Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

omg it's UUUUU lol with the turtwig GL yeah i remember you. nice nice.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I'm trying to remember who you are, did I play you at all?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

No actually and if u did id be embarrassed lol i think i won maybe half my matches.. From wat i here ur pretty good.

actually that was the premeir at the BR i only won one with a aggron bastiodon and metagross failed.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

it failed miserably frozendukie ;), and i think i proved that haha...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

HAHAHA ur funny! sorry lol it just funny how ur so pompuss on ur stable speedrill deck.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

yeah its but speaking of decks, what do you think the NEXT br will show us in deck ideas? Blaziken FB? Garchomp? What?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Shedinja is what I'll use. His body is so good
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I've been looking at the electrivire and other spread SP cards they r pretty good, and yes shedinja will definitely be a card seen used wen the premier comes around.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

yeah i am leaning towards Absol. I have always liked the destruction idea, but never got around to it. Now i think i will try for the 'Sol
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

@Frozendukie + Mapleboy: Please try to stay on topic. I know it's tempting when you think you know somebody... but that's what PM's are for. ;) *headslap*

@Frozendukie only: For the Pory Z deck, you should run more supporters, like Bebe's Search and Roseanne's Research. Porygon2 lets you use more then 1 in a turn, remember.

Absol seems like a very good card. Everybody wants to run it. It'll be the first good {D} deck out since T-Tar.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

4-3-3-1 Flygon
3-2 Weavile
1-0-1 Dusknior Dark palm (shiny duskull)
2-2 claydol
2 Unown G

4 Bebe
3 Roseanee's
1 Luxury ball
2 warp point
2 Nm
4 Rare candy
4 Pokedrawer
2 Premier ball

2 Dark
4 SP. Dark
2 Upper
4 Call

SO here si my flygon deck. I wanted to know what yall thought.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I'd take the 2 basic {D} out for {P} or {F}, so you can give Dusknoir/Claydol free retreat. (most likely the {P}, 'cause Dusnkoir's got 3 retreat instead of 2, so you could just attatch Upper to retreat Claydol. =/)
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I have weavile so I can just turn one of them dark and retreat.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I can't wait until Absol, it will make RampChamp so much easier to play
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

This is my second option instead of pory tech deck.
22 poke'
4-2-2/2-1 galladeSW/gardevoir(should i use SW or PL?)gardevoir lvlx
3-2-2 nidoqueen RR
2 sableye SF(to set up faster)
1 crobat G(snipe)
1 farfetch'd(just incase i dont get sableye)
22 trainers/supporters/stadiums
bebe search 3
roseane's research 3
rare candy 3
pro. oaks visit 2
poke' handy 910is 2
luxary ball 1
poke' recovery 2
professor Rowan 1
Volkneir's philosophy 1
cynthia's feelings 1
poke' radar 1

Strategy: My goal is to get one of my three starters a.k.a. sableye farfetch'd and pull out supporters. I use gallade as my main att. since he can hit up to 120. Nido on the bench for it's poke' body along with gardevoir on the bench.(depending on the gard it can either move energy or use even more supporter to help set up) Once gallade dies(which he will) I'll pull out nido who does a usual 70-90 damage. I'm sure you guys will shoot my hopes strait out of the water so..1....2....3....GO!
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Why not go 3 Sableye, 0 Farfetch'd instead of 2 Sableye, 1 Farfetch'd
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I don't own three sableye lol, so just no farfeth'd?speaking of grinders where is the closest to the twin cities?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Oh, then put in a uxie

And as for grinders, try San Diego lol
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

-1 oaks
-1 cynthias
-1 volkners
-1 rowan

+1 rare candy
+1 bebe
+1 roseanne
+1 uxie (LA)
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Frozendukie said:
I don't own three sableye lol, so just no farfeth'd?speaking of grinders where is the closest to the twin cities?

San Diego is the closest one to there.
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