XY Sylveon's type is pink

Mooncrystal said:
I personally would like to see it become a flying type. At the end of the trailer when the Eevolutions are in their type bubbles, though, the symbol of Sylveons' reminds me a lot of the Insect Badge from the Castelia City gym.

The bows kinda look like butterflies and its does have those big buggy eyes. And looking up the current bug-type moves, it could have been possibly using either Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Quiver Dance, or Tail Glow, specifically Quiver Dance cause of its attacks description : "The user lightly performs a beautiful, mystic dance. It boosts the user's Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, and Speed stats."

Also, if you counted the ribbons as possible legs, it would then have 8, which a lot of insects have.

Again, I honestly am hoping it's a Flying type. These are just things I've noticed since the new trailer. :)

The "wing" is a shape identical to Sylveons fluffy ear design.
Just like the curvy bits are there because of those on its body.

Which means either its "bubble" is intentionally vague (for further mystery), or Sylveon has no "elemental" powers that can be visually represented in that manner, hence resorting simply to its look.
Mitja said:

Damn.... at this point, if its a new type, I really hope for Fairy and not for Magic...

but still screams an obvious Normal in case its not something new of course. But the whole secrecy is starting to make less and less sense then..

Hackzo23 said:
I believe that Sylveon will most likely evolve from gender.

1.) The games are X and Y, and we already know they have to do with DNA, and the x and y chromosomes determine the sex of person/Pokemon.
2.) Its Japanese name has the word nymph in it. And the definition of a nymph is "a beautiful or graceful young woman."
3.) And in the English name its derived from sylph, who's definition is "a slender, graceful woman or girl."
Both definition were looked up in a dictionary. Anyone can double check. Although they were not the only definitions, but between those two words those definitions were the only ones that matched.
4.) And finally, if you look at the newly released trailer, you can see Meowth going all googly eyes over Sylveon, which obviously shows he is attracted to it. And since he just met it it must be very beautiful to Meowth for him to go that crazy over it.

Most of those points are moot as the eeveelutions names themselves are feminine (japanese... german and some others..) and even moreso they all look more feminine, yet all of them so far have a 87.5% male ratio. Just because it represents something girlish, or looks more feminine doesn't mean it cannot be male either (male Gardevoir/Gothitelle, female Machamp etc.)
I really doubt the theme of the games would reach all the way to eeveelutions, especially when there is only one instead of the logical 2 if that were the case.

But regardless of all that:
"evolves from gender" is not a trigger, it's a restriction, and therefore even if it's the case that only female Eevees can evolve into it, that doesn't tell us anything about how it actually evolves.

I'm not talking about how feminine their names are, I'm talking about where their names are derived from.

And i guess how they look matters on opinion, because to me they look like the type where they could be either male or female.

That is true that if it represents something girlish it doesn't mean it is female. But i think it will have the same type of evolution like Gallade/Froslass, with a stone, or maybe have it evolve by trade, only if female.

And i really doubt the whole magic/fairy type. Both seem very ridiculous to me. They already have a fairy egg group, and they have Pokemon species as "the fairy Pokemon." I think Sylveon would be called The fairy Pokemon, or be in that egg group. Magic would seem more likely than fairy, but if you go back to the 12th movie, they called Pokemon magical creatures, so that makes Pokemon magic by them self. I could be wrong, and if I am, Game Freak would have to pull it off in a very creative way.

Like I said before, I believe it's most likely normal type, possibly a pure flying type. We have seen flying type Pokemon before without wings i.e. Tornadus. But if it is a new type, light type would make the most sense to me.
Sylveon doesn't look very "light" to me... It would have to be yellow or white.
Hackzo23 said:
or maybe have it evolve by trade, only if female.
Impossible. That's already possible.
Teal said:
Sylveon doesn't look very "light" to me... It would have to be yellow or white.
Hackzo23 said:
or maybe have it evolve by trade, only if female.
Impossible. That's already possible.

I'm sorry but that last sentence didn't make any sense.

Sylveon, is yellowish white. It's like a very light yellow cream color. Plus color has nothing to do with a Pokemon type.
It makes sense. It's impossile that Eevee evolves by trade as it's already possible to trade Eevee and Eevee doesn't evolve by trade.
Hackzo23 said:
...They already have a fairy egg group...

And a Bug, Dragon, Flying egg group...3 water ones too (even Grass and Ground depending on source), so I don't see where that's an argument against it.. the opposite perhaps.
Mitja said:
Hackzo23 said:
...They already have a fairy egg group...

And a Bug, Dragon, Flying egg group...3 water ones too (even Grass and Ground depending on source), so I don't see where that's an argument against it.. the opposite perhaps.

That is true, just a fairy type seems a little ridiculous.

Teal said:
It makes sense. It's impossile that Eevee evolves by trade as it's already possible to trade Eevee and Eevee doesn't evolve by trade.

And Johto is right next to Kanto, yet you cant go there in red or blue. There's tons of loop holes like this. If Game Freak wants to, they can make it happen.
But you are most likely right. If it were to evolve by trade it would have to be at max beauty or hold the prism scale, like Milotic.
Hackzo23 said:
Mitja said:
And a Bug, Dragon, Flying egg group...3 water ones too (even Grass and Ground depending on source), so I don't see where that's an argument against it.. the opposite perhaps.

That is true, just a fairy type seems a little ridiculous.

Which is why my bets are
95% Normal
5% Fairy/whatever a type could be called that represents pink/supernatural/cosmic/fabulous stuff.
Hackzo23 said:
And Johto is right next to Kanto, yet you cant go there in red or blue. There's tons of loop holes like this. If Game Freak wants to, they can make it happen.
But you are most likely right. If it were to evolve by trade it would have to be at max beauty or hold the prism scale, like Milotic.

The same problem will occur in that case. You were able to trade a female Eevee being at max beauty in Gen3/4 or holding Prism Scale in Gen5, and it didn't evolve then.

Of course, as you mentioned, GameFreak can make this happen if they want to, but it's highly unlikely, if you consider what they did when releasing new evolutions for old Pokemon in past generations.
They put great stress on consistency, thus they always introduced a new item/method that wasn't detectable/usable before. (only exceptions that come into my mind are Lickitung and Pilowswine which were able to learn Rollout/AncientPower in Gen3)

With regard to Sylveon I think a brand-new evolution method will be most likely, as all Eeveelutions so far evolved by a mechanic that was introduced the same generation they were.
Fennex said:
Hackzo23 said:
And Johto is right next to Kanto, yet you cant go there in red or blue. There's tons of loop holes like this. If Game Freak wants to, they can make it happen.
But you are most likely right. If it were to evolve by trade it would have to be at max beauty or hold the prism scale, like Milotic.

The same problem will occur in that case. You were able to trade a female Eevee being at max beauty in Gen3/4 or holding Prism Scale in Gen5, and it didn't evolve then.

Of course, as you mentioned, GameFreak can make this happen if they want to, but it's highly unlikely, if you consider what they did when releasing new evolutions for old Pokemon in past generations.
They put great stress on consistency, thus they always introduced a new item/method that wasn't detectable/usable before. (only exceptions that come into my mind are Lickitung and Pilowswine which were able to learn Rollout/AncientPower in Gen3)

With regard to Sylveon I think a brand-new evolution method will be most likely, as all Eeveelutions so far evolved by a mechanic that was introduced the same generation they were.

Ya and even those two were not learned by simple level up before gaining those evolutions. You would have to want to teach them specifically those moves (chain breeding in GSC or move tutor in emerald/tm in GSC respectively)...which there is no good reason to before gen IV xDD

Its like insisting on getting Qwilfish Gyro Ball...you simply would not do that (useless), unless it gets a Steel/Poison evo suddenly as a result.

I wonder, would re-introducing the Pink Bow as a hold-up evolution item for Eevee count as consistent?
Since technically, it didn't exist yet in the current consistent version of the games universe (RS and on) as Silk Scarf does its old job instead.
Mitja said:
I wonder, would re-introducing the Pink Bow as a hold-up evolution item for Eevee count as consistent?
Since technically, it didn't exist yet in the current consistent version of the games universe (RS and on) as Silk Scarf does its old job instead.

Well, that might be a possibility, as Pink Bow fits very well with Sylveon's appearance, albeit I think in case we get an item called Pink Bow it would be regarded as a different item than the Pink Bow from Gen2.
Thus it would not function as a type-enhancing item (as you said, we have Silk Scarf for that now and I doubt the two of them will be exchanged again), but would rather be a held item that "is loved by a certain Pokemon" just like Protector and so on.

Furthermore I'm sceptical towards Eevee evolving into Sylveon when traded or leveled up holding a certain item. As I said, a completely new evolution method seems to be more adequate to a new Eeveelution.
In that case it has to be something like evolving when exposed to pixie dust holding Pink Bow near Rainbow Rock. No, just kidding, it's hard to foresee what sort of new evolution methods GF could throw at us.
If they made a Fairy/Magic type then there would be a type that almost perfectly matches Xerneas, as the only one that works right now is Psychic, and maybe Electric or Steel or Dragon or Grass. While Yveltal is clearly something with a Dark/Flying/Dragon type, Xerneas is a little harder to see the connections with already existing types.

Maybe they could make Xerneas [Fairy or Magic]/Psychic type and then Yveltal Dark/Flying type, with the new Fairy/Magic type being super effective against Dark type, thus balancing out the two legendaries.

And then of course Sylveon would be the new type
Luigi08 said:
thus balancing out the two legendaries.

No "balancing" required.


Luigi08 said:
If they made a Fairy/Magic type then there would be a type that almost perfectly matches Xerneas, as the only one that works right now is Psychic, and maybe Electric or Steel or Dragon or Grass. While Yveltal is clearly something with a Dark/Flying/Dragon type, Xerneas is a little harder to see the connections with already existing types.

That's what I've been thinking.

If there was a Fairy type, Xerneas would fit as a secondary type candidate, what with its forest guardian theme.


(while Yveltal is perfectly Dark/Flying)

But since that's probably not the case... my bet is either Grass or Normal lol
Polaris said:
If it was "pink" type, I'd laugh and puke at the same time.
Of course it isn't, silly. I hope you actually read the thread.
Hidden Power said:
If Sylveon were fairy type, then Clefairy's line type would be altered along Celebi's secondary type.

Celebis secondary type is Grass...I don't think they'd get rid of it D: