Suggestions / Feedback for Website and Forums

An Introduction Place

Amazing layout!
This is a not-so-important-suggestion but it may help. Where it says "new reply" and "new thread", you should change the bakground or the words' color to white, because it's a bit difficult to read. We all know which is which but a new member may get confused...
Fire Pok�mon supporter said:
This is a not-so-important-suggestion but it may help. Where it says "new reply" and "new thread", you should change the bakground or the words' color to white, because it's a bit difficult to read. We all know which is which but a new member may get confused...
Seconding. I almost made a mistake once with those.

Also I think the 'New Reply' should be changed to just Reply. The new part is probably what threw me off most of all.
We need an In-sider secion on the forum of some sort for important Pokemon news like championchips and release date.:)
I doubt you can do it, but can you tweak the forum settings a little so that we can put our friend code into our bio (where the MSN ID, Yahoo ID, etc. is)?
DtD said:
An Introduction Place

Amazing layout!

An introduction forum would be necessary to avoid random posts in forums they don't belong to. I see a lot of, "Hi I'm new here" posts.

Also, I would like to see an "always on top" option for the buddy list, so that when I click another window, it won't minimize and I can always see the updates.
I think you should add a new scetion for the Wi-fi league. Call it "Quick Wants", and every thread in it should be some thing like this: "Need ??? Pokemon, ?? Nature, (Additional info)
I got a good suggestion.

I'm getting sick of people posting "remove card X and Y because these cards will be out of format soon", despite the fact that the deck is DX-On. As such, I say we should make it MANDATORY to put a tag for the deck, so that everyone can see which format you'll play with it. Everyone NOT putting a tag should have their deck topic closed and get warnings on repeated offenses, and everyone posting "Remove card X and Y as they're not HL-On" in for example a DX-On deck should get warnings too, maybe suspensions on repeated offenses.

The tags I'd see are:
[EX-On] (Some countries play it)
[DX-On] (My nats are in DX-On so why would I want to play HL-On already?)
[Unl] (Unlimited)
[Help] (If you have a deck which you want to get to a specific format, you can add this deck because you might not now what is in a format, or you are very new, etc etc).

I think it'd help the deck section out a lot.
I think this place is too full of poll's :/ I suggest all polls be moved to an area where they can't add postcount for replying. Most polls here don't spur any kind of real conversation. They are a waste of time and space.
Nah, it's not against the rules.

Suggestion Proposal:

Well, I proposed this before, and WPM said he would do something about it. And I wonder if WPM is irritated with me for it. ^^

I also understand that WPM is a busy person and so are our other staff members, and so, to avoid making all of you even busier, I suggest you let our members do it.

Still wonderin what I'm saying? Yes, PokeBeach needs more stuff on the video games. And you don't have to put it up on the main site. Let the forum members write up in the forum. There are many members in this forum who are good in gaming and can write good articles. (I'm not referring to me)

Yes, I understand also that we are going slowly. I can see that PMJ's walkthrough is supported by the site administration. But "walking" through the game isn't the only part about it.

I wonder if WPM is even angrier at me now. ;D
Why would I be angry? Why is everyone always afraid of me? o_O

Basically, I'll say this. When the new layout and TCG content goes up, I'll focus on the forums and the video games. That's been the plan!
Ok then, another suggestion.

Ever since the Wi-Fi League came along, an increasing amount of spammers have come to the forum. Since Porygon is already dealing with the Trading Corner, and no moderator specifically handles the Wi-Fi League, I suggest you appoint *some moderator* or appoint dedicated members (such as Kevin Garrett, one of the most active and non-nooby members in the League) to have moderating abilities.

Also, I rarely see moderators (except the occassional visits from PMJ and Bacon) at the gaming forum, so yea.

Oh, you said you'll attend to the forum after the TCG sections are up...Ok then...
also there is a Seriously big amount of Leagues maybe there should be a rule that Gets your league a certain amount a members in a certain amount of time.
There is alot of leagues that never made it big and just cluttering around.
They should be deleted, so should Leagues that have no hope.
People just want to start things there either going to get alot of feed back or just clutter space in the Thread area.
The Gaming center definantly needs a moderator.
I've got a suggestion. You should make it so you can search people in certain threads instead of just forums. It's really hard to find that one post in about forty pages of posts.
This place really need more mods or some more mod activity.

-The TCG questions area is out of control with people answering questions that have already been answered. They just keep repeating what has alrady been said :/
-There is also serious offing going on in TCG questions.
-I think TCG questions should be for TCG RULINGS questions only! People keep coming to ask what they should play in a deck or what a sertan deck does. I think they don't belong there.

-In other areas I see the same thing going on. Lots of offing and stupid pointless messages floating around. They should be DELETED so they don't take out space and people keep seeing how someone was stupid enough to get them selves banned. It's a good example but the stupid messages just keep lingering there :/

I like this forum cause it's not as crowded as many other english forums. A good wi-fi trading area (with it's own problems) and nice people hanging around. But after being an admin at our countrys official pokemon forum for almost two years makes me see all the bad things around here that just don't work. This forum needs a rougher admin or mods.

Just a suggestion. I'd like to keep coming here and enjoying this place even more. If there's anything you can do, it would be really nice.
Another suggestion....

Now I'm sure this has been mentioned before but I think strongly about this. Instead of letting dead threads just sit so that newer members can gain more experience, you should have an automatic lock or something so that it locks immediately after two weeks (except for stickied threads). If you can't do that maybe you could just have mods make sure to lock them. I just went into General Pokemon Discussion and saw that more than half of the top threads were locked.