Finished Stewart Hall Academy~Check post 3466 to see if you got in!

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RE: Stewart Hall Academy

Mack heads off a little north of route 6 to a small poke'egg farm.
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

ooc i'll assume your walking with me to my house so i won't be alone :D

"ya alot of things have changed these last couple of years... we moved a truck over yonder and found a mew..."

Mack heads inside his house towards his room.

(lol i had to mention that 'glitch' from yellow :p)
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"only my luxray, typhlosion, swampert, and garchomp. they sound strong but there all fresh evolved so there still needing training."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"Serenity? How about we do a little sight-seeing around here. What do you say?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"rite this way."

Mack leads her to the back of the house outside to a greenhouse then down the stairs to a room filled with pokemon. everywhere you looked you saw a salamence or bygon or chickorita or even shellos's.

"now where are my guys..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"no just me and my parnets... we are a egg farm we hatch eggs make eggs then evolve the pokemon..."
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

"can't say i have..."

Mack gathers his pokemon and puts them in their balls.

"ready to go..?"
RE: Stewart Hall Academy

OOC:eek:k Serenity got a basic (female) Snorunt.Bad timing for me lol.
"So Chris what is your Family like?"
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