TDK (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX / Kyurem)

RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Hammers are the great weakness of this deck.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Can't you just keep getting the energy back w/ Thundurus-EX and that attack does 40 w/ a Deoxys-EX which 2HKO's, or if you're picky then you can either add Laserbank or you can just add 3 more Deoxys-EX.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

SheNinja said:
Can't you just keep getting the energy back w/ Thundurus-EX and that attack does 40 w/ a Deoxys-EX which 2HKO's, or if you're picky then you can either add Laserbank or you can just add 3 more Deoxys-EX.

Because the Darkrai player will be much faster, it takes multiple turns to power stuff up with Thundurus if energy keeps being discarded, plus they all have 170HP so Darkrai/Claw/LaserBank mauls it.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Hammers are probably the only way to beat PlasmaBox. Just hope that your other matchups are at least decent.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I've been play testing this deck on play TCG all day now and this is the list I have came to that works best so far:

-4 Deoxys EX (I wouldn't play any less Deoxys makes ok attackers amazing)
-3 Thundurus EX (I find 4 is unnessary and usually only use 1 or 2 Thundurus a game)
-2 Kyurem EX (I was playing 3 but then dropped 1 for Lugia EX)
-1 Lugia EX (I added this because taking 2 prizes on non EXs is amazing, and you will one shot almost any non EX with 2-3 Deoxys in play)

-4 Professor Juniper (Best supporter in the game)
-4 N (You could play less N but N is still the most consistent shuffle draw in format)
-2 Colress (Very good in this deck and willl net you at least 5 cards most of the time)
-2 Bianca (I play 2 Bianca because Colress can be bad in an opening hand)
-2 Skyla (Skyla is useful in this deck to get that last card to pull off a combination)

-2 Virbank City Gym (Makes Hypnotoxic Laser a triple Plus Power with a sleep flip)

-2 Team Plasma Ball (Searches every Pokemon in the deck for free)
-2 Ultra Ball (This is to get Energy in the discard to be used with Raiden Knuckle)
-3 Colress Machine (I was playing 4 but noticed late game I would have no Plasma Energy left in my deck and this becomes a dead draw)
-3 Switch (Deoxys EX is catcher bait with a 2 retreat cost and laser is in format so switch is necessarry)
-1 Scramble Switch (Best ACE SPEC by far in this deck as it allows you to attack with whatever you need to in clutch sitiuations while also providing a 4th Switch, it is especially useful with Lugia EX)
-2 Float Stone (This can be attached to Deoxys EX as it is a heavy bench sitter allowing you to promote it when somthing is knocked out. You can also Blizzard Burn 2 turns in a row with Kyurem as long as you have a Switch and a Float Stone attached to one of your Pokemon)
-4 Pokemon Catcher (Lets you attack what you want when you want, too good not to play 4)
-4 Hypnotoxic Laser (Triple Plus Power with a sleep flip, need I say more?)

-2 Double Colorless Energy (I wasn't playing DCE's until I added Lugia but once I did I suddenly noticed situations where using Thuderous Noise was good option in my games as well as being able to power up lugia at a whim)
-4 Plasma Energy (With Colress Machine in your deck and having Plama Energy give added effects to many of your Pokemon's attacks this is a definate 4 of)
-4 Prism Energy (Powers up all of your attackers and since this deck runs 3 types Prism Energy is the best option)
-3 Blend Energy (Water/Lightning/Fighting/Metal) (Since you can only play 4 Prism Blend Energy will still power up everything except Deoxys EX who you don't intend on using as a main attacker anyway)

From what I have played today this is what I think about the match ups:

Darkrai: Seems really good actually unless your opponent plays 3-4 Enhanced Hammers and even then its 50-50 from my first impressions. The deck I played only played 1 or 2 Enhanced Hammers and 3 Crushing Hammers. That being said I went 2nd to a turn 2 Night Spear but was able to get a OHKO with Kyurem and Laser in response and my opponent promoted Sableye and started to try a Hammer Spam but at that point I could OHKO Sableyes with 3 Deoxys Benched while getting energy back with Raiden Knuckle. Basically Darkrai seems to slow to keep up with this deck in my opinion without major disruption.

Blastoise: This seems to be the decks worst match up actually. I played Blastoise 3-4 times and I don't remember winning once (1 or 2 may have been disconnects). The first game I played I KOed 2 Squirtles and a Keldeo then got Ned to 2 and Black Ballistaed 3 turns in a row. Another game I Knocked out 2 Squirtles but my opponent was able to get 2 Squrtles and get a Blastoise and another Squirtle out the next turn. So I Catcher and KO the one Blastoise but my opponent gets another Blastoise out and is able to Black Balista me to death. The other games I don't think were finished. These game were played before I added Lugia and DCE's but overall Blastoise has the ability to roll this deck as long as it draws well.

Big Basics: I played 3 of these and rolled them because Kyurem is way too good against Landorus as well as Lugia OHKOing Bouffalant for 2 Prizes. You have energy acceleration, type advantage, and overall damage out put going for you in this match up and all they have is room for Eviolite and Max Potion as compensation. This is pretty much an auto win in my opinion.

Rayeels: I only played on of these and went first with a turn 1 Frost spear with 2 Deoxys and a Laser for 60 Damage on a Rayquaza Ex. My opponent gets out 2 Tynamos next turn and I have a Catcher to knock one out and put 30 on the other. My opponents scooped pretty soon. It basically felt like playing Big Basics VS Rayeels with the ability to OHKO Rayquaza EX even if your opponent does set up. You could still get Ned and lose to Rayeels just like with Blastoise but against Rayeels it is much easier to dismantle your opponents energy acceleration so I would say this is a very good match up.

Garbador: Well this is pretty much like playing Big Basics except you don't want to bench as many Deoxys because it will only work on the first few turns and becomes Catcher bait (its still good to have 1 or 2 for early pressure and for Mewtwo). Even with Garbador you have type advantage on Landorus/Mewtwo/Tornadus so this match up is easy. I think new Garbador decks will probably utilize the Plasma engine however and think newer builds of Garbador using Kyurem and Thundurus may become good.

Well that's what I am testing with any feedback and comments are appreciated.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Thanks for your post. It's good to see your rationale and comments about certain matchups.

After playing a few games (I ran LMT aka big basics) against PlasmaBox, I plan to make some changes my deck and playtest against it again. No doubt, the big basic "lineup" needs to change in order to have a more favorable matchup against PlasmaBox decks.

In some early discussions with Poképals, we expect RayEels deck players to fare better than the 1 game you reported. Of course, this deck will need to be updated too in order to compete more favorably against PlasmaBox decks.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I've also seen some players run Snorlax instead of Kyurem simply because it requires Energy of whatever type, and because it can OHKO anything with a full Bench. Just a thought. It's DCE-compatible with a nice Ability that can become a real threat. Try teching one in.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Just a few quick questions about Plasma Box.

1. Is Deoxys ever used as an attacker, or simply for its ability? It seems like a decent attack against the right pokemon, but I've never heard anyone actually talking about it attacking, only how good its ability is.

2. Is there a possibility of Plasma Box without Deoxys, or is it too important to go without?
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I can't believe Lugi-Oxys Donk is doable!! My mind exploded with psychotic giddyness when I figured this out! Ho-LY- CRAP!

If you can defeat your opponent fast enough, you don't even have to worry about Enhanced Hammer either.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

BobTheFlub said:
Just a few quick questions about Plasma Box.

1. Is Deoxys ever used as an attacker, or simply for its ability? It seems like a decent attack against the right pokemon, but I've never heard anyone actually talking about it attacking, only how good its ability is.

2. Is there a possibility of Plasma Box without Deoxys, or is it too important to go without?

1. Yes. Opponents have used Deoxsys to KO my Mewtwo EX on some occasions.

2. I believe right now, "Plasma Box" specifically distinguishes Thundurus EX, Deoxsys EX, Kyurem (PF), Lugia EX and Snorlax as members of the deck. Currently, each benched Deoxsys EX adds an additional 10 damage to the non-Deoxsys Poké attacks; so, those are viewed as essential members of the deck. However, I do expect there will be variants played too that may exclude Deoxsys. Hopefully, those wil have a different deck moniker.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

The entire deck structure is built around Deoxys EX's extra damage - so no, I don't think you can leave it out. You might be able to come up with some cool spin-offs without Kyurem, but otherwise, Plasma Box (or just Plasma) refers to Thundurus EX, Deoxys EX, Kyurem, and techs like Lugia and Snorlax.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

So if I could have a deck that can consistently OHKO Deoxys-EX, even when they were first on the bench, and it could hold its own or win against the rest of the format, then could it be a viable deck? I think that if Deoxys-EX becomes a big card then Mewtwo-EX will come back to the club.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Deoxys EX OHKO's Mewtwo EX, and going for the Deoxys EX tends to be a really bad strategy because they'll just steamroll you with Kyurem while you attempt to take out the Deoxys's.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

But you only need to take out 1-2 Deoxys-EX and then find 2 non-EX to kill. Kyurem and Snorlax have 130HP, right? That means Mewtwo-EX needs 3 and a laser, or 2 and a laser respectively. That seems very doable (if VCG is down then subtract one from each (except Snorlax because X-Ball needs at least 2 energy)). I don't get why this wouldn't work.

Or I could just play Garbodor :p
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

I'm not saying Mewtwo is a dead card, but it has quite a few issues in the current metagame. You have to be wary that whenever you KO a Kyurem or Snorlax, you could easily give up 2 free prizes in the process to a Deoxys.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Hey.. I have worked on a deck list... that contains hammers to help in the match-up ... I feel that EVERYONE will be playing a deck like this :p
New Deck:
3 Deoxys EX
2 Thundurus EX
1 Lugia EX
2 Kyerum
1 Keldeo EX

2 Plasma Ball
3 Ultra Ball
3 Colress Machine
4 Pokémon Catcher
2 Float Stone
1 Switch
2 Virbank City Gym
1 Scramble Switch
4 Hypnotoxic laser
1 Max Potion
3 Enhanced Hammers

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Colress
2 Skyla

4 Plasma Energy
4 Prism Energy
3 Blend Energy
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Can you guys give me your opinion on this? I'm thinking of using plasma grunt as my first turn supporter since it can discard a plasma energy then have you draw four cards. What do you guys think?
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Plasma Grunt is just too situational. You really do not want to discard anything besides Plasma Energy. Really. Not.
RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

This may have been said previously in this thread (my apologies if you've already said either of these things).

1. What is the optimal Ace Spec for this deck? (Lugia EX tech)
The main two I was thinking of is
Comp. Search vs. Scramble Switch

2. Has anyone tested max potions in this deck?

I imagine that much like landorus, having 1 energy attackers can really abuse this card, and especially with scramble switch, this card could be very good in this deck. This also has much to do with the first question, if you had the option you would probably want to run these with scramble switch, if that is your ace spec.

RE: Plasma Box (Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX with attackers and techs)

Aggressiv said:
This may have been said previously in this thread (my apologies if you've already said either of these things).

1. What is the optimal Ace Spec for this deck? (Lugia EX tech)
The main two I was thinking of is
Comp. Search vs. Scramble Switch

2. Has anyone tested max potions in this deck?

I imagine that much like landorus, having 1 energy attackers can really abuse this card, and especially with scramble switch, this card could be very good in this deck. This also has much to do with the first question, if you had the option you would probably want to run these with scramble switch, if that is your ace spec.


I haven't tested Computer Search, but Scramble Switch is very good in this deck. If you ever want to power up those 4+ energy attacks, Scramble Switch is pretty much the only way you'll be able to do that.

I've tested 1 Max Potion in this deck, and I'm a big fan of it. I think if your deck is focused on Raiden Knuckle and early game pressure, you might want to run more. But, if you run stuff like Kyurem, then you won't want to discard all that energy most of the time.