Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Gyarados is still big, but I never played it.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

We had a very good list for a gary deck in our last Battle Roads and it did not d so great.. It won one match.

I'm attempting many decks currently, as previously stated. A consistent flygon is my overall goal, prbly not going to use champ..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Flygon/Gardevior is very consistent. You don't have to play Uxie. Just use two Luxury Ball.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

FlyChamp is consistant in my area. Or use Dark Flygon. [Yin Yang I think? :F] Weavile gives flygon extra power, and Nidoqueen's there to heal.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

I played yingyang for a month lol it is fun but dies easily idk..Umm i found a way to make flychamp very consistent today..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Flygon is fun, but I always get horrible starts, even borrowing other peoples decks. I'm unlucky with that deck, so I don't play it. But, it is by far the BDIF.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

See those bad starts are the inconsistency of the deck :(. My friend has this weird list of
1-0-1 machamp
1-0-1 nidoqueen
4-2-3-1 flygon x
2-2/3-3 claydol
1 uxie
1 azelf
2 chatot MD
the huge mass of pokemon makes his vary consistent but it did slow the deck down a little..
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Except when someone else is playing, they get awesome starts.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Autumn Battle Roads underway. What's popular, and what's actually winning?

Frozendukie said:
See those bad starts are the inconsistency of the deck :(. My friend has this weird list of
1-0-1 machamp
1-0-1 nidoqueen
4-2-3-1 flygon x
2-2/3-3 claydol
1 uxie
1 azelf
2 chatot MD
the huge mass of pokemon makes his vary consistent but it did slow the deck down a little..

Try this:
2-1-2 Machamp
4-2-3-1 Flygon [2 Power Swing and 1 Irritating Buzz flygon]
2-2 Claydol
1 uxie
1 Azelf
1-0-1 Dusknoir DP

Machamp will be more consistant, chatot isn't really needed as a starter, since you can just BTS, and they can't counter it. [Unless they want to get stalled].
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I have to disagree P3..I don't run the said list above xD, that was just a friends. Ur list is a good start.
Although you did mention BTS, I either run 1 or none..due to the 80% of flygon in my area. Also without the BTS it gives you a lot of room for needed cards. With the huge amount of flygon in MN I've seen atleast 5 different flychamp builds.( i guess it is just the person's playing style)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

^^Except- that is masters dude. There are like 2 people playing Flygon in seniors. Yes, one of them is the 16th at worlds kid, but everyone else is-playing-well they are playing whatever it is n00bs play. Lol. Or grass decks. So running 2 BTS could be good, you dont need to use them both, just for the higher chance of drawing it. Ya know?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

I build as if i was in masters..league is more compotition then the tournaments..and actually the misty people I played, were all pretty good. Like 4 flygon, 1 champ, 2 toolbox, and i forgot the 2nd places deck. Not to mention I was playing monarchy xD.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

You build as if a master, I never said you didnt. But you dont play a master. You dont go up against Emmanuel or Andy or Radu or any other number of incredible players in seniors. You go against a few good people. They are good, but they are not THAT good.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Yup. Every good SR. moved up... Except for 2-time-top-4-at-nats Steven and The one person who can play Mamoswine and win (lol) I know SRs here held back by the meta, that they could use a balance in the curve with so many Masters, and a big and more even variety.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Sorry for being late guys, got back from San Diego BRs, got 1st place with Dark Flygon. :]
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Can I join?

Name (real, or screen name): grasspokemonmaster (please call me GPM)
Division: Haven't gone to a tourney
Region: Malaysia
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): Haven't gone to a tourney
Current Deck(s): Darkvile (Darkrai LV. X (GE) and Weavile (DP)) and Hypnotize (Hypno (GE))
Anything else?: I like playing the TCG because I'm the only one in my school who plays fairly and still wins
Can you make banners?: No
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Azul, how did you get first with Dark Flygon? Was it actually like-consistent?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Seth1789110 said:
Azul, how did you get first with Dark Flygon? Was it actually like-consistent?

Kind of, I always got a consistent Flygon with at least 3 energy (Including darks) by T2-3.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

seth darkflygon is very consistent and hits big..just it has bad recovery compared to flychamp..and the sp pokemon are a bigger obstical. your build somehow was just weird lol. High grasspokemon master..I haven't seen a hypno deck in forever, great rogue.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: Arceus PR's coming up soon. What's good this set?

Personally I think that Flytrap is better than both of them. Of couse that's my opinion but it's very consistent deck and can come from behind because of the deckout. I played against a Gyarados and he was ahead by like 4 prizes and I kept bringing stuff up with Restructure and I ended up winning.
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