Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: LOST WORLD

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RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Oh yeah, tinychat. I keep going on at wack times because my schedule doesn't make any sense. I'll try and do that more often though.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

It's sad to see you leave Mr. 619.
Sorry I've haven't been active for the last week I've had abit of internet trouble.

A long the lines of testing, I'll be testing my Dialga list I, really want to prefect the list before States, I've also been testing uxie donk. ANd if Lost world come out in the next set I will be testing Lostgar, with the list I've been making over the last few days.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Sorry guys but I'm going to leave this team. I find it now that teams are basically useless and I can just hit up anyone I want to for playtesting, I'll still keep the SD secret. james, if you ever need a match hit me up, and also i need the Blazechomp list.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Looks like we need to bring in new members or this team is going down the toilet.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Sorry James, but with Mr.619 and Chemical gone I don't see this team going anywhere. Mr.619, Chemical and you were what made this team what it was, deciding on what happened to the team and all the testing and secret decks. Also the teams has become really inactive lately on both this thread and tinychat. I've got nothing agianst the team or any of the players, but I'm done with teams for a while.

P.S I'll keep all the secret decks a secret and hidden techs.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Exactly, the past times leading up to my depature was because nobody was on TC.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Oh fur serious? Miniman was like the last active member.
I keep going on TC but I'm on mountain time and my schedule is weird.
Active members need to happen.
Seriously, I'm editing this post almost a week later.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

I tried to join, but the creator of the team has not been on for like 3 weeks.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: STATES Sub-Topic: Testing

Contrary to popular belief, I am still here. The topic is currently a free for all, just to start to get some activity. The reason people quit was because of inactivity, but those people are to blame for the inactivity.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

Ok. Ill keep posting.
Do you guys know about HoPe?
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

Yes, most people know about HoPe although I personally don't like it at all. I don't think it will do very well at States if Lost World comes out.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

Hmm, i have played it for a while, and i like it a lot, i went 5-0 two days in a row at br's.

Could you guys pm me about hartlock? I am kind of interested in it, as i lock sableock type decks.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

I never really understood the strategy of HoPe, it looks crazy. Can someone explain it to me?
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

It's basically a deck my friend eleki and me came up with (mostly him :p). It starts out with honchkrow to get some trainers, and power sprays. Then every turn for the rest of the game, you use counters, like toxicroak g and ambipom. Then set up a blaziken and sweep.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

Aw man I like HoPe, I've always meant to test it. Glad to see you're back James.
RE: Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: FFA

Yah, i can pm you a list if you want.
Lost World has been confirmed, so its time to discuss what to do about it.

My playstyle is not just to win, but crush the whole tournament. I do not feel satisfied unless I wreck on the metagame. That is why I will choose to counter Lostgar, opposed to using it myself.

My thoughts are that it has to be able to OHKO Gengar or be able to use the Umbrelock.
^It all depends on how big LostGar will be before states. If it is huge, countering it will be a good idea (that's what people did to Plox at worlds.) Sablelock doesn't seem like a bad option vs that deck. It might run a lot of techs, but Sableye would get some easy donks and judge could wreck it. Otherwise something with Absol Prime might not be a bad idea either.
Yeah, I really hope people continue being stupid enough to think Lostgar is good so I can counter it and just totally destroy tournaments.
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