get everything you deserve." An orb of crackling, limitless energy began to swirl around Arceus' mouth. Mijee grabbed his bottle, and began to fumble with the lid, but it slipped from his hands and shattered on the floor. Mijee was lost. He was stuck, facing imminent death. There was nothing to lose. He flung himself screaming at Arceus, and the ball hit him and consumed him. But he still flew towards Arceus, and came into contact with him. Arceus howled with despair "Nooooooooooooooo!"

The blast radius was huge. Everything within a mile was obliterated, and the group of Pokemon heard it too.
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"Not exactly. I translated the wavelengths emitted from your brain, and translated them into typical language from a jumble of sounds. A lot alike to it, and you could call it that. It's a handy knack of having a brain the size of a planet with an electronic transplant. You can do a lot more."
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OoC: Does the name 'Marvin the Paranoid Android mean anything to you Porygon3?

IC: Mijee's brother, Denju, came hurrying out from the woods. "Has anyone seen Mijee here?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

OOC: yes. It does. If I were you, make a form for
Denju too.

IC: "Well? I haven't got all day! Brain the size of a planet and all they ask him to do is close a door Pory3 sat down in the mud, when Denju ran into him. "Ouch!" he cried.
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Name: Denju
Pokemon: Mijumaru
Appearance: - Futachimaru blue. Wears a satchel and has no shell.
Other: Mijee's brother.

IC: "Ow! Who are you? And why are you depressed? And where is Mijee? Did you guys hear the explosion?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

Seare jumped when Squirt jumped up behind him, then settled down.
"Pory3, please stay out of my mind, kay?"
Suddenly a blinding light consumed him followed by a huge boom. The ground shook and Seare fell to the dirt. The light passed and Seare looked at the other Pokemon.
"What in the world was that?"
RE: Starter RPG - Sequel - Just post a form and you will be automatically accepted

"I'll check it out..." Natas flapped his wings and flew in the direction of the explosion. He came back a few seconds later, a strange light blue orb in his hand. "Someone tried to suicide bomb Arceus, however, judging by how we still exsist...They failed in killing him..."

Pyro started to relax a little, he didn't seem to want to hurt him...
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