Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

If I use Leafeon, then the deck becomes pokemon heavy. I had thought about it, but I like the extra 40 HP on my Yanmegas. I may still try it by altering some lines once the cards come out.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Name (real, or screen name): Galloxys
Division: Senior
Region: Whaddyamean?
Records this season: Nothing. Although I am just really unlucky, and I haven't had any REALLY good decks yet.
Current Deck(s): DuskChomp (AKA ADoR), BlissToise,
Anything else?: See answer for 'Region'
Can you make banners?: Yes
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Name (real, or screen name): Bacon Boy
Division: Seniors
Region: Northeast
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): idk i havent been keeping track
Current Deck(s): Ground/Steel/Colorless
Anything else?: yeah since Celtics Kid hasent been on for like 2 months can i be head agent?
Can you make banners?: yeah i can make one right now
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

/\Celtics kid go banned. TPO3/Fax, gone next week.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

hey, does anyone know the actual date for grinders? Cause i may be able to go to it, and if i do itll be awesome...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

^Yes, I'm pretty sure it's August 15th. I might go too, I have relatives who live less than 1 hr. away from San Diego. :O

To all 3 appliers: You guys are in, I'll add you to the list.
@bacon boy: You have a point, but not ATM. Either he, or the other member might become more active, but you probably will end up being head agent.

Thanks for telling us lolmonster.

OK, what are current lists and such? [I've been offline due to vacation, so what've I missed, basically.]

Galloxys: What part of the US do you live in? [if you don't live in the US, what country.] If you don't know your region, then the State will be fine.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Celtics Kid is BANNED TPo3. Was I the only one that noticed?(not being rude, just sayin)
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

i might, (MIGHT, its a small possibility) get to go. I think it will be no tho, but if i did i would wear a sign that says: I AM SETH1789110, so people could notice me. I am smaller lol, but i have speedrill, and the only deck i no of that can top that is luxape...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

nah some plox can. or dusk cuz they block bench room decreasing swarm epically.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I crushed a Speedrill deck yesterday with my Flygon/Gardevoir. Pretty much every other turn I would future my opponent's deck so they could never draw anything they needed, while I kept getting set up. After that, I kept using Psychic Lock so even if my opponent would have drawn Claydols, they would not have helped. My opponent got off a whole 1 Beedrill that game.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Lolmonster said:
Celtics Kid is BANNED TPo3. Was I the only one that noticed?(not being rude, just sayin)

Oh, I thought he was Temp. Banned, not Perma Banned, mah bad. :p

@Seth: Watch out for Palkia G decks too. I tried going against one with My Speedrill deck, and Lost Cyclone is epic against that deck.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yeah hes banned so can I be head agent?

Ok so who made it to worlds?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yes, I was just about to tell you that. :p [seeing as Canis Lupis hasn't been on either.]

I haven't made it to worlds yet. I might go to grinders, though.

Lol, some dude at my tourney center lost his world's invite by I think it was 0.8 points. :p
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Oh grinders still good.

Lol that really stinks. Wow.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I know. And, since the only way to get an invite in Grinders is by making "top X" [whatever top is that year, once it was top 4, once it was Top 32. 0.o], so he can't go, win the first round, and then drop, just to get into worlds. It's really lame.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yeah. And he probably wont get it next year its tough.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

If they truly are a great player, they should be able to get an invite. It may be hard, but not impossible unless you don't try. Everyone's points reset after Worlds anyway. This year, I am going to be judging a lot more than playing.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yeah. If he comes this close this year, and he's still got 1 year left in Seniors, he'll do great next year.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yeah but masters is real tough. Worlds are even harder lol. But yeah if he tries hard he
probably might make it again.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I have to go to masters next season. [lol, would say "next format" but it's the same. xP]

It's a lot more competitive in my area. And, it's more rougue. There's not too many metagame decks. The most used one is Flygon, but there's sooooooo many different variants of it in masters, that it's not even funny.
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