Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

That sounds cool, great idea.

I was thinking of running Electrode G in Tyranitar, to spread and go behind prizes, attach an upper then Grind.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Name (real, or screen name):infernapemaster/Nick Demmith
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals):3rd at states
Current Deck(s):Drapion,Kingdom,Magnezone
Anything else?:nope
Can you make banners?:Not yet i am new at this site.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

THERE YA GO! JUST THE APPLICATION THIS TIME! :p Anyways, welcome to the team. If you want, you can use one of the team's banners, since you don't have one yet.

BTW: What's KingDom? Is that Kingdra with smething, or is that the Nidoking/queen deck you have?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

^ I think what he means is the Nido's.

Which one do you think will be more useful in T-Tar? Volkner or Felicity's?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I see Volkner being more useful, seeing as you can draw more cards.

What would be your ideal list, Fax, for the deck? Sounds pretty interesting and I might actually attempt to make it if I can get T-tars again lol
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

But that's what Claydol's for.

I'd play Felicities, because T-Tar doesn't play as much trainers as other decks, you're not wasting cards as fast, making it hard to get cards with Volkner's.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Oh yea, I'm totally used to SP decks now. I forget you run Claydol =/

Run felicities than.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Here is my list for everyone to see, remember, keep this deck secret!


3-2-3 Tyranitar (SF)
4 Sableye (SF)
1-1 Blissey (PL)
2-2 Claydol (GE)
1 Unown G (GE)
1 Uxie (LA)

4 Bebe's Search
3 Roseanne's Research
2 Volkner's Philosophy
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Healer +
2 Life Herb
2 Warp Point
2 Luxury Ball
2 Night Matenance
2 Moonlight Statium

4 Secial Darkness Energy
7 Darkness Energy
2 Upper Energy

The deck works like a charm.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Only thing I can think of is -2 Volkner for +2 Felicities.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

^ Eh, I'd do -1 Volkner for +1 Felicities
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'd go -1 Luxury Ball, - 1 Volkner's, +2 Felicity's. I know that the idea is to toss the extra Luxury ball w/ Felicity's, but it's better to get the extra Felicity's in there.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Here is the thing I really don't like about Felicity's, I am not able to draw anything with it if I don't want to discard anything. :/ In 70% of the games I have had Felicity's in my hand, I wasn't able to use it because I had no extra Darkness Energy. Volkner's is better IMO, because I can just get cards, or I can get Darkness Energy into my discard pile. Plus it works better with Claydol too.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Do you need 4 candy? I know moonlight gives you retreat, but I'd drop 2 cand for a BTS and a TSD.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Lolmonster said:
Do you need 4 candy? I know moonlight gives you retreat, but I'd drop 2 cand for a BTS and a TSD.

YES, they are essencial. I'd try running a 4-2-4 or 4-3-4 T-Tar.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

choccy417 said:
Lolmonster said:
Do you need 4 candy? I know moonlight gives you retreat, but I'd drop 2 cand for a BTS and a TSD.

YES, they are essencial. I'd try running a 4-2-4 or 4-3-4 T-Tar.

Agreed about the Candys. About the T-Tar lines, I don't have enough room for them. I could maybe take out the Life Herbs but they can really help. After all, the point of the deck to to fully charge T-Tar and then heal off any damage on it. I usually only use 2 T-Tars per game anyway too. Good suggestion though.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Well, I'd at least get 1 BTS in there, for an early Grind KO possibly. The Lolmonster's got a point there.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
Well, I'd at least get 1 BTS in there, for an early Grind KO possibly. The Lolmonster's got a point there.
Possible, what should I take out in there though?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Hey maybe you should put in an azelf LA just in case a T-Tar or blissey is in prizes? Just a thought. BTW, this deck looks cool, and i actually have the cards for it!! Yay!!!
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Seth1789110 said:
Hey maybe you should put in an azelf LA just in case a T-Tar or blissey is in prizes? Just a thought. BTW, this deck looks cool, and I actually have the cards for it!! Yay!

I used to play Azelf in there I found that it made things harder for the most part. Although, he is great for just sending out and letting it being KOed so I may put it in. I was thinking about taking out a Pupitar for it? Cause then I could just get the other Pupitar with the Azelf if it is prized.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

-1 Sableye +1 BTS? 3 is still consistent. but you could use SSU too.
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