Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I went 8-0 with my luxray deck at league.

Here is the updated list:
3-1 Luxray GL lv.x
1-1 Dialga G lv.x
2 toxicroak G
1 Skunktank G
1 Crobat G
1 Quagsire GL
2 Uxie

1 Aaron;s
2 Cynthia's
4 Cyrus
4 Roseannes
4 energy gain
4 Power spray
4 Poketurn
2 Sp radar
3 Conductive quarry
1 Luxury ball
3 premier ball
4 warp point

RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

What's the Quagsire GL in there for?

IMO, take it out for another Crobat, or a Toxicroak, unless it serves a purpose in there.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
I got top 4 at my BR's today w/ GeChamp. I drew a phail hand in top 4. D:

Anyways, tomorrow's the last day for BR's. What's everybody playing?

I'm leaving in a couple hours, and I'm using Speedrill (again <3).
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I was going to use SpeedDrill yesterday, but then I found out that everybody in my area's running Palkia G Lv. X. Lost Cyclone > SpeedDrill, so I couldn't.

I'm leaving for church... but after church I go to a BR's. I'm using SpeedGar w/ Rotom POP9 tech. (for those pesky Palkia G's.)
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I'll make sure to let Bennett and Devin know that. :p
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
What's the Quagsire GL in there for?

IMO, take it out for another Crobat, or a Toxicroak, unless it serves a purpose in there.

It takes the hit for Flash Impact, read the body.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
My BR's report is up. Go read right now. ;)

Ouch, that sux Mapleboy. D: You got any more BR's?

There was one today, but I couldn't make it...
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Thank;s no one seems to know that then a couple turns later they are like wheres teh damage!?

Also I am trying to fit in a FANTOM and a lucario GL. DO you think that I should keep the dilaga GLX?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

urgrgrgrg. I went 1-2 today. :( First round I made a major mistake early on that cost me the match (and one later as well) and second round I got the worst start ever. Last round I was against a newbie, and got one of my best hands ever. :(

Oh well, I sold some cards for $36 and preordered the Condiut, so it's cool. I guess...
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I won r1 yesterday, lost round 2 to David, got paired up r3 to Steven lost, and won r4 :/ I still got 5th because of awesome resistance tho.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

I wish I could have been at the BRs today and yesterday, I was on Vacation! Just got back today. Has anyone won a BR here yet?
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Fax said:
I wish I could have been at the BRs today and yesterday, I was on Vacation! Just got back today. Has anyone won a BR here yet?

I won one so far, and got 2nd in another.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Nice! MotherGar is a great deck. I want to make it soon. I am thinking about playing either MotherGar or a Flygon varient for Nats if I go.

Does anyone here know if Flygon and Weavile SW is a tourney winning deck? If it is, what are the Weavile lines? I play a 4-3 Weavile.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Yes, it is. It won a BR's 2 weeks ago near me. 2-2 Weavile, BTW.

I got Top 4 again today w/ SpeedGar, but then lost in the first round of top 4. I'll have a report up in a sec.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

The Power of Three said:
Yes, it is. It won a BR's 2 weeks ago near me. 2-2 Weavile, BTW.

Only a 2-2? I over did that one I guess. :/ I am playing a 4-3 lol. I will add in some other stuff that will help me out. I need to be a little bit faster. I think I am going to add in 3 Poke Radars. That or 3 Pokedex Handy. Desistions, desistions...
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

One Pokédex and two Poké Radars, or vice versa?

Also, I leave tomorrow morning for camp for seven weeks, getting back on August 3rd. I'll miss nationals, but I'll be able to go to the Grinder for Worlds.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Fax said:
The Power of Three said:
Yes, it is. It won a BR's 2 weeks ago near me. 2-2 Weavile, BTW.

Only a 2-2? I over did that one I guess. :/ I am playing a 4-3 lol. I will add in some other stuff that will help me out. I need to be a little bit faster. I think I am going to add in 3 Poke Radars. That or 3 Pokedex Handy. Decisions, decisions...

Fixed Spelling error, lawl.

Rofl, I just realized that 2 weeks ago, top cut was Flygon, Flygon, Flygon, and Gengar. 2 days ago, top cut was SP, SP, SP, GeChamp [me]. Yesterday there was 2 Palkia G/Gallade 4 decks, but there was a Blissey instead of another SP. Metagames suck when you can't think of an immediate counter.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

My immediate thoughts- Ampharos PL is a great meta counter. Garchomp/ Ampharos could devastate the meta with all the spread via garchomps power. just play some Weavile SW, and with one heads you OHKO Gengar.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Lolmonster said:
My immediate thoughts- Ampharos PL is a great meta counter. Garchomp/ Ampharos could devastate the meta with all the spread via garchomps power. just play some Weavile SW, and with one heads you OHKO Gengar.

what if Garchomp is damaged before you level up?
Then his power would die. So you'd need to be able to get an ampharos up usually immediately after you play him. And with Nidoqueen, even with 3 heads for the power, in two rounds all your work is gone.
RE: Team Transform- Transforming YOU into a better TCG Player.

Nobody plays Nidoqueen in SP. At least not yet. =/ People play Blissey or 'Kazam X, but that doesn't remove it, it moves it around. It's not a bad idea, constant spread with Ampharos, 90 per turn with Weavile charge. I might try that.

I'll stick with machamp for now though. :3
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