Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Yeah but can it win agaist any other deck besides other Gengars? Can it survive the Power lock or Deafen, not Dialga G will be played much. Anyway what I'm asking is can it win against all the big decks on a consistent basis?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

O yeah dude. Speedra, Luxape, Speedrill, other gengar variants, I will be playing a blazeray sometime soon, it can survive easily. It is just about destroying those super weak basics before they can set them up.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Last I heard Luxape kills Gengar. So does Drill. Speedra can also beat Gengar and it's not played that much. And it can't beat Blazeray either.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Luxape is more even matched. Speedra is false as what i can tell. Umm and I haven't seen a speedrill against gengar yet...but accourding to everyone i've talked to speedrill is Stolen by gengar lol. Cuz if fainting spell succeeds 1/4 times it rly screws beedrill into doing 30 less damage...allowing for a second KO...making the damage only 60. Then that is game lol..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Yes, speedrill is what we called murdered by Gengar. RR beedrill, Claydol, Azelf, Uxie ALL have powers. Snipe them, and beedrill usually runs only 3 NM, so just bait them out by sniping, and then you have fainting spell to succeed, and a common hand of speedrill becomes loaded with supporters, so poltergeist is even better...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

Name (real, or screen name): Guy H.
Division: Seniors.
Region: Israel if it counts.
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): No big tournaments in my area.
Current Deck(s): Thinking about making Metal Gengar or MetaKrow.
Anything else?: Not really.
Can you make banners?: Yes, yes I can!
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Next Format: 13 sets. What will the metagame be? Or will there even be one?

mr.619 said:
Slow? It seems like that, but it's actually quite the opposite.

Well, for me and bennett at least.


That is all.

NEW TOPIC: Worlds...what...on...Earth? How did you do? Why did the good decks do good?

Oh, and Kingdra, you're in. ;)

RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Well, what is the starting age for masters division?
please say 16 please 16...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

It's 15.

And Sean, I'm in Masters now too.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

...seriously...are you...serious? CMON!!! GGRRR!! My birthday is august 31st...why...*sobs*
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Yup, I'm serious.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

that means I skrewed my one and only season in seniors, and now must move to no no...I have to figure this out...I might get to move it, cause its one day b4 so...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

I still have 2 more years in seniors. ;P
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Even though I'm not part of this clan, I'd like to point out that you don't go up divison based on your age, but instead the year you were born in. If you were born in the year 1994 and earlier, then you're a master. I can't remember the exact ages for the Seniors and Juniors though.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Yay so do I!
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Hey let's get some disscusion goin here!
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Which do you guys think is better to run, Blazeray, or Luxape?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

LUXAPE. Blazeray has to use Jet Shoot all the time and Infernape can 1 shot you.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

Everybody in my area disagrees with you. Everybody seems to think BlazeRay will do better. I don't really get the idea, but meh.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: What happened at worlds? How did you do? If you've moved up in age division, please post.

IDK who my area likes, one for Blazeray(Tofu) and me for Luxape so as I know it's even for me.
I just like Luxape more, jetshoot has a huge drawback.
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