Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: LOST WORLD

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RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

I sure hope Lost World comes out, because I like the sound of the new format. A new BDIF sounds refreshing. Also I don't want Vilegar to get too popular cuz I hate it.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

I hate Vilegar too, but I will use it if it seems like the play. I don't want it to come out, because it will dominate worse than Luxchomp.

Yeah, you did kinda rip apart that Dialgachomp deck last night.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Needed that DGX top deck, to bad I got it a turn late :/
Meh, if Vilegar becomes more popular I might throw in a 4th spray. Sorry I haven't been on TC, killing n00bz on Black Ops.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

HAHAHA Cute sig Kyle, like mine? lol

Because Vilegar will be very popular if Lost World doesn't come out, a 4th spray would be a fantastic idea. It could also hurt Gyarados and Machamp quite a bit.

Yeah, we haven't been on TC much today either. Are we getting on tonight? Do you have school tomorrow? If not, are you going to be on during the day?
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Well I might hit on around 8, Black ops all day again, making little kids cry. I also like your sig and I will be sure to add the 4th spray.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Today I went to the store and bought three "squirtle". That means I have an extra to trade/sell. If you guys can, go buy a bunch now. I promise they will go up in price.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

I already have a "squirtle" but I need 1-2 more "squirtle"
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Okay guys, what is it?
Cuz I will pay cash money for it.
I bought a Promocroak and I'm super excite.
Also, I am still not on the member list and veteran is still misspelled.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

I tested the SD and it PWNs if you get the right set up. It needs a lot of work though to make it consistent.

Random: I had a dream last night that I got banned from Pokebeach lol
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Oh yeah, I still dunno what the SD is.
Someone should PM me with the SD and what "Squirtle" is.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

We are currently discussing spreading the SD to the rest of the team lordy. We still haven't decided if we are going to yet.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Oh well mehmehmeh.
Is the identity of "Squirtle" a sneakret as well?
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Just finished building Machamp and BlazeChomp and fixed Vilegar. Now to test more decks then one.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

@Mr.619: You used then instead of than. Jessayin.
I guess I should throw together a Vilegar list in redshark.
Oh also, another banner.
ALSO, what do you guys think of Night Teleporter?
It's Vulpix Yolk's idea, but if you flip heads you can get an Uxie and set up for 7.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Oh who cares how I spelled it. Doesn't matter.

I'm probably building Tyranitar now.
RE: Team Seadra - Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: What if Lost World doesn't come out?

Okay, building up Blazechomp, just got to get the pieces together and I might build a Steelix deck right before that.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

I built a T-tar with a 2-2 Darkrai Cresselia tech and I really liked it.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

I want to try that out in my list, but I don't have DCL. So, I'm using my umbreon tech like last time.

Also, I'm leaving the team. I've thought about it for a few days now, and the team just isn't active enough. I have nothing against the team and nothing against any of the players, it's just, it's not working out. Sorry.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

@619: Even if your Boxxy gif will makes my internet lag, you're a good player and a valuable member, so I'm sad to see you go.
@GTB: Are you.... Are you part of this group? Also, to answer your question, they test on the group's tinychat that GHJamesGH linked to in the first post, I dunno if they test on Skype as well, but I'm pree sure they don't.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

I don't know how long we are gonna last now without Ethan because quite frankly Ethan, james, and me made up most of the convo at tinychat. Give me a ring when you wanna play Ethan.
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