Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Sigh... This is disheartening... Porygon is SOOO HARD to chain... and lickitung hasn't appeared as a swarm in my diamond so that sucks... But porygon's chains broke at less than like 28 which sucks... and it is one of the hardest pokemon to actually get into a pokeradar chain... it sucks!!
So I'm officially giving up on chaining porygons for now... I caught yet another shiny gastly... but it's not the right nature and even though it has decent IVs (24+ HP,31 Att, 29+ Speed for example) I'm not going to put it to much use... If anyone wants to trade for it then PM me...

I'm just going to keep on chaining gastlys till i get a killer gengar...

EDIT: Okay so this is the Chaining Summary for the day for Gastly. It was all great in terms of numbers. I caught about 5 or 6 shinies in two chains of over 40... one of them actually happened to be at like number 5 in a chain which was really cool even though the chain broke later... My last chain broke at 41 after catching one shiny but then I stupidly left my low level synchronizer in front of the party effectively cancelling out the repels...

Talking about the synchronizer, it did not work at all!! I mean out of 6 shiny gastlys that I have in my box right now, only one of them is actually hasty... 1!!! not good! What are the chances of that? Like I said, great numbers but no quality. I will keep hunting shinies and if anyone wants to trade any of these gastlys then PM me and I will give you a random one...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hm...i would say Thats pretty Good.Your better than me by far.What should a begginer Chainer go for?BTW Icrista when can you trade for all the Shinys?I can Clone them all for you.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

can i get a battle to rank up the clan plz someone

EDIT: Also Icrista where do you chain your gastlys at the haunted house forgot the name or somewhere else. I chain an shiny absol and got 2 shinies i was so happy about it i EV trained them myself to 60, well the best i could anyways. so if someone wants them i dont mind just PM me. Also synchronizer works for me at a lot of times who knows whats wrong hope it starts to work for you dude.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

blastoise91 said:
can I get a battle to rank up the clan please someone

EDIT: Also Icrista where do you chain your gastlys at the haunted house forgot the name or somewhere else. I chain an shiny absol and got 2 shinies I was so happy about it I EV trained them myself to 60, well the best I could anyways. so if someone wants them I don't mind just PM me. Also synchronizer works for me at a lot of times who knows whats wrong hope it starts to work for you dude.

You actually can't chain inside either houses, buildings, caves, or places that have water... you can only chain on grassy areas... which is why I don't have a mean looking red gyarados right now... and not even all grassy areas because some of them are too small... but every route will give you at least one viable chaining spot...

Some of them are harder because of either hail, rain, or sandstorm all of which greatly limit your visibility in spotting different patch types... .. so in my diamond game, I chain for shinys at route 209...

for PDC, Umm the easiest ones to chain are the most common ones... starly route 201 and 202.... stuff like that... even though there are kinda less valuable... you can also chain swarms which are really nice...

Electric pokemon are easy to chain because if you have something like a static pikachu on the front of your party it will make the chances of an electric appearing much higher...

Steels (even though they are less common outside of caves and stuff) are easier to chain because of magneton's magnet pull ability... but basically any pokemon that has an appearance rate of lower than 15-20% will give you a really hard and frustrating time... because if you break the chain (which is most likely) you will have to start all over which means finding that pokemon ALL OVER again! so if it's less common initially, then it's harder to chain... For example... it took me about 30 minutes to actually find a porygon... and right now it's taking me over an hour to find another one... it sucks..

EDIT: This is crazy! so today, I was aiming to chain some glooms or oddishes right? but togepis kept on coming up... so I started chaining togepis... and I ended up chaining 4 shiny togepis in one go... I used a synchronizer and everything... modest nature... and out of the 4 synchronized togepis guess how many came out actually modest? 1!!! just one!!! can you believe that? and the IVs aren't awesome either... I mean seriously! so I don't know if it's the game or if I have to switch up synchronizers in some case...

but if anyone wants one of the shiny togepis... I actually caught one with serene grace and 29 Ivs in special attack... it's a serious nature though... but it should still be good... If anyone wants them or wants info on the other ones... just PM me...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Icrista When can you trade from the Shinys?I can clone them for you.What do you want fr them.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

palkia dialga clash said:
Icrista When can you trade from the Shinys?I can clone them for you.What do you want fr them.

I don't want to clone them... I'll just give them to you... all my pokemon will be one of a kind... As for now, I don't want anything but I'll see what I can get from your trade thread once I have a little bit more time to look through it...
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

urgh training my new team is taking so long. also with the fact that i got the new (and awesome) kingdom hearts game.

again on the first page please take out the (n) in my name. Its LLaveEspada not LLaveespanda. and my FC is in my sig
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Shadoworganoid. When will you be ready to trade for the 2 events I gave you last Friday. I am still waiting. Thanks.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Woohoo!! my chain broke again! This time I'm happy about it because after roughly 2 and a half hours of just running around and resetting the stupid radar, i was getting a little tired... VERY tired... My patience was dwindling... but Thank goodness that before my chain broke i managed to find and catch 6 shiny oddishes... 6!!! and it was my fault that I broke the chain kinda purposely...

First, I was very tired and sleepy and I have school tomorrow... second, the suspense was killing me because I wanted to know if my synchronizers worked or not (which they did this time!!!!)... So when that chain broke i was not mad at all... I quickly flew out of that route to the nearest pokemon center... to find that out of the 6 pokemon caught, 4 of them were synchronized... 2 modest and 2 calm!!!!

I am willing to trade away 1 modest and 1 calm to share with the world... as for the other two... they were quirky and rash... They have already been spoken for but if the person doesn't come and get it, i will be able to give it away here as well.. so come and claim them... I will update my trade thread tomorrow because right now it's about 3 am and I have class tomorrow... Just wanted to let you guys know...

EDIT: 3 different days... 3 Different Chains... 17 Shiny pokes... If anyone wants tips on how to chain like me... let me know..
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

You should join The Shiny Clan so you can post your chains there too. Do we have a Shopkeeper yet? If so who is running it?:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

wow thats just too much icrista i couldnt go that long props i only got about 50 doing larvatars and got 3 shinys all the natures i wanted
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Sorry I have been away guys, I have been doing research for a new team that is capable of being a FA. =D

Nice one Icristia! Could I please trade for the spare calm and modest ones please? And could I get tips aswell? I'm a noob at chaining and the only thing I know about it is that going on your bike brakes the chain! (I know bad joke XD)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

question are shining latios and shadowice banned perma? cause its been a long time
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

No i think,Shining Latios and Shadow Ice are err.. The Same Person so they are 4Ever Banned.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

No they weren't.I have proof.SI and SL were talking to each other when i was on VC.And i heard SL Shouting in the background.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

well yeah because they are both bothers did you guys know that
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

Hey, sorry all. I've been distracted with school work more then I thought I'd be.....

xxashxx: I PM'd you.

So much for me taking over right? LOL
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.


Ok so i was breeding Larvitars and REALLY Needed a 31 IV one.I had to of Bred 60 Adament but only one had 31 IV.And It was female!!!I also have a MALE lapras with DD!So i'll give it DD and 31 Iv In attack....Then Curse too!Once I'm done I'll donate them all to the Clan Shop.YaY Me!! *Clap,Clap,Clap,clap,clap.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan. The war is a DRAW.

PDC,what would you trade for such Lapras?(They are pretty strong thats why i want it :p)
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