Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Legos is palkia and dialga

the sp ones.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Frozendukie said:
Legos is palkia and dialga, that makes so much sense [/sarcasm]

Wierd name for them. Is anyone else going to the HG/SS prereleases?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Legoes is like everything goes together(Dialga and Palkia make time and space, then pixies put everything in balance) So they make everything go together like Legoes.
Also I'll prolly go to two HG/SS prereleases, can't wait :)
I'll still play SPs for states unless FlyChamp stays popular in which case I'll play something else :(
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Whoops, not Gengar(wrong deck) though I guess it could stop Nidoqueen, I meant Flygon is a little popular, but it's mostly randomized, so legos seems like it will do good against random decks...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Legoes is like everything goes together(Dialga and Palkia make time and space, then pixies put everything in balance) So they make everything go together like Legoes.
Also I'll prolly go to two HG/SS prereleases, can't wait :)
I'll still play SPs for states unless FlyChamp stays popular in which case I'll play something else :(

Oh, that makes sense.

Flygon is getting popular, but i wouldn't call it meta yet.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

sonicyellow said:
Oh, that makes sense.

Flygon is getting popular, but i wouldn't call it meta yet.
Flygon has been meta, lol, I noticed stallgon got 2nd and 3rd at worlds for seniors, they were the EXACT same list, whitch I thought was really weird...
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

meh. I only faced 1 flygon so far. it was dark flygon.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Jay Hornug got 3rd in masters w/ Flychamp this past year, and of course I had to play him 2nd round at a cities tourney lol. Thats a self esteem booster.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Also w/ what Sonicyellow said, the LuxApe lists that got 4th in seniors and juniors were the same. They were both from Finland so they probably made the lists together :)
Lastly our meta has only 1 or 2 FlyChamps flying around but they're both the top players in the area. I will go w/ one of these this weekend-
FlyChamp(w/ counters for mirror)
Stallgon(the new one, w/ Spiritomb)
Blazeray(w/Infernape 4 LV.X tech)
Dialga G/Garchomp C(IDK hopefully Fulop can help me)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I would us Dialga G/Garchomp C or Flychamp... Dialga G can take care of the good people you might play, but Flychamp seems good for the random decks others might use
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Hey guys, I have a cities tomorrow and I am playing Stallgon w/ Mewtwo and Palkia (Restructure). I'll tell you guys how I do when I get back and Sunday after the cities.

Legos, hmmm... It actually does beat Gengar. If you think about it, you can't do anything that will actually 1 hit the pixies if you're power locked by Mesprit. Yeah, you can do a straight off 60, but they can just remove it with it's Poke-Power to the Lost Zone. Even if you get the Crobat at time of need, there is Power Spray to prevent it. It will prevent you from setting up and doing what you want. Luxray/Palkia is even scarier is at it can remove stuff off the bench and take stuff from your bench and KOing it. Just letting you know.

Flygon has always been Meta. It was all over World's and BR's and the early cities and it's going to make a huge comeback with HGSS. Though, I'm the only one play Flygon in area. In other places, yes, and definitely for Masters.

So the deck Lady Gaga, how much is it played in your guys area? I asked some people over here, they're like, "What's that"?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I wouldn't go w/ Stallgon, the problem is that it can lose to random decks, like DusGar and other random stall decks, trust me. It's actually hard to win w/ but really consistent, good luck though.
I think I'm going to try Blazeray as the top players will probably be staying in Kettering.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

watzka said:
Name (real, or screen name): Jake Watzka
Division: Seniors
Region: Midwest
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 5th at states (first tourny)
Current Deck(s): PG-13 and Regikiss
Anything else?: No
Can you make banners?: No, sorry

whats PG-13? (whats with all these wierd names? :()
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

watzka said:
Name (real, or screen name): Jake Watzka
Division: Seniors
Region: Midwest
Records this season (ex: 1st at states, 1st at regionals): 5th at states (first tourny)
Current Deck(s): PG-13 and Regikiss
Anything else?: No
Can you make banners?: No, sorry

Ohey, you found my team. I actually go to the same tourny center as you. :p I'll add you to the midwest region. Jump on into the discussion!

@sonic: PG-13 is a Palkia G/Gallade 4 Spread deck.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

PG-13 is a deck that is based on spreading damage with Palkia and Gallade with a few Curse Breaths from Spiritombs and a few Flash Bites with Crobat G. Just the usual SP deck.

Yeah, Pokeman told me that The Power of Three was you so I figured out why not join.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Couldn't get the cards for legos :( but, I got a Glaceon X today, so, might as well use it, I'm thinking of usibg it with Floatzel GL, suggestions?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Don't play Glacy it's so easily owned by a lot of things, like DGX and other stuff that's got some speed. Lack of HP hurts Glacy alot.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

just got back from cities. 0-4, but thats what i get for this sucky deck. I was about to do a comeback on the last round when it was time.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Exactly what were you playing? And what division are you in? What is your meta like?
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