Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

The spread dusk is rly rly good, but not many people realize it could be developed into a moderately strong deck.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

yeah it could, except when dialga g rolls along and puts up a road block sign to your spreading...tough, i no lol. It would be ok, not fantastic, but it would win a few, lose a few. It would be more of a tech, then a deck...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

dragonexpert said:
@Fax: I hope you continue to play. The competition becomes much bigger now that you will be entering the Masters division. I would have liked to have seen the Harry Potter movie also, but I had to work. I still haven't heard back from PTO Jeff yet.

Same here. I want to play some of the harder players at least once. Maybe even win a tourney or 2.

BTW... Does anyone know when AA comes out?
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

AA? if that's the set after SV, then it'll be in November. [PUSA has 4 PR's a year, so 1 every 3 months. :3]

Watch out in masters too, it's way more rogue. Less meta games by far.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

The Power of Three said:
Galloxys: What part of the US do you live in? [if you don't live in the US, what country.] If you don't know your region, then the State will be fine.

I live in western missouri.

(Oh, BTW, I forgot that I came fourth in cities)
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

... I think that's in the South... if not, It's the Midwest. I'll put you in the South, since the Midwest has a lot of members already.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I tried the Spirit Pulse Dusknoir with Yanmega and it did pretty well. You never have to attach energy to Yanmega, but I ran a few grass in case I needed to use agility on Yanma.

edit: said:
Supreme Victors - Aug. 8th thru Aug. 23rd - Pre-Releases!
St. Paul MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/8 10 / 10:30 Source Comics & Games
St. Paul MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/8 1 / 1:30 Source Comics & Games
St. Louis Park MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/9 Noon / 12:30 Dreamer's Cards
St. Louis Park MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/9 2:00 / 2:30 Dreamer's Cards
Coon Rapids MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/16 Noon / 12:30 Outpost 2000 & Beyond
Coon Rapids MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/16 2:00 / 2:30 Outpost 2000 & Beyond
Burnsville MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Theme Deck 8/22 10:30 / 11:00 Misty Mountain Games
Burnsville MN Jeff Supreme Victors Prerelease
Sealed Booster 8/22 12:30 / 1:00 Misty Mountain Games
sorry it didn't keep the nice format when I copied and pasted it.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

really? sounds good, butit sounds like you only used the Pl0x aspect anyway.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

I have two different deck Ideas that I would really like to get some feedback on.
pretty basic darkfly deck

3-2-3-1(2RR,1SW) flygon x
2-2 weavile SW
3 Sableye
2 quick ball
3 googleeane's research
4 bebe's search
1 luxary ball
2 volknier's philosophy
2 rare candy
3 NM
2 pokemon rescue
2 Felicity's drawiing
3 poke' handy
1 lvl max
2 cynthia's feelings
29 t/s/s
3 darnkess energy
8 dark energy
2 cyclone energy
3 fighting energy
16 energy
This deck is extremely fast due to the fact that often i can play either three energy per turn and or two supporters per turn. It also has a lot of just normal trainers/draw power to push through flygon and lvl x that i shuffle back in. Also if my opponent gets a bad start with a basic that has 40 HP, which is rare it donks...or if they have 50 they go to ten first turn.This went 14-1 at my local gaming against 4 different decks with multiple tries.All pokemon are also dark due to weaviles.
The second deck is a strait discarding deck.

3-2-3-1 fly
2-2 claydol
2-2 weavile
13 pokemon
4 warp point
4 quick ball
2 NM
3 pokemon rescue
2 poke' handy
4 bebe's search
2 googleean's research
2 lvl max
1 luxary ball
2 volknier's philosophy
2 cynthia's feelings
2 rare candy
32 t/s/s
4 cyclone energy
9 dark energy
2 darkness energy

Based on getting out the lvl x dies so i shuffle it back in and quickly recover it. Easy retreat due to rainbow float making this deck fast and hard does deck people fast. I'm guessing my worst problem is either the lack of pokemon or I'm using the wrong T/S/S's please help me out.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Name: Jessika
Division: Master
Region: WestCoast
Records this season: I havnt played in any tournaments yet. my first one is tomorrow!:D
Current Deck(s): Eeveelution.
Anything else?: I do tons of research everyday in an attempt to find unique strategies, and i'll do my best to make myself valuable to the team.
Can you make banners?: Yepp^^
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

List 1: Through my experience, I recommend using all RR Flygons nad no Fighting ones. 3 NM + 2 Rescue is overkill. Go with just 2 NM. The three spots go for a 2-1 Claydol. Take out a sableye in order to make room for a second Claydol. Take out the Quick Balls a Roseanne's and a Poke Drawer +. Change the pokedexs to three more drawer. Take out a Volkner's and a Cynthia's to make room for two more candies. Change Level Max to Premier Ball. You will like it much better. Take out a basic dark energy for a special one. Change 1 Cyclone and 1 basic dark to Call energies.

List 2: For deck out Flygon, use 4 Trapinch SW and run at least 2 Memory Berry. It is awesome to slowly destroy their Claydol and discard their deck while they can't do anything. Take out the 4 Quick Ball for the Memory Berries, Trapinch, and a Roseanne's. Change Level Maxes to Premier Balls. Use just two NM and no Rescues. Add in 2 Rare candy and an Azelf LA. Take out 2 of the Warp Points and the pokedexs for a full set of Drawers. Energy line should be 2 Call, 4 Special Dark, 2 Basic Dark, 2 Cyclone, 5 Fighting. If you truly want to have an eternal Claydol trap, run a lone Unown K (Don't remember what set).
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Oh wow thank you, umm although i havent seen a good flygon that doesnt run a quick ball or two. I will take out the volkniers and cynthia, and reduce my NM rescue amounts. Now I Should have room for either poke drawers or claydol.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Frozendukie said:
Oh wow thank you, umm although I havent seen a good flygon that doesnt run a quick ball or two. I will take out the volkniers and cynthia, and reduce my NM rescue amounts. Now I Should have room for either poke drawers or claydol.

My Flygon deck has been doing really well and doesn't use Quick Balls. I run mine with Gardevoir. If you follow all the suggestions, you will have the space for both Claydol and Drawers. For now, I must go to bed since I had to work last night from 10pm-7am this morning. I can look at your revised lists later.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

PokeGirl* said:
Name: Jessika
Division: Master
Region: WestCoast
Records this season: I haven't played in any tournaments yet. my first one is tomorrow!:D
Current Deck(s): Eeveelution.
Anything else?: I do tons of research everyday in an attempt to find unique strategies, and I'll do my best to make myself valuable to the team.
Can you make banners?: Yepp^^

I'll add you to the west region. Good Luck today. ;)

@Frozendukie: I'd change the Felicity's to Professor Oak's Visits, seeing as you can't get whatever you discard back into your hand. And, which Trapinch are you playing? [play the SW one, without the poke-power].
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

A lass I only own one SW trapinch..or i would own them all..and that means that I cannot play the strait discard deck.
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

Yes, well, try to get the SW one, because the other one gets pwnd by 1 Shadow Room, unfortunately.

OK, so let's get a new topic going here:
What cards are you looking forward to from Supreme Victors?
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I am going to be looking forward to the rhyperior set, and combinations with the new absol.

Oh and the {P} ghost SP that are coming out will be good for existing deck styles.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

BLAZIKEN FB...thats what I am looking for/need. I am gunna run a Blazetran FB deck, so itll be great. Also, looking for the lvl x and shinies, just cause they are valuable, but Milotic especially. She will fetch me a good bargain...also, trying to get the honchkrow, cause if I cant get Blazetran FB then I will fall back on DWD...
RE: Team Transform- NEW TOPIC!!- Preparing for Grinders/Worlds

The Power of Three said:
AA? if that's the set after SV, then it'll be in November. [PUSA has 4 PR's a year, so 1 every 3 months. :3]

Watch out in masters too, it's way more rogue. Less meta games by far.

Ya, there is a ton more to worry about. :( I think it will be kind of fun though.

I am looking forward to that one Relicanth card for sure. I might want to use a Dusky deck!
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