Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Whoa! Masters! Have Fun! lol Thats tough but I think you can do
it just believe in yourself.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Masters, eek.
LOL, I still has one more year in Seniors.
Yay, maybe I can win a BR before Doomsday comes.
The thing I think kills in Masters is for BR's you have a top4 cut and only top2 gets prizes, epic phail.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

^^ yeah. I am in seniors for 1 more season now. My birthday is august 31st, and the season starts september 1st lol...its a total epic fail...but lost cyclone would be a massive problem, but see the thing is i can sacrifice an uxie and a claydol, and keep the bench space free. I need the beedrill, and after like t2, i can just drop the draw power if i dont need it anymore lol...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I have 2 more years in Seniors. Most of the good players in Florida are older so that = LESS COMPETION. YAY! lol
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

yeah. Same here where i am. Like all the good players moved up to masters, so i can happily sit in the top 4 almost all the time. I will be attempting to compete using top tier decks, so i am happy...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

HAHA seth if u can destroy max, me, sabrina(jklol), zack, and that one dude who is running the luxnape deck.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

well sabrina is no problem at all. Sabrina doesnt have like enough good cards and she is to stubborn to admit that pyramid isnt that good. That one kid at our league is at masters division and he is not allowed to go to misty(he is banned), and of course max is a big problem, and then with you, it just will take play testing. I mean you and me will go head and head(depending on the deck i use), so yeah...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

^Who is banned from going to Misty Mountain? Anyways, I just emailed Jeff to try and get prerelease dates and locations. I also asked if I could judge some of them and a battle roads. Once I hear back, I will let you guys know.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

o ok sweeeeeeeeeeet sweet. That would such a huge help. Anyways, this one guy who goes to air traffic league, thinks he is all that, and he is in a gang, and he shoots porn for a job, yet he plays pokemon and yugioh with like 8th grade kids lol. He is really f***in annoying and stuff. But yeah, i am sooooo excited. Do you know if the verified seller, Ed will be there? He is the guy i sold my dialga g x to, and you bought it. It payed for ma pre-release
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I think I know who you are talking about now. Ed will likely be there; I will contact him just to be sure.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

lol seth not tyrae the other dude..umm he is white,short blondish hair. He goes to leagues on FRI. He used to run a GG variation..
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

o that guy is masters. I dont have to worry about him, yet...also, dragonexpert, contact him. That would be really sweet cause I have some X's i want to get rid of, and REALLY REALLY need to get that cash...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I have reprints lol and some lvlx's too so please please please contact him expert.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

In our area only one good player moved up to masters, but next year a whole handful are moving up(Me,Brandon,Ty(I think) among others).
Next year I'll be trying one rogue but mostly Absol and other top tier decks(GeChamp I think will make a resurgance,I might try Gallade). Beedrill G is the rogue i might play.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Sorry everyone! I have been on a super huge vacation!

I am going on to Masters this year and I don't know if my dad will let my play because of it...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Tell him Bennett, Sean and I all are going to be master too.

EDIT: Oh, yes. TPO3 might not be active for a while. Bennett and I saw him at the Harry Potter movie thing yesterday, and he said his sister got a virus or something like that, where he can't really do much. So, yea, just a heads up.

Bennett and I snuck into two movies yesterday and almost got into harry potter, but we decided to leave two minutes before the movie started because we couldn't remember if they checked tickets or not, and we had none. :p
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

@Fax: I hope you continue to play. The competition becomes much bigger now that you will be entering the Masters division. I would have liked to have seen the Harry Potter movie also, but I had to work. I still haven't heard back from PTO Jeff yet.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I might go to harry potter today. Is it any good? And also, I stay in seniors for a little bit longer...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

mr.619 said:
Tell him Bennett, Sean and I all are going to be master too.

EDIT: Oh, yes. TPO3 might not be active for a while. Bennett and I saw him at the Harry Potter movie thing yesterday, and he said his sister got a virus or something like that, where he can't really do much. So, yea, just a heads up.

Bennett and I snuck into two movies yesterday and almost got into harry potter, but we decided to leave two minutes before the movie started because we couldn't remember if they checked tickets or not, and we had none. :p

You mean that my Computer got a virus, not my sister. :p We got it fixed just yesterday. All for just $86.95. :[

The Harry Potter movie is the funniest one that they made yet. :O

Anyways, does anybody think a spread Dusknoir deck will be good in this format? I'm not talking about the Shadow Command one, the Spirit Pulse one that spreads more.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Did they check tickets? If not, Ima be sad. And that much for fixing a computer? I fix my own for free lol.

And, imo, no, it won't.
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