Team Renegade. New Mascot is Scrafty! How was states?

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RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

i play 3 primes in my kingdra, i also play machamp and relicanth for SPs and it seems to work well.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Zangoose said:
I personally am in love with KingDra. I'm testing it with 4 Primes right now(For some reason) and a 1-1 donphan for LuxChomp, assuming they don't play a Dialga tech.

I think you'll need 1 LA Kingdra, because if they run something like 1-1 Blaziken FB, then you're only hitting for 20.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Nova Zapdos EX said:
What do u guys think of the Unleashed set?

I like the Torterra, Judge, and Xatu. I'm disappointed that they cut Houndoom, Scizor Prime, and Energy Exchange Unit but overall I like the set and I'm interested to see how it changes the metagame.

it sucks that they cut scizor prime.i really liked the card
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Javier8100 said:
it sucks that they cut scizor prime.i really liked the card

I liked Scizor Prime too. I wanted to make a T2 deck around it. .-.

But I don't think this set will change the metagame all that much, except for seeing more of Sablelock, and more Kingdra. The Trainers and Disrupters in this set help Sablelock out a TON, and Kingdra will be more playable, since the Prime came out. [not to mention that Sea Spray is stackable. 3 Kingdra Primes kills a claydol in 3 turns. ._.]
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

i like the new rare candy also.also lanturn prime is like electivire fb can do 10 more damage then electivire but u cant search for energys with the power.and did any1 go to a prerelease??i didnt
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Javier8100 said:
i like the new rare candy also.also lanturn prime is like electivire fb can do 10 more damage then electivire but u cant search for energys with the power.and did any1 go to a prerelease??i didnt

I went to a prerelease. And I'm going to another on Saturday
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

So who is going to Nationals in Canada?

Oh ya, I also came 2nd at Regionals (9-2) w/ LuxChomp in Masters.

Now Im 1st Ontario, 1st Canada, 8th North America, 9th Global @ 1903.65
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Playtested my Tyranitar deck. After playing it for like, a week or two now, I found out, it sucked. Tore it apart this morning, and made Kingdra. I love it. Probably running it for BR's, or one of my other SD's.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Please keep down the spam you guys, please. I will kick people off the team.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

mr.619 said:
Playtested my Tyranitar deck. After playing it for like, a week or two now, I found out, it sucked. Tore it apart this morning, and made Kingdra. I love it. Probably running it for BR's, or one of my other SD's.

Don't forget to use your Floatzel GL Lv. X's body. <.<
/me runs

I'm thinking of Sablelock for BR's, otherwise I'll stick with Gyarados.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Sablock will be better than Gyra in this format, at least thats what i think...
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

I'm actually trying out a Legend Deck. Nothing competitive, just for fun. I haven't tested it yet, but I think it might work. It runs with a Sableye start, trying to Impersonate-Bebe's to get one half of ERL. With a good start, I'd most likely have some way to get another half of ERL (usually through Bebe's, Communication, or having one half in my hand). With that, I can probably setup a Legend much more quickly, and with ERL's low energy cost I can quickly set it up. But this is theorymon here, so it might not work until I officially test it.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

What does everyone think of LuxApe for Nats? I mean it counters 'Pluff and KingDra, has a decent matchup against Gyarados, and beats CurseGar consistantly. NineTails also helps against other things like Colorless(Flygon and Garchomp C and SV) Personally Garchomp is decent. But who else thinks LuxApe for Nats. I'm currently playing it and it works awesome. I also really like the way it works ya know?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Zangoose said:
What does everyone think of LuxApe for Nats? I mean it counters 'Pluff and KingDra, has a decent matchup against Gyarados, and beats CurseGar consistantly. NineTails also helps against other things like Colorless(Flygon and Garchomp C and SV) Personally Garchomp is decent. But who else thinks LuxApe for Nats. I'm currently playing it and it works awesome. I also really like the way it works ya know?

I like LuxApe but i feel Blazeray is just better. For 1 Blaziken doesn't discard energy for his attack and it can also bring up Pokemon you want with Luring Flame while they get to chose with Intimidating Roar. Also Blaziken can get the energy to use it biggest attack in one turn while u have to use 2 turns to power up Infernape.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

The disruption power with 'Ape is great. I do realize that Ape is slower, but I really don't like the prize exchange with Blaziken. Against CurseGar, Intimidating Roar is IMO better than Luring Flame. I like to get away from Tombs without ending my turn. I know you get to choose, and a possible twenty damage, But bringing up something big n slow(Retreat Cost) and Split Bombing is amazing. Or just making them bring up something and killing it. I also dislike the fact that with Blaze you don't exactly have a damage attack, without killing yourself. Also against Pluff, you Jet Shoot you get killed. You Vapor Kick, you get killed(Depends). I personally just think LuxApe has better matchups than BlazeRay.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

But Blaziken is so much better. It's speed advantage is amazing, and it dosen't need an energy gain. It can call turn 1 and level up and start owning turn 2. Intimidating Roar does nothing to Cursegar; they just bring up another Spiritomb. Blaziken has a much better recovery aspect too once it gets KO'ed. Blaziken also dosen't have to discard and is more energy efficient in terms of damage. Being honest there isn't a comparison. Blaziken outclasses Infernape. It does damage faster, has a better first attack on the basic form(Luring Flame owns Split Bomb anyday), and it's better in the current format. And against pluff, they kill you anyway. A smart blaziken player dosen't always have to Jet Shoot against fire weak stuff. A pluff can kill an ape or a blaze, it's not that hard. And about that matchups, well Luxape dosen't have the advantage of Luring Flame. Luring Flame can win certain matchups. So Blaziken > Ape. It's just better.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

While I disagree, I'll stop arguing it's pointless. We each have good points so I think I'm going to just leave it there.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

i also perfer infernape 4 x.
but anyways for the battle roads im thinking of flyphan or dialchomp.i went 2-4 at regionals with dialchomp and i might go to test out flyphan at the league tommorow.
i just found out i am 24th in ontario for seniors lol
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