Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Duskenoir is all right for...battle roads. Lol. Run SPs, Flygon, Gyrados, or Plox. Gyrados is the easiest to make, and easiest to play really.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

That is true. they are OK but not good for states or regionals.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

I'm running Lady GaGa for states(Luxray/Garchomp w/ DGX tech)
It is so good, I only play 3 rosies put that hasn't been a problem in games(BTW thanks Wailmerman for helping with my list, i took out a rosey over some over stuff because I never use 4)
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Seth1789110 said:
Duskenoir is all right for...battle roads. Lol. Run SPs, Flygon, Gyrados, or Plox. Gyrados is the easiest to make, and easiest to play really.

Well, if you think about it, NIght Spin Dusknoir shuts down Jumpluff, Certain SP Decks, and gyarados.

The Spirit Pulse one is a REALLY good spreader. I playtested it over the weekend, and it absolutely murdered my friend's Donphan Prime deck.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

well im starting to post in club things again. so ill post here

im running a flygon/donphan deck right now. havent had the people to test it against. against water it gets destroyed. for me at states im worried. donphan being popular water will be. so ill get destroyed. and with water being popular grass will come and maybe lightning. so what can you run in all of this mess? my choices

fire deck
jumpluff(anyone have a list)
Flygon stuff
Anything else?
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Hey you're from Indiana right?
So what is your meta like?
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

im from wisconsin. and in the online and offline play thing it has a full thread on it. although i think the guy is banned.

where i am my meta is a bunch of junk. my league is bad. no good players. my friend is kind of good but thats because most players are me and then a bunch of juniors. a few masters. the only good people would probably be me, christian, LL, and my friend. at the other league i go to sometimes its a little better. mostly juniors but a few masters. there also people play junk.

Me: flygon stuff
Friend: 5 pokemon in one deck with about 4 X's
Christian: just came back so nothing yet
LL: ho-oh SW and togekiss deck
Rest: random stuff.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Oh, sorry, i need to find someone in IN to figure out what the meta is...
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for state

richkid50000 said:
im from wisconsin. and in the online and offline play thing it has a full thread on it. although i think the guy is banned.

where i am my meta is a bunch of junk. my league is bad. no good players. my friend is kind of good but thats because most players are me and then a bunch of juniors. a few masters. the only good people would probably be me, christian, LL, and my friend. at the other league i go to sometimes its a little better. mostly juniors but a few masters. there also people play junk.

Me: flygon stuff
Friend: 5 pokemon in one deck with about 4 X's
Christian: just came back so nothing yet
LL: ho-oh SW and togekiss deck
Rest: random stuff.

I believe it is Yoda's quote which can fit perfectly here.
"Misguided you are.

While there might not be many good players in your specific area richkid, this is STATES. Many good players from all over Wisconsin will show up (like me. I live in wisconsin.) you can not say that only a few good people will be there.

As for your meta, I can tell you that GyArados is gaining big popularity in my area, as well as Donphan is. Build your deck accordingly.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for state

That's just around my area. Our league isn't amazing. And I am extremely aware that I probably won't do good at states. I have been very lucky at some tourneys. One of my cities had only four people in seniors. Lucky for ke I was on of them so I got second. For states there are probably going to be about 120. So chances are I won't make top cut. There is Austin, Josh simons?(did I get it right), chuck, and more that I don't know probably. And then probably those from IL that will come up. I am just hoping that my deck can stand up to some of them.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Well, yeah. Austin'll be hard to beat [he lives in my area], but chuck will be too. [chuck lives in my area also.] You really need to watch Chuck. He cheats [like, he told me himself that he cheats. <_<] ATM, it looks like Austin'll be running Gyarados for states, if that helps at all.
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

last time i played him he ran the stinkin' gengar. how does he cheat? i heard the simons kid cheats but 619 hasnt been on to tell me how. and they are both in seniors. how can you beat gengar? i play flyphan and am wondering if i should change now that i hear gyarados is getting big. maybe a 2-2 luxray instead of 2-2 donphan?
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Actually, Luxray wouldn't be a bad idea. you could have a new version of Stallgon maybe. Bright look up Claydols, and deck out.

Let's just put it this way with chuck:
He Bebe'd with 2 cards in his hand
He ended his search with 5 cards in his hand. >_>
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

oh great. just like my friend. he needed a salamence in a doubl battle we were doing so he used something to find something else and took two cards instead of one. so i might actually do that rather than trade them away in 3 seconds. can i send you my list once im done making it and see what you think?
RE: Team Transform- HG/SS PR's over. What will be good? What're you playing for states? Discuss!

Sure, no problem. I'm always happy to help my Team do good in major tournies [especially when some cheaters in my area need to get beaten. .-.]

Hmm... I think we need a topic change.
/me goes off to change the topic to something rearding states
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

do you know anyone who is playing porygon in seniors? because that could change my deck once again. and are poketurns needed if i have Luxray? i only have 1.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

Yes, PokeTurns will be fairly neccessary. YOu don't want to get only 2 shots at Bright Look.

I only know of one person that MIGHT run Pory, but it looks ilke he'll be running Gyara or Gengar.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

is it austin? so well i have to get some turn's before the 13th. either that or borrow from someone. do you know anyone who might have some?
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

I have some. >__> If I go, I could let you borrow them [unless I decide to put them in my deck, which I probably won't.]

No, I was thinking of somebody else. Austin will probably run gyarados too, though. Beware Warp Energies against gyara, they can make life pretty miserable early-game.
RE: Team Transform- State Championships in less than 3 weeks! Get Prepared for your metagame!

how does that help gyarados? it just switches their active.
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