Suggestions / Feedback for Website and Forums

I would like to see a misprint list of cards on the main site so we can see all the cards with mistakes. The reason why is some of us here on the forums don't understand the attacks when it is a misprinted card. Blaine's Charizard is a prime example because of if it is really a misprint or real card. The way I see it it can be played either with fighting energy or fire energy. We need a misprint list of all the cards with mistakes.:)
Wow, I got an idea!!! How about (I saw that on one of Slovene sites, don't know how complicated it really is) you make pokemon pictures and you make that thing you many times see on the TV. That you send SMS on some number and get some picture on your mobile, for like background or something. I think that would be really cool, just don't know how hard/easy it is.

I don't know if anyone has come up with this suggestion, but on my friend's Serebii forum, there are Smilies of mini sprite Pokemon that you see in your party and move. I was wondering if we could possibly get some!
Señor Noobnerd said:
Smilies of Pokemon to be added to the current collection of :) :D :p etc.?

It is possible. But, do not follow the SPPf's way of making it appear, ie [359]. It is better if it is like this: [Absol]
It is a fascinating idea but personally, I think that there are currently more important things to work on now.
Señor Noobnerd said:
It is a fascinating idea but personally, I think that there are currently more important things to work on now.

You really have nothing to do but to turn down everyone's ideas, do you? Personally, I think that it is a good idea. It adds more life to the forum. Yes, it is not something that its highly sought after (Like a new Sub-forum for RMT & Competitive Battling), but it is still nifty.
No seriously, WPM is having a very hard time getting the new site content up. Site content > smilies.
I think it's nifty too.

But he's right. There are more important things that need to be done first.
IIRC, for these kind of technical stuff, it's all developed by MyBB, so WPM would have to approach them for the codes in order to put new things in. It's a tedious thing. But, like PMJ said, nifty.
I think that there should be a part of ths site with more explicit content. I have been wanting to show some pictures to people but they are to.... ya know. I just really want to show good pictures with good quality but I can't because it shows a little much.... (I'm not a sicko with problems I just see those kind of pictures on certain sites.)
No, we must make the entire forum family-friendly. That's why we don't have a flame forum and do not tolerate cussing.
Smilies will be the last thing on WPM's list because of the layout that is coming and like the mods posted there is a lot to be worked on first. They are not turning anything down. It is just not time yet.:)
Magicmew said:
New site content? There will be new site content?
Why do you think WPM is so busy then?

However, I think everything of the content will be TCG-based.
Dragon Rider Of PokeBeach said:
I think that there should be a part of ths site with more explicit content. I have been wanting to show some pictures to people but they are to.... ya know. I just really want to show good pictures with good quality but I can't because it shows a little much.... (I'm not a sicko with problems I just see those kind of pictures on certain sites.)

... Okay..... You could just PM those images to the people you want to see them.
Absol said:
Señor Noobnerd said:
It is a fascinating idea but personally, I think that there are currently more important things to work on now.

You really have nothing to do but to turn down everyone's ideas, do you? Personally, I think that it is a good idea. It adds more life to the forum. Yes, it is not something that its highly sought after (Like a new Sub-forum for RMT & Competitive Battling), but it is still nifty.
Thank you for trying to help me here! I know WPM has a hard time working and all, but still, it would be nice to have them. What "current" things are we talking about here? I've been sticking with Pokebeach, but don't just turn my idea down! You other mods can try to help too. It's not all WPM's job.
We have absolutely zero control on the site and very limited control on the forums. Therefore, we cannot add smilies, blah.

Currently, WPM is working on the site content.
"Board Statistics" displays users active in the past 15 minutes. Often, that causes a problem for me when I try to PM a person for a trade on WiFi, only to realize that he/she is gone. Is there a better way to track that status without tracking hits on the site?

If that's not possible, I would like it to be 5 or 10 minutes instead of 15 to minimize that WiFi problem.