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RE: TCG Discussion

I'm curious, are there any strong one-typed Dark or Steel decks in the meta?
RE: TCG Discussion

Nah, not really. They just aren't viable. And TyRam tears apart any {M} type...
RE: TCG Discussion

Tyranitar/Weavile has seen some mention (I saw it on 6Prizes at least once), but apart from that, there's really nothing- as glaceon said, the only deck with a Steel-type in it is CaKE (which has Kyurem and Electrode with Cobalion) because of the prevalence of TyRam in the meta.
RE: TCG Discussion

Question concerning whether or not a card I have is fake or not:

Years ago, when D/P first came out, a then girlfriend bought me a pack of Diamond/Pearl. I pulled Weavile 40/130. I want to know if this is fake because the card itself has a gold border, but is reverse holo. It was quite some time, but I remember it was a real (or as real I can remember) booster pack.

I've cherished it thinking it was a super rare card, but now I'm just curious. I can get a picture for more evidence later.
RE: TCG Discussion

Could you provide a scan/picture?

This is what is should look like:

RE: TCG Discussion

Here's the pictures I managed to take with my phone.


I'm unsure how to use spoiler tags...
RE: TCG Discussion

[spoiler] Put Picture Here [/spoiler]

I'd say it looks fake.

I'm not positive because it looks realistic. Second opinion?
RE: TCG Discussion

Thanks for the spoiling tip!

The card also doesn't feel right. It feels... almost glossy in a sense and light.
RE: TCG Discussion

That is another good method. Compare the texture to other cards.

Here is another resource:
RE: TCG Discussion

Glaceon said:
[spoiler] Put Picture Here [/spoiler]

I'd say it looks fake.

I'm not positive because it looks realistic. Second opinion?

This is 100% fake. There aren't any reverse holos with gold borders or gold letterings beyond the EX sets.
RE: TCG Discussion

Did anyone check out that locked thread regarding a house fire and the pictures the OP showed of his burnt cards? Pretty sad. Looking at those pictures made me think about if that happened to my collection. All those years of hard work, and great memories would be ruined. It's like there's no safe place to keep them...
RE: TCG Discussion

I had a pretty impressive collection back in the day; Base Set through Team Rocket (and some of the Gym sets in Japanese) including a bunch of 1st Edition and Shadowless and Promo cards. And then my parents got rid of them sometime after I moved out, probably in one of their many garage sales. I still have a very slight hope that they'll turn up somewhere in their house, but as they've sold so much of my stuff (without remembering about half of it), that hope is so slight as to be just about non-existent.

Still better than them getting burnt in a fire, though. Maybe some parent got them all cheap for a kid, instead of some reseller trolling through the local garage sales.
RE: TCG Discussion

The Yoshi said:
Just thought I'd share this with you guys. The price is most likely going to go down after it is released, but this is still ridiculous.

Any opinions on this?

Over hyped... It's going to be a good card, but not THAT good. With catcher in the format no card/card combo has a for sure auto win like with Prime time, or Yanmega/Kingdra. Those decks made Yanmega really popular and thus jumped in price, but with catcher running a muk no card can really have an amazing match. It's all about who goes first (depending on the hand) and gets the prize lead. Mewtwo EX, as I see it, will only be a late game killer when everything already has bunch of energies on it. Since there is no amazing {p} acceleration, his second attack won't be used as often. It'll all be based off the first attack. Unless you combine him with some sort of Emboar, Typhlosion, Feraligatr/shaymin engine the first attack won't be used except for a revenge killer or MIrror killer.
RE: TCG Discussion

(Sorry in advance if this is in the wrong spot. It's just a couple general questions and I didn't think it warranted its own thread, so this seemed to fit...)

So, I'm looking to be going to my very first Prerelease for Next Destinies! I'm super excited. I've wanted to go to one for a while, but I'm rather shy and couldn't work up the courage to go on my own. My boyfriend will be accompanying me to this one.

The only problem is that he's not really into Pokémon. He kind of tolerates my interest in it (he thinks it's "cute"), and we play against each other sometimes, but that's about it. He's willing to go to the prerelease and play... but only really if he can play against me.

So, Question 1: Since prerelease tournaments are just for fun, so to speak, are you allowed to pick your own partners? Or are you just assigned a partner randomly based on age groups?

Question 1.5: If the above question is "random partner only," would it be okay for him to not pay or participate in the tournament and just watch me while we're there? Or is that sort of thing frowned upon?

Question 2, mostly unrelated to the above: I haven't played in any kind of tournament setting since Fossil was released, and I don't even know if that was official. Ergo, I don't have a player ID or anything. Is that someone I can/should do at the prerelease location, or can I take care of it online before I show up? Or should I not even worry about it?

If any of these questions are dependent on location, I'll be attending the prerelease on Saturday the 28th in Rockford, IL.
RE: TCG Discussion

So, Question 1: Since prerelease tournaments are just for fun, so to speak, are you allowed to pick your own partners? Or are you just assigned a partner randomly based on age groups?

You play against a different person each round, there are no partners, and you can't pick who you play, sorry.

Question 1.5: If the above question is "random partner only," would it be okay for him to not pay or participate in the tournament and just watch me while we're there? Or is that sort of thing frowned upon?

Yep, that's fine.

Question 2, mostly unrelated to the above: I haven't played in any kind of tournament setting since Fossil was released, and I don't even know if that was official. Ergo, I don't have a player ID or anything. Is that someone I can/should do at the prerelease location, or can I take care of it online before I show up? Or should I not even worry about it?

Do it at the prerelease, but you will have to fill out a form. Get there early.