Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Exactly. If you bright look up their Claydol or Regice, they attatch a Warp Energy and Bring Gyarados right back up.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

That is what makes gyarados good.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

No it isn't. Thats a stupid thing to say. The thing that makes Gyrados good is the fact that it has millions of ways to dump things into the discard and hit for 90, or 110, for 0 energy. That is fantastic. Not because it can play a warp energy to get things out of the active spot...
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Another thing about garydos is that is crazy good or bad depending on how u view it. as the luxray match up is hard to beat, I've seen luxray take down a full champ in one turn easy; look at garydos it should be much easier with the weakness to it. Although garydos is a stage 1 and I think is still a top play for tournaments likes states, regs, or even nationals.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

I wonder How a Donphan Power Lock deck would work. It can outspeed early and slows down later, why not make the gamestate perma early game?
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

LOLMonster: That is an intersting idea... what would you run with it? [plz don't say Gardevoir SW. Plz oh pretty plz don't say that.]
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Just like mespirit drops, or something like alakazam? lol? I'll also wanted to test a donphan with crobats and turns, kind of like uber donk.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

I was thinking a Mesprit engine. Collector sets you up for 3 turns.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

nice lol, those three turns of lock would really give donphan an epic headstart.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Yeah but that would work in any deck..
IDK I think it might mess up Donphan's consistency...
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

You would need to run 4 would be kinda cramped...
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Which seems like that wouldn't be good in Donphan?
IDK I myself think that the deck is overhyped and good in about two metagames-
one w/Only Luxray GL LV.X stuff and the other one w/ No water or Jumpluff.
AKA not very good.
Also does anyone know what IN senior metagame is like?
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Why which states are you going to?
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

The mespirit donphan thing was more of a joke xD, but no donphan I think is overhyped; which is not a bad thing lol. Umm I'm playing kindra cuz I think that some of the other seniors will go "OH SHINNY COOL PIGGY 1 FOR 60?"
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

^^Haha well said. My only concern is the Luxray match up. I really don't see how Kingdra can "play around" Luxray, but if you say it is doable, I believe you. I am playing my Flyphan list for states. I have been modifying it for a while now.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Toxicroak G tech/Machamp tech/Luxray X tech, It can be done, I've seen it happen.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Actually without those techs it works too..kingdra is the best without techs. the only really good one in that list is the toxicroak :) I like it lol. Prbly works smoothely since you can charge it due to kingdra's low energy costs.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

True. You could use a call and a psychic energy. Still. My point is the same. Kingdra to me seems like the most autopilot deck out there, right alongside Machamp. I don't see how it can play around stuff as easily. Do you run reversals?
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

nope no reversals..the key with kingdra is like the best way to get to everything lol. It only takes about a few weeks of play to do well at it. But the toxi tech will make playing more interesting. and actaully u run 0 calls in kingdra u only run 6 water. so I'll need to take out something else for the one psi
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Frozendukie said:
The mespirit donphan thing was more of a joke xD, but no donphan I think is overhyped; which is not a bad thing lol. Umm I'm playing kindra cuz I think that some of the other seniors will go "OH SHINNY COOL PIGGY 1 FOR 60?"

Yeah, but SSU's in Donphan would actually be a fairly good idea anyways. >_>

Play 1 or 2 Mesprits [use 'em for sacrifices for when your opponent plays Warp Point], and SSU them for more power lockage, but SSU also helps when you've got a Donphan with high damage and an expert belt on it, possibly saving you 2 prizes.

Machamp is actually a fairly good tech in Kingdra. I can vouch for that one myself, running a 1-0-1 Machamp instead of a 1-0-1 Dusknoir is a great idea. >.> It doesn't hurt the energies much at all, since kingdra only needs 1 to attack. Just run something like:
1 {P}
1 {F}
10 {W}

and it will work just fine with Machamp and Toxicroak.
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