Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Fax: Yeah. Get Azelf in there. Just for the one game that you prize terribly. I learned at nats. I played no Azelfs, then prized BOTH of my Baltoys in 1 match. >:[

Eh, 4 Sableye is better. You can just toss out all the extra ones with either Volkner's or Felicity's.

Alrighty, everybody, new topic. PREPARING FOR GRINDERS/WORLDS. I understand that not everybody will be attending, but I do wish that even if they're not, they would still try to help others out.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Ok so here is my leafeon deck that I am trying to get together.

4-2-2 Leafeon Lv.X (Sign's of evolution-RR-MD)
0-1 Espeon ( -Md)
2-2 claydol
1-1 Landmin Growth shaymin
2 unnown G
1 Uxie

4 bebe
4 Roseannes
2 lucians
3 dawn stadium
1 luxury ball
4 pokedrawer
3 warp point
3 Leftovers
4 pokedrawer
2 night maintece


Start with eevee and search out leafeon out with sign's of evolution. Get T2 Leafeon with 2 energy and use plus energy. Then after you get everything set up just keep using verdant dance for major damage and lots of healing.

Here is a list that I am trying to get ready for fall BRs.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Copier! team Rook has the same topic right now...
I wonder... Gallade 4 and Ampharos. 4 Multis, SSU, and an SP engine. Or...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I vote for the first one. Dusknoir = Dead w/ Unown G. People play it for Gengar... but it's killed in the crossfire, if you know what I mean.

@Brandon: I'd run the Call for Family Eevee, to prevent Donks.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I used to play Azelf in there I found that it made things harder for the most part. Although, he is great for just sending out and letting it being KOed so I may put it in. I was thinking about taking out a Pupitar for it? Cause then I could just get the other Pupitar with the Azelf if it is prized.

Do that, and then take out a bebe for an SSU to repeat an Azelf thing just in case you have a T-Tar in prizes so do it again, and also, maybe find a way to squeeze in a BTS? Take out a luxury ball, why you need 2 idk, but put in a BTS instead:

-1 Pupitar
-1 Bebe
-1 luxury ball

+1 Azelf
+1 SSU
+1 BTS

The SSu thing is just an idea, but it could be a major help...just saying.

ALSO, what is grinders? I am such a noob...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Name (real, or screen name): lukas/frozendukie
Region:minnesota(aka midwest)
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals):1/3 at BR :(
Current Deck(s):Mamoswine, GG nido,gengar, dusknior, and half complete porygon/snorlax lvl x tm
Anything else?:plays at misty MT. games
Can you make banners?:i wish, only if i had photoshop.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Dusknoir is not dead, it's a very forgotten deck though.

Grinders is a tournament for your last chance to get an invite for Worlds.

For Grinders, I'm already testing Machamp, Flygon, ApeRay, or Empire.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I like the signs of evolution eevee better beacuse I can have leafeon out by t2.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I ain't going to ginders. I do not want to pay to go way out there when there is not really a point in going.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

PokeKid Brandon said:
I like the signs of evolution eevee better beacuse I can have leafeon out by t2.

That's what your Bebe's search/Luxury Balls are for. I suppose it depends, though. If Machamp, Gengar, Rampardos, and Sableye donk decks are popular in your area, run the Call For Family eevee. If not, then run the Signs of Evolution ones.

I'll add Frozendukie to the list, along with members I may have forgotten.

@Pokeman: OK... what did that have to do with any of the decks? Please try to help out rather than saying whether you're going or not...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

They don't seem to be that popular in my area but I will keep testing and see.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

PokeKid Brandon:
replace like 3 of your grass energy w/ call energy. That way, you wont get totally donked...and then stick with signs of eeveeloution eevee.

Also, take out 1 lucians and put in an azelf, in case one of your leaf x are in your prizes.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I already added in an azelf and I will think about call enregy. What do you think about upper energy in cse I get down in prizes? It provides the same as grass but if I am down inprizes then it is an extrat 10 damage.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

HIHI, this is my first post as a new member of Team Transform. I'm currently working on a porygon x deck.I'd like to use something similar to this:

3-2-2-1 porygon lvl x(install for porygon z)
4-2 snorlax lvl x( 2 being collect RR, the others being bad sleeping habits)
1 unown G
1 azelf(u know y)
1 uxie(draw power)

1 felicity's drawing
2 bebe's search
1 luxary ball
4 pokedrawer+
2 pokedex handy 910is
2 premier balls
2 pro. oak's visit
2 super scoop up
4 tech. machine(devoluter)
4 tech. machine(evoluter)

1 cyclone energy
1 multi energy
2 warp energy(due to the moderate retreat costs in this deck)
14 {P} energy

Please critic, I'm hoping to redeem myself after my embarrassing losses at BR.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

You can't run 4-2 Snorlax, you don't need multi, and Rampardos, Machamp, And Flygon WillKEELU! I'd suggest Building a 4-2-3-1 Pory Z, with 1-1 Dialga G X, and 2-2 Claydol. Your trainers could use work too.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

So 2-2 lvlx snorlax? and the bigger pory set sounds good..Thank you.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Frozendukie said:
Region:minnesota(aka midwest)
Anything else?:plays at misty MT. games

Hmmmm, do I know you? I live in the same area (MN). My name is Max. 2nd at our States and 1st in our RR Prerelease
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

umm idk a max, wat do ya look like. What deck were u using for the rr release?(i know there r a lot of questions) Lastly where u at BR?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

5'4", brown hair, glasses.
I used mostly eeveelutions (mainly glaceon) in the prerelease, but I also had some random basics
Uh, I played Shiftry at the Source BRs and Turtwig GL at the Misty Mountain BRs
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