Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I like Parasect from SV. Im a sucker for those grass pokemon^^
Plus, hes not too bad! (imo)
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

^^ You are right. I think it will add a little something to those Energy needy Grass decks.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I am really looking forward to Yanmega and Garchomp C LV.X.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Um fax does ur thing say, i have a lot of sharpeners or something lol? off topic, but I think that the parasect will do well while venisuar is benched and trying to get energy.

actually to correct myself it means I want a lot of sharpeners please.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

What are good deck-lists for Legos, Dialga G, and Luxape? I want to know these so I can buy the correct cards.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

So i had the tournament today, but sadly it was my aunts birthday (which i forgot about DX) so i couldnt offically participate. I got there late.
But i was able to play against the guy who got 3rd aaaand i pretty much whooped him!^-^

Dialga Master: I would gladly help you, but im very new to the game. I dont know much outside of my Eevee deck.. Ill look around at cards online though and post my list when i complete it.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Decklist for Honchray GL

4-3-1 Honchkrow LV.X (SW-SV-SW)
2-1 Luxray GL LV.X (RR-RR)
2 Relicanth (SV)
2 Uxie (LA)
2 Mesprit (LA)
1/1 Azelf (LA/MT)
2 Unown G
21 Pokemon

4 Roseanne
4 PokeDrawer+
3 Energy Gain
3 Great Ball
2 Bebe
2 Pokemon Contest Hall
2 Switch
2 SP Radar
2 PokeTurn
2 Lookers
2 Night Maintenance
1 Luxury Ball
29 Trainers

6 Dark Energy (2 Special)
4 Lightning Energy
10 Energy

Strategy: Use Contest Hall and Murkrow's Swarm attack to load up the bench quickly. Honchkrow then causes lots of damage with Riot. Using Lookers before using Dark Revival lets me know whats in my opponents hand, so I can plan more about what I'm going to revive. Luxray KOs what was brought up. Uxie for draw, Mesprit for power lock, Azelf LA for you know what. Azelf MT is also a counter to my opponents basics, which rises their energy cost, which in turn slows them down for a turn.

It's really rough, and I'm sure I missed stuff, but I was just wanting to use my 2 RH Luxray GL and Honchkrow LV.X to good use.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Thats a good decklist. Luxray brings up the pokemon, honch picks them off. You could use feint attack also to bench snipe, but bench sniping is more effective w/ a metagross honch combo.

I tried the Spirit Pulse Dusknoir with Yanmega and it did pretty well. You never have to attach energy to Yanmega, but I ran a few grass in case I needed to use agility on Yanma.

edit: Wrote:Supreme Victors - Aug. 8th thru Aug. 23rd - Pre-Releases!
St. Paul MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/8 10 / 10:30 Source Comics & Games
St. Paul MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/8 1 / 1:30 Source Comics & Games
St. Louis Park MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/9 Noon / 12:30 Dreamer's Cards
St. Louis Park MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/9 2:00 / 2:30 Dreamer's Cards
Coon Rapids MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/16 Noon / 12:30 Outpost 2000 & Beyond
Coon Rapids MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/16 2:00 / 2:30 Outpost 2000 & Beyond
Burnsville MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/22 10:30 / 11:00 Misty Mountain Games
Burnsville MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/22 12:30 / 1:00 Misty Mountain Games

sorry it didn't keep the nice format when I copied and pasted it.

Hey hey wait. Doesn't the set come out on the 19th? So wouldnt that make the pre-release tourney after the release?
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Yeah is power and just overall pwn lol, but works well for a discard set. I think that the prerelease this time around will be way more interesting.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I'm sorry, but I really don't know why Absol would be BDIF.

It lacks a lot of damage output, and has weakness to Machamp (not like I care or anything)
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Bippa201 said:
I'm sorry, but I really don't know why Absol would be BDIF.

It lacks a lot of damage output, and has weakness to Machamp (not like I care or anything)

I don't know if he will either but I know for sure he is going to be up top. I think he will go far if there was some good {P} techs in there. I know there are quite a few too.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

It has a decsent discard ability, and could come up when an sp deck needed to kill something quick.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

IMO, Absol isn't BDIF. It's got an outstanding power and such, but It's got very low HP, and can still faint. Plust, it's not guranteed that you get all the good cards into the Lost zone. I think the Gengar Lv. X is going to make a better deck. [I think it comes out this set...]
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

@Seth: I am just going by the info that Jeff posted.

I don't think Absol will be the BDIF either. Anything that requires coin flips is bad IMO except for TSD. I predict Yanma may end up becoming big. The deck plays itself and is fairly cheap to make. It only requires one Landmin LV.X and either 2 Claydol or Uxie.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I didnt mean to say that absol is BDIF but that it has potential and yes yanma seams nuts. Will we see you playing that deck? Or only a prediction, dragonexpert.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Absol isn't so great and Seth Blaziken FB with Heatran ain't that great either. Non SP pokemon don't gp well with SP pokemon.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

^lol wut?

Turtwig GL and Shaymin Lv.X say hi.

IMO, Absol will be a Tier 1.5-2.5 deck, with Blaziken Tier 1-2. LuxApe will be forgotten in favor of Flash Fire (Blaze FB + Lux GL) and HonchRay. Machamp gets a bit of a boost with more SPs, and Gengar is just Gengar
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