Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'd drop the Ditto for another Toxicroak, in case of Machamp, and Drop a Snowpoint Temple for a Luxury Ball. Then I think it's good.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Ok here is my list that I am working on and am also working on an article for it.

3-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
1 Quagsire GL
2 Uxie
2 Toxicroak G
1 Skunktank G
1 Crobat G
1 Unown G

2 Cynthia's
4 Cyrus"
4 Roseannes
1 Palmer's contribution
4 energy gain
4 Power spray
4 Poke turn
3 Sp radar
2 warp point
3 conductive quarry
2 Champion's room
1 Lux ball
3 Premier ball

9 Lighting Energy
2 Pschic.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Name (real, or screen name): Dry Bones
Division: seniors
Region: North East
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 1st at states
Current Deck(s): well i use my mixed up deck full of pokemon
Anything else?: I like Dry Bones :D
Can you make banners?: yupp
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'm back! Camp was fun. Hi dry bones:) try 1-1 Alakazam 4 X to move the 30 over to theirs.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Are you taking about my deck? Beacuse If so I have quagsire to absorb the damage and alakzam only moves it between your pokemon.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Really? O sry man. G/L at brs. Thx for magnezone list BlazeEX.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I have no more BR. I looked at the promo toxitank and dont really like it as I have to have a pokemon Knocked out for it to do any damage and I would rather use the set up time on something that will hit for that every turn.

Also since I have no more tourneys this season which card from the next set should I add?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Pulse? consider Electivire. IDK, I never tried Luxray. My friend Steven Roberto is using Luxray for natz, so see how that works.(2nd last year at nats)
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

imho, Electivire FB is going to be a much more superior card to Luxray. He can hit for much more, and comes with not only the Energy acceleration of being a Lightning Pokemon, but also the support cards for being a SP Pokemon. He has an excellent ability, and can hit hard enough to OHKO anything.
Electivire FB>Luxray GL
Electivire needs his own deck though, so don't stick him in Luxray, unless the rest fo your cards spontaneously burst into flames.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Looks like a good list, Brandon.

I just came back from Battle Roads. Placed 3rd with FlyVire. Check out my report. PM me if you want the list because I can't really play the deck anymore considering that was my last Battle Road. :[
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Ok glad that you think so . I am going to league today so I will do some real testing not just redshark.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I got top 4 at my BR's today w/ GeChamp. I drew a phail hand in top 4. D:

Anyways, tomorrow's the last day for BR's. What's everybody playing?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Got third in a cut to top 2 :)(). I played Turtwig GL with Alakazam 4 Lv. X
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

My BR's report is up. Go read right now. ;)

Ouch, that sux Mapleboy. D: You got any more BR's?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I got second with my Magnezone deck, but there wasn't even a top cut. There were only 4 seniors.
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