Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

I want to try out DPL it seems really complicated and fun. Hey Rummage can you tell me what the main strategy is since you're in Masters and have probably played against it?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

DPL is just a mixture of SP's.. probably the most complicated out there to play. If the list is played correctly, it's easy BDIF.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

I almost feel like SV will go practically unnoticed, since it doesn't seem to bring much to the big metagame decks other than a few good Trainers.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Blaziken /\ Absol /\ Rayquaza /\ but that's it. but those 3 will be played a LOT.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Yeah. The only deck I see is mabye Absol and Blaze.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Primeape/Chatot G
Camerupt La/Chatot G
Yanmega SV/Electivire FB
Metagross SV/Gengar SF
Regular Garchomp SV
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Lolmonster said:
Blaziken /\ Absol /\ Rayquaza /\ but that's it. but those 3 will be played a LOT.

Rayquaza will be played not THAT much, but it does have some good decks it can be placed in. It'll be an interesting card, IMO.

Electivire FB is going to be big, IMO. What do you guys think?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Name (real, or screen name):lucario-master
Records 1st regs,6th nats
Current Deck(s)palkia/techs
Anything else?:um, im going to grinders and im ranked no1 in weastern canada.
Can you make banners?:
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

7Lucario7Master7 said:
Name (real, or screen name):lucario-master
Records 1st regs,6th nats
Current Deck(s)palkia/techs
Anything else?:um, im going to grinders and im ranked no1 in weastern canada.
Can you make banners?:

I'll add you to the appropriate region. We finally have a Canadian member. >.>

What do you suspect metagame will be with the upcoming set out?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

I'd like to join!
Name (real, or screen name): Johnny Phantom
Division: Masters
Region: Brazil
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 10th at BR (u_u)
Current Deck(s): Gallade 4
Anything else?: I'm joining to be a better player and learn more!
Can you make banners?: Yes, I can

Thanks for attention :D
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

TPO3, Electrivire gets killed by Legos. Power Spray and Mesprits and Promocroak. You're toast.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Sorry I have been inactive... I have been more buisy than you can imagine.

IMO, these will be the decks that will be the meta once SV comes out:

Absol G
Blaziken FB
Raquaza C
Genchamp (yep, it will get really good again)
Gengar/Genchamp with Relicanth

That is what I see.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

I still believe flygon will be up there with these decks. Those of you in the master's division I'm sure will continue to see a lot of gengar, and power locking stuff.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Okay here is my list of metagame decks for DP-SV
GeChamp w/Relicanth
Mother Gengar
Metal Gengar
Absol G
Rayquaza C

Then with AoA I think 3 more decks will emerge

Then depending on popularity of Blaziken/Infernape
Dialga G

It also appears that for once every type will get a meta deck-
Metal-Dialga G/Metal Gengar
Dark-Absol G/Dark Plox
Psychic-Gengar w/anything
Grass-Turtwig/Torterrible/Scizor &Cherrim/Tangrowth

Could be a very interesting meta where perhaps Arceus's versatility could help make it a decent deck. Also I don't consider Electivire to be meta as any smart SP deck kills it as does Machamp as does Gengar and does decks make up about 50-60% of meta. Also I don' think the fact that there is 13 sets is going to impact the meta I mean from the first 4 there are about 20 usable cards,
Weavile SW
Sneasel SW
Magnezone DP
Claydol GE
Baltoy GE
Azelf MT
Mespirt MT
Uxie MT
Gardevoir LV.X
Gardevoir SW
Dusknoir DP
Kirlia SW
Rare Candy GE
Then most of the T/S/S I'm sure I missed some but really the 13 sets is more like 9 IMO.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

in the most recent two, not counting t/s/s I can think of:
Gallade 4 X
Luxray GL X
Dialga G and X
Palkia G and X
Crobat G.
That's 7. so If the ratios were the same, your list should have 14 cards, with rare candy out of it. so actually, the first 4 sets were pretty good.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Also I don't consider Electivire to be meta as any smart SP deck kills it as does Machamp as does Gengar and does decks make up about 50-60% of meta.

I'm running Electivire FB with Dialga G and I hate to say it, but I beat Gengar, thankyouverymuch.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Okay I'm impressed, but I still say it isn't that great, not IMO. Maybe a rogue deck, also just realized for tier list I forgot Speedrill for Grass.
Still Machamp has a field day as does anyone w/ power spray.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Johnny Phantom said:
I'd like to join!
Name (real, or screen name): Johnny Phantom
Division: Masters
Region: Brazil
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 10th at BR (u_u)
Current Deck(s): Gallade 4
Anything else?: I'm joining to be a better player and learn more!
Can you make banners?: Yes, I can

Thanks for attention :D

I'll get you your own region, i guess. :3 Congrats, you're automatic Head Agent. LOL.

Machamp is going to get more popular for now, since all the more SP decks are coming out, but it's going to drop A WHOLE LOT seeing as a whole 3 SP's are coming out in Advent of Arceus. :p
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will t

Thanks for letting me in! :D
Well, in my opinion, these decks will be in the metagame:
-Charizard G
-Blaziken FB variants
-Gengar variants, mainly Mother and Metal Gengar
-Absol G
-Flygon variants
-Galactic Toolbox

About SP decks "going down" at Advent of Arceus set, I think this set is only to prepare for more SP pokemon, since that was announced the Heart Gold & Soul Silver set, I think we could expect Johto Gym Leaders set, and maybe, a Team Rocket set. Can be crazy, but it's my line of minding.

That's it! Oh, guys, I need help on my Gallade 4 deck. May I post it here for you give your opinions and suggestions?

Thanks for the attention :)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

What happened to Legos. Legos is awsome. It's got great power lock.
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