Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

That was a great video! I actually expected the 3DS and Wii U versions to come out at the same time time (late 2014) because of the need to promote the Wii U. I'm happy I'll have the 3DS version of SSB to play before my Master's program starts in the fall! I'm hoping it doesn't come out until July though so I won't be too distracted by the game to study for an important test. =P Greninja was an unexpected choice for me, but it makes sense. He's very popular in the new games, from what I've seen, and the ninja style could make for some creative gameplay. Charizard is cool too, but I'm hoping that him being the only one mentioned out of the three Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon (from Brawl) doesn't mean that Ivysaur and Squirtle aren't in the game. Since Zero Suit Samus got in (and she was probably the least used character I've seen in Brawl), I'm hoping they can get in as well!

I'm excited for this game, it looks like it'll be great! :D
I expected a water type Pokemon to be in with Charizard but did not know which one would make the cut. Now I wonder what the grass Pokemon will be? Meganium maybe or Venusaur? Hmm got me wondering now XD.:)
I'm really quite surprised they're releasing the 3DS version earlier than the Wii U one. I don't really understand the logic in their thinking there. I would imagine they would want it on both so people don't buy the 3DS one and then just not care about the Wii U one 4-6 months later. Quite puzzling especially considering both versions look like they'd be able to launch at the same time from the footage shown...

Anyway, I absolutely love that the stages will all be getting the "Final Destination" treatment in the For Glory mode. When he first announced it, I chuckled at the often quoted "Fox only, no items, Final Destination only" thing but this adds quite a lot of variety into those matches which is fan-freaking-tastic. I also like that they're ditching the transformations and making a lot of improvements with them (like Samus rocket heels, that's some badass shiz right there) and separating Charizard from the Trainer garbage.

dmaster out.
professorlight said:
Wait... ZSS and sheik are now independent from zelda and samus?

Indeed they are. Frankly I'm not entirely disapointed on Samus' case since I often played as ZSS in brawl when smashball was turned off just because I figured out how to use her stun to be annoying (if nothing else). Using a charged stun right made A-smash (yes, I always use the GC controller. Deal with it) charging a breeze even if her damage output was weaker than most other characters.
iSharingan said:
(yes, I always use the GC controller. Deal with it)

Wait, you mean people use controllers other than the gamecube one?

Anyway, I'm actually really hyped for Charizard, since I guess you could call him my main in Project M. Just hoping that he doesn't end up being awful, which is entirely possible considering the fact that most large, heavy characters tend to be far worse than everyone else.
iSharingan said:
professorlight said:
Wait... ZSS and sheik are now independent from zelda and samus?

Indeed they are. Frankly I'm not entirely disapointed on Samus' case since I often played as ZSS in brawl when smashball was turned off just because I figured out how to use her stun to be annoying (if nothing else). Using a charged stun right made A-smash (yes, I always use the GC controller. Deal with it) charging a breeze even if her damage output was weaker than most other characters.

Well, it's not that it affects me much anyway; I always started with ZSS and only learned to use samus and sheik because sometimes zelda was too slow and I couldn't let the foe get the smash ball.
I'm with dmaster on the separate launches. This and Mario Kart were my main reasons for even wanting to buy a Wii U in the first place, but I already have a 3DS. Even though I'm still probably going to get the Wii U for Kart, getting the Wii U version of SSB is less likely now. Ah well, their loss.
Separate launches help and hurt them in different ways. If they were to release both at the same time, the two versions would essentially compete with each other. By staggering them, you let people try out the 3DS one, marvel at how amazing it is, and then thereby encourage those people to go out and buy the Wii U version when it's eventually released. At least, that's the theory.

Unfortunately, that's a strategy for selling software--what they really need to do with Smash is move as many Wii U's off shelves as possible. By releasing the 3DS version early, you discourage hardware sales because it's hard to incentivize people to buy a Wii U for a game that has already been out for several months.
I think they're probably also banking on holiday sales making up for SSB Wii U sales. I can see people thinking "I wouldn't buy this on my own, but it's something I could ask mom/grandpa/aunt/etc to buy me for Christmas." But, like you said, that only helps if people already have the system. I myself know a decent amount of people who whom SSB was the game that would get them to buy the Wii U; I wonder how much that will change now.
The launch date announcment kind of upset me, I was originally planning on getting the Wii U version first, and then the 3DS version a month or two after. But the final trailer made up for it!! :D I got goosebumps when Charizard and Mario were running after each other, and then my entire body got chills when Greninja stood up right on the branch! :D

Did anyone catch this? The arenas that are in each version are based off games that were released for that system, right? Well, in the final trailer, (showcasing Greninja's moves), two of the Elite Four Chambers from the Kalos region's Pokémon League appeared as arenas in the Wii U version. Pokémon X&Y are 3DS games... am I missing something?
I'm excited to hear that other stages have "Final Destination" versions of them. It's nice to have a little variety after almost always playing on FD or Battlefield. As a Melee player, I'm pretty pumped.

I may have completely missed this, but is wavedashing being included in the new SSB?

Blah said:
Just hoping that he doesn't end up being awful, which is entirely possible considering the fact that most large, heavy characters tend to be far worse than everyone else.

Ganondorf in Melee?
eeeeeI was shocked to see Greninja confirmed as playable, but it makes sense. I'm excited to get my hands on him and try him out.

FD versions of stages is great. Great, great, great. Speaking of, SSB4 FD looks rad.

Releasing the 3DS version early is... eh. It's tempting is what it is. Smash Run being a 3DS exclusive makes me want to buy it, especially since I am a huge fan of Kirby Air Ride (actually just bought this game a couple weeks ago after not owning it for years)... but is it worth it to basically buy it again a few months later just to play it on the big screen?

From a business standpoint, staggering the releases is a genius idea, but sucks for consumers. If there's any reason to buy a Wii U, it'll be this coming winter (if Mario Kart 8 wasn't a big enough reason to get one).

I'm a little disappointed that the 3DS version only has two tracks per stage, but the Wii U version has several.

For Glory mode is looking to be amazing. Here's hoping it lives up to the hype.

I'm not sure that balancing Little Mac's huge strength by giving him a garbage recovery is the way to go. He's starting to sound like Ganondorf.

Dedede throwing Gordos only is hilarious.

CUSTOM MOVESETS. Sounds like a great thing for friends but will probably be banned from competitive play.

Get hype.
PMJ said:
CUSTOM MOVESETS. Sounds like a great thing for friends but will probably be banned from competitive play.

Get hype.
If you remember, that's exactly what they said. Custom movesets will work offline and with friends, but not in other online play. Let the FC exchanges commence :p
I mean for competitive smash (which is done locally), custom movesets will probably be banned.
The staggered release is great for me, but then I have a brother with a 3DS who's just as big a Smash fan as I am. So it's almost like we're getting the game early.

For the general public I can certainly see it being not so great. The logic of, "I already own the game, why buy it again?" is definitely going to hurt. But then... the game is in people's hands regardless.

May as well throw out the sales it would have given to Wii U though, lol. The 3DS's userbase is gargantuan compared to the U's.
I really hope that the Wii U version will amaze us even more to get some more hype and sales for that with the staggering of releases.
It would also be pretty cool for the Wii U version to have an exclusive (other than high-definition graphics) that would help soften the blow of having to essentially buy the same game twice (exclusive stages don't really count). Smash Run is sounding pretty awesome, and it's kind of a shame that it's 3DS-only.
Guys. The 3DS version is coming out first because more users own a 3DS instead of a Wii U. I am glad it is coming to the handheld first because I don't have a Wii U. Yeah I am glad they got rid of the transformations because that used space that could have been used for more attacks. As I mentioned on another forum that actually left players vulnerable to direct hits and could be easily KO'd while you are transforming. That left players wide open to attack and other players had too much advantage of doing damage. This fixes that flaw and before they did not have the space. On the GCN they had a lot of room to work with but not enough to display the transformation characters. Now that technology has improved over the last few years they can just put the characters a regular characters and this adds more room for more attacks. You can do a lot more than ever before. Don't forget your 3DS can be used as a controller if your friend has the Wii U version for online play. This also could be why the Wii U version is coming out later as well.:)