Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

The Power of Three said:
Everybody in my area is talking about how great Absol G is gonna be. I can't wait until everybody plays it, and then fails! :p

Just to let you guys know, I'll be on vacation in Wash. D.C. for the next few days, Fax is in charge, so listen to him. If I find out that you guys haven't obeyed... bad things will happen. >.> don't make me do that, please. ;)

lol, Absol won't fail... I do kind of like the looks of Absol but I agree, after reveiwing strategies, he won't be as good everyone thinks he is going to be.

I will take good care of them... wahhahahahahahahahhha! lol jk
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Guys, RUN! FAX IS IN CHARGE! ITS JUST LIKE THE MAYANS PREDICTED!! AH!!! Lol, anyways, so you dont think I should run torterra SF for the evolution bonus, and just stick w/ candies, bts, and stuff? Thanks again...
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

^^ I would say no. IMO, it is kind of clunky.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

kk. But do you think Beautifly is tournament rogue? Like if I ran Beautifly/Sceptile, would it be tourney ready?
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Possibly, I'd just try it out at a BR and if it does good just go from there. I think it would've been better in a DP-PL era,cause now there's Infernape 4 and Blaziken FB to worry about.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Raquaza96 said:
It really depends on what the metagame is.

I agree. IMO, it has some potential but I would test it out against a ton of decks to see what it is good and bad against.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Also, it has a weakness to lightning *glares at Luxray* so otherwise its ok. Its decent speed, and w/ Sceptile I can have an entire army mobilized with relative ease, and a consistent stream of butterflys. Also, they will eventually run out of unknown G's, so then my status conditions activate and kill I will test it b4 hand, so that i dont get slaughtered the day of. Thanks again!
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Seth1789110 said:
why? It doesnt have a weakness to fire! Just lightning...

You should tech in a 1-0-1 line of that new Exploud. He gets rid of all Weaknesses on your side of the field.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

ahh should I? Good plan. Since Beautifly doesnt need terrible amounts of bench space...Well, a space for Claydol, a space for Sceptile, a space for Uxie, thats 3, another for exploud, thats 4, and another beautifly. Makes sense, I will do that.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

It seems to me that 1-0-1 lines slow down the deck. I can never get them out.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I have found that if you ever need to use other Pokemon lines that are hard to get out fast, you have to use Poke Drawer +. Trust me, with the Poke Drawer + your deck will become faster and of course you can search out those tricky techs and such.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Yeah. I usually run 1-0-1 tech lines in decks, unless I second them as attackers, or unless its Sceptile
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

I'm back, after being gone for seven weeks. Could somebody give me a quick run-down over what's happened in the last seven weeks, TCG-wise?
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

BlazikenEX said:
I'm back, after being gone for seven weeks. Could somebody give me a quick run-down over what's happened in the last seven weeks, TCG-wise?

Mostly we have been discusing cards that are going to be good in the next pack and we have been talking about Seth's Beutifly rouge deck.
RE: Team Transform- What are YOU looking forard to? Discuss SV!

Sorry TPO3, but I'm gonna leave Team Transform. I haven't really been active enough.
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