XY Sylveon's type is pink

frezgle said:
The problem I have with the popular Fairy type theory is that there's already a Fairy egg group (which, incidentally, none of Eevee's current evolutions belong to). Sooo much retconning to be had. ._.

Wait a second.

Some Egg groups: Dragon, Bug, Flying
Some Types: Dragon, Bug, Flying

-Pokemon in Bug egg-group who ARE NOT Bug type:
Gligar, Gliscor, Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon, Drapion
-Pokemon who are Bug type, but ARE NOT in Bug egg-group:
Shedinja, Anorith, Armaldo
-Pokemon in Dragon egg-group who ARE NOT Dragon type:
Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard, Ekans, Arbok, Horsea, Seadra, Magikarp, Gyarados, Treecko, Grovyle, Sceptile, Swablu, Seviper, Feebas, Milotic, Scraggy, Scrafty,
-Pokemon who are Dragon type, but ARE NOT in Dragon egg-group:
Vibrava, Flygon
-Pokemon in Flying egg-group who ARE NOT Flying type:
-Pokemon who are Flying type, but ARE NOT in Flying egg-group:
Charizard, Butterfree, Scyther, Gyarados, Dragonite, Ledyba, Ledian, Hoppip, Skiploom, Jumpluff, Yanma, Yanmega, Gligar, Gliscor, Delibird, Mantine, Beautifly, Masquerain, Ninjask, Tropius, Dragon, Mothim, Combee, Vespiquen, Drifloon, Drifblim, Emolga

This is just the 2 most "species" oriented types and Flying (where the egg-group seems to be about birds rather than flying abilities)
Of course there is also the Grass egg-group, the Ground egg-group, and 3 Water egg-groups.

Anyhow, the same anomalies would be present with Fairy. Since Pikachu would not be Fairy type, while something thats Fairy type might not be Fairy-egg-group, like Alomomola or something that might gain it.

Egg-groups and Types are 2 separate things describing 2 different aspects of a Pokemon.
The first describes what kind of organism it is, the other tells you what special powers/features it has.

The existence of a fairy egg-group is an argument FOR the type more than it is an argument against it.

So fairy egg-group would be all about fairy-like appearance and behaviour, while Fairy typ would be about the fabulous and magical powers that fairies employ.
It's a problem because it's existed as an egg group since Gen II without being its own type. It's an attribute, not a type.
Plus it would just be downright confusing trying to retcon and consolidate the type and the group; how many of the current 46 species would have to go back and retroactively receive the Fairy type? Would Eevee's family have to be shifted to the Fairy egg group to fit its newest member's type, or just Sylveon itself? There's no easy way to go about it.
frezgle said:
It's a problem because it's existed as an egg group since Gen II without being its own type. It's an attribute, not a type.
Plus it would just be downright confusing trying to retcon and consolidate the type and the group; how many of the current 46 species would have to go back and retroactively receive the Fairy type? Would Eevee's family have to be shifted to the Fairy egg group to fit its newest member's type, or just Sylveon itself? There's no easy way to go about it.

And why does the order of introduction matter in identically named egg-groups and types?
Egg-groups never changed and NO types were ever added after egg-groups existed.

Would it?
It doesn't mean every fairy would get the fairy type. (My guess would be the fat pink Normal ones, Clefairy, Chansey, Jigglypuff..)
Just look at Dragon! Tons of Dragon-egg-group pokemon ARE NOT Dragon type, including the famous cases of Gyarados and Charizard.

Eevee family clearly stay what it is. Its not a fairy. Sylveon would be Fairy TYPE, which does not mean fairy apperance. Read my post above again.
Thats like saying Eevee should have become Water1-egg-group because of Vaporeon.
I'm beginning to see that my egg groups argument makes less sense than I'd originally thought. I think I keep forgetting that Pokemon isn't the most logical of things.
Still though, what would set the Fairy type apart from the Normal type? Especially if the past similar Pokemon (Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Audino, etc.) stay exclusively Normal. There just doesn't seem like enough to differentiate the two.
frezgle said:
I'm beginning to see that my egg groups argument makes less sense than I'd originally thought. I think I keep forgetting that Pokemon isn't the most logical of things.
Still though, what would set the Fairy type apart from the Normal type? Especially if the past similar Pokemon (Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Chansey, Audino, etc.) stay exclusively Normal. There just doesn't seem like enough to differentiate the two.

Magical powers I guess XD

I would personally make them be able to deal well with supernatural opponents and outwit the "strong" creatures from fairytales: dragons.
frezgle said:
There just doesn't seem like enough to differentiate the two.
Do you really think so? Let's look at the pure normal types. (Copypaste from Bulbapedia => ankward format)

What would stay Normal:
019 Rattata Rattata
020 Raticate Raticate
052 Meowth Meowth
053 Persian Persian
115 Kangaskhan Kangaskhan
128 Tauros Tauros
132 Ditto Ditto
133 Eevee Eevee
137 Porygon Porygon
143 Snorlax Snorlax
161 Sentret Sentret
162 Furret Furret
137 Porygon Porygon
143 Snorlax Snorlax
161 Sentret Sentret
162 Furret Furret
216 Teddiursa Teddiursa
217 Ursaring Ursaring
233 Porygon2 Porygon2
234 Stantler Stantler
235 Smeargle Smeargle
241 Miltank Miltank
263 Zigzagoon Zigzagoon
264 Linoone Linoone
287 Slakoth Slakoth
288 Vigoroth Vigoroth
289 Slaking Slaking
298 Azurill Azurill
327 Spinda Spinda
335 Zangoose Zangoose
351 Castform Castform
352 Kecleon Kecleon
399 Bidoof Bidoof
424 Ambipom Ambipom
431 Glameow Glameow
432 Purugly Purugly
446 Munchlax Munchlax
474 Porygon-Z Porygon-Z
486 Regigigas Regigigas
493 Arceus Arceus
504 Patrat Patrat
505 Watchog Watchog
506 Lillipup Lillipup
507 Herdier Herdier
508 Stoutland Stoutland
626 Bouffalant Bouffalant
= 46

What could become Fairy:
035 Clefairy Clefairy
036 Clefable Clefable
039 Jigglypuff Jigglypuff
040 Wigglytuff Wigglytuff
113 Chansey Chansey
173 Cleffa Cleffa
174 Igglybuff Igglybuff
175 Togepi Togepi
209 Snubbull Snubbull
210 Granbull Granbull
242 Blissey Blissey
300 Skitty Skitty
301 Delcatty Delcatty
427 Buneary Buneary
428 Lopunny Lopunny
440 Happiny Happiny
531 Audino Audino
572 Minccino Minccino
573 Cinccino Cinccino
= 19

108 Lickitung Lickitung
293 Whismur Whismur
294 Loudred Loudred
295 Exploud Exploud
463 Lickilicky Lickilicky
= 5
I didn't mean enough Pokemon, I meant enough... traits, I guess is a good word. Like, things it could do that Normal couldn't already, and vice versa.
Every type can do something that other types can't. What kind of argument is that supposed to be? ô_ò
That's the point of my argument; if the Normal type already covers everything the Fairy type would be able to do, then what need would there be for a separate Fairy type to exist at all?
Why do you think Normal can do everything Fairy can do, you don't know what Fairy can do. I think you mean you can bump all "fairy" Pokémon under the Normal type. That doesn't stop GameFreak from introducing a new type if they want, though, to keep things fresh. The Fairy type would make sense, so if they want to do it, I sure can see them doing it.

You could also argue that Water could have done everything Ice does or that Rock and Ground could have been one type. Or Dark could have done everything Ghost does.

tl;dr it comes down to if GF wants to add the Fairy type, and Sylveon's name in every language and the design and their PR behaviour heavily suggest this
Plenty of biting and punching moves would be Normal if Fight and Dark didn't exist, same for any Bug, Flying and Dragon moves....actually, remember Bite? It was Normal before Dark was introduced.

Idk what they would DECIDE to be fairy-like abilities, so who knows which moves would get changed or if they would add most of them as new moves.
I'm certain it would at least be some of the obvious support moves like Wish, Metronome..
But as far as damaging moves go... Only Swift comes to mind as a serious candidate. That could be Fairy-types "Bite".
No no no no, you guys got it all wrong. It's obviously going to be love type and evolve by trading Eevee with heart scales.

In all seriousness, I really hope it's not a new type.
DorianBlack said:
Well, "nymph" (probably the most important root to consider, since it's the one the Japanese name is taken from) is a very large category encompassing land, water, plant, celestial, and even underworld spirits, and traditionally the only thing thye have in common is that they're beautiful women. The other names could be coming from "sylph", but it could also be the root "sylv-", which generally refers to forest and jungles. So the names don't seem to be much help.

Personally, I'm still leaning toward Flying, but only because it's one of the largest Eeveelutions, while also being the lightest. (And if we go by the anime/movies, the end of this trailer suggests that it's the largest.) Low density suggests Flying more than Normal to me.
If you look closely at the end of the trailer, Sylveon is sitting further forward than the other Eeveelutions. However, it's ears do make it the tallest.
i noticed something in the trailer
there's that, and he fact that it was making ice crystals and bubbles everywhere, unless vaporeon and glaceon did that out of order in the trailer
last time i checked, no type alters space besides psychic, but they always use their mind to do so, not some special flesh ribbons
I believe that Sylveon will most likely evolve from gender.

1.) The games are X and Y, and we already know they have to do with DNA, and the x and y chromosomes determine the sex of person/Pokemon.
2.) Its Japanese name has the word nymph in it. And the definition of a nymph is "a beautiful or graceful young woman."
3.) And in the English name its derived from sylph, who's definition is "a slender, graceful woman or girl."
Both definition were looked up in a dictionary. Anyone can double check. Although they were not the only definitions, but between those two words those definitions were the only ones that matched.
4.) And finally, if you look at the newly released trailer, you can see Meowth going all googly eyes over Sylveon, which obviously shows he is attracted to it. And since he just met it it must be very beautiful to Meowth for him to go that crazy over it.

And for its type, even though i wish it wasn't, I have a pretty strong feeling it is just a stronger normal type. which it kinda makes sense. When Eevee evolves into anther type it get a lot stronger. It only makes sense that it would have a stronger normal type evolution too.

Damn.... at this point, if its a new type, I really hope for Fairy and not for Magic...

but still screams an obvious Normal in case its not something new of course. But the whole secrecy is starting to make less and less sense then..

Hackzo23 said:
I believe that Sylveon will most likely evolve from gender.

1.) The games are X and Y, and we already know they have to do with DNA, and the x and y chromosomes determine the sex of person/Pokemon.
2.) Its Japanese name has the word nymph in it. And the definition of a nymph is "a beautiful or graceful young woman."
3.) And in the English name its derived from sylph, who's definition is "a slender, graceful woman or girl."
Both definition were looked up in a dictionary. Anyone can double check. Although they were not the only definitions, but between those two words those definitions were the only ones that matched.
4.) And finally, if you look at the newly released trailer, you can see Meowth going all googly eyes over Sylveon, which obviously shows he is attracted to it. And since he just met it it must be very beautiful to Meowth for him to go that crazy over it.

Most of those points are moot as the eeveelutions names themselves are feminine (japanese... german and some others..) and even moreso they all look more feminine, yet all of them so far have a 87.5% male ratio. Just because it represents something girlish, or looks more feminine doesn't mean it cannot be male either (male Gardevoir/Gothitelle, female Machamp etc.)
I really doubt the theme of the games would reach all the way to eeveelutions, especially when there is only one instead of the logical 2 if that were the case.

But regardless of all that:
"evolves from gender" is not a trigger, it's a restriction, and therefore even if it's the case that only female Eevees can evolve into it, that doesn't tell us anything about how it actually evolves.
Eevee evolving from gender has a slim chance of happening. Eevee evolves from elemental exposure/change in environments. It would make no sense for it to evolve from gender, and as like Mitja said, it would be a restriction for anyone wanting to use it, having to search/reset for a female Eevee.

*also at the end of the trailer, when all the Eeveelutions were in their frames, Sylveon's had wing-like designs on it. It can also change the sky as shown when it did that magic-y thing. These could point towards Flying Type*

Right now, my guesses for Sylvie's typing are
40% Flying
30% new 'Fairy' type
30% Normal
I personally would like to see it become a flying type. At the end of the trailer when the Eevolutions are in their type bubbles, though, the symbol of Sylveons' reminds me a lot of the Insect Badge from the Castelia City gym.

The bows kinda look like butterflies and its does have those big buggy eyes. And looking up the current bug-type moves, it could have been possibly using either Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, or Tail Glow, specifically Quiver Dance cause of its attacks description : "The user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. It boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."

Also, if you counted the ribbons as possible legs, it would then have 8, which a lot of insects have.

Again, I honestly am hoping it's a Flying type. These are just things I've noticed since the new trailer. :)
The only thing about Sylvie being a Bug Type is that it hasn't got any features that would imply a Bug typing for it. Sure it had those bows which could be stylized butterflied, but thats the only thing it has going for it.

Also, to anyone saying any 'Magic' type comments, about 80% of the things a Magic Type could do could be done just as easily by the Psychic type.
Mooncrystal said:
I personally would like to see it become a flying type. At the end of the trailer when the Eevolutions are in their type bubbles, though, the symbol of Sylveons' reminds me a lot of the Insect Badge from the Castelia City gym.

The bows kinda look like butterflies and its does have those big buggy eyes. And looking up the current bug-type moves, it could have been possibly using either Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, or Tail Glow, specifically Quiver Dance cause of its attacks description : "The user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. It boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."

Also, if you counted the ribbons as possible legs, it would then have 8, which a lot of insects have.

Again, I honestly am hoping it's a Flying type. These are just things I've noticed since the new trailer. :)

I, too, hoping it's a Flying-type. Some parts of the trailer support our theory, but the "cosmic power/time travel" part just...ruined our theory. (Obviously it is possible that it's a psychic-type move, Cosmic Power or a new move, but still, not sure how it's related to flying.)