Wi-Fi Trades The 4th & 5th Generation Wi-Fi Battle Now Thread

RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Uhm, that's past midnight in my time. Is there a way you can be on earlier? Like from 1-4:30 PST?
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

After my Wi-Fi is back up sure. We just have to plan a time in advance to meet on Wi-Fi after we exchange FC's. But for now my Wi-Fi is down until farther notice because my network went down and we had to switch up the router to direct connect and the setting for Wi-Fi got lost somehow and we are trying to get that fixed now XD.:)
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Hi i was wondering if anyone had a shiny PETILIL for trade with the ability own tempo i have a shiny charmelon and other shinys and reares that i would be willing to trade for it thank you please pm if interested
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

xxashxx said:
After my Wi-Fi is back up sure. We just have to plan a time in advance to meet on Wi-Fi after we exchange FC's. But for now my Wi-Fi is down until farther notice because my network went down and we had to switch up the router to direct connect and the setting for Wi-Fi got lost somehow and we are trying to get that fixed now XD.:)

Approximately when will you have wifi access again? Just so I can have an ETA of when we're gonna trade.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

At this point I am not sure. When our network went down we were assigned new DNS server numbers so I have yet to find out what needs to be changed on the router for it to work again XD. Right now it is out of the question at this point XD.:)

EDIT: My Wi-Fi is up and working again. P99: I sent you a PM. Let me know if you can trade on Friday as I will need your FC and I have to reset my FC's on all games except HG as they still have the FC's from my dead DS. Let me know when you are ready so I can go through the resetting procedure. Thanks XD.:)
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Hey guys, i'm selling these legendaries for 4TH GEN GAMES:

Calm Nature
Caught at level 45, Whirl Island, and is UT
It comes with the following set:



HP 26-27
ATK 9-13
DEF 20-22
SATK 20-22

The 2nd poke is Articuno. Caught at Seafoam Islands with a DUSKBALL and its level is 50 [UT]

Docile nature


With the following IVs spread:

HP 16-17
ATK 22-23
DEF 28
SATK 22-23

Both pokes have the POKERUS bar in their summary, and I have only ONE DUPLICATE of each one of these - NO CLONING

In exchange, i'm looking for IV passers [Male ones only!], LEGIT TMs and rare berries like Liechi's siblings, Rowap, Custap, Enigma..

I also need a MALE breedable poke that has the move LEAF STORM
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Anyone up for a Wi-Fi Battle on Gen 5? My Conditions are Single Lv. 100's with no
Wonder Launcher. Send me a PM If interested and maybe we can trade afterwards as well. :)
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Can anyone trade me a level 5 Snivy? I'll trade a level 33 Gurdurr.
FC: 3010-1732-2426
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Looking for a tornadus. I really dont mind its ita cloned or a hack. I just want it for landorous. PM me if you are interested in a trade
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

It would be awesome if I could get a Brave Beldum, Metang, Metagross, or Ditto, non-hacked please. If it's not a Ditto, it would be great if it was UT, but it's not necessary.

In return, I have a wide range of pokes that I'm willing to give, including all three starters and Zorua. I'll also be more than glad to EV train something. All Pokemon I give come with a complimentary Pokerus :)

PM me if you are interested.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Hey back again, Does anyone have any of the following dreamworld pokemon for trades:

I Prefer these to be female if possible (DreamWorld ones)
Torkoal (With Stealth Rock)
Bulbasaur (Is this even out?!?)
Banette (Prefer a Dreamworld one if out) or normal but really want a dream world one.

Non Dreamworld Pokemon

Manetric/Electrike (Shiny)

These Are My Trades:

All Eevee Evolutions
All Fossil Pokemon
Latias x2
Heatran x 2
Gligar (Female Posion Heal)

I know i have more in my pc just cant think of any atm...

DreamWorld Trades I have if ur looking for any:


I also have these dreamworld pokemon with a female gender. Pm me and lets work something out :D
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

So I take it the Master Wi-Fi Thread is only for trades, no Wi-Fi Battle Requests?

That's a load of epic fail. I mean seriously what's the point of trading If you can't battle?
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Chariblaze said:
Battle Now Info:​
In addition to trade, you can also make simple battling requests in this thread. Below are some rules to be followed while battling over Nintendo Wi-Fi.

Rules for battling:
  1. Format: The following rules will be required for all battles:
    • Single
    • Auto Level 100
    • Six vs. Six
  2. Clauses: The following clauses will be required for all battles:
    • Species Clause: You must use six different Pokémon on your team. You can't have two Chimchars on your team.
    • Self-KO Clause: You cannot use moves like Explosion or Destiny Bond on your last Pokémon if it will force a tie.
    • Sleep Clause: You can only put to sleep one Pokémon on an opponent's side at any time. If you use Spore to put one Pokémon asleep, you cannot use it again to put another Pokémon asleep until the first one wakes up.
    • Evasion Clause: Moves that specifically increase evasion are banned. Double Team is an example of a banned move.
  3. Uber Pokemon (5th Generation): The following Pokemon are banned from 5th Generation battles:
    • Arceus
    • Blaziken
    • Darkrai
    • Deoxys
    • Deoxys-D (Defense forme)
    • Deoxys-A (Attack forme)
    • Dialga
    • Excadrill
    • Giratina (both formes)
    • Groudon
    • Ho-oh
    • Kyogre
    • Latios
    • Lugia
    • Manaphy
    • Mewtwo
    • Palkia
    • Rayquaza
    • Reshiram
    • Shaymin-S (Sky forme)
    • Thundurus
    • Zekrom
      • Unreleased event Pokemon: Keldeo, Meloetta (both formes), and Genesect
Legal hacks are not permitted if you do not inform your opponent beforehand. If they are OK with it, then there is not a problem. If you fail to withdraw this information and you are caught, you will be punished.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Oh that's right, Online Battle Simulators but they're uncompatible with the DS systems. It's like everyone on here is like getting stuff for their DS games but they rather use the Simulators for Battling straight from the Internet. Doesn't anyone understand how that defeats the purpose of using a DS to play Pokemon?
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Card Slinger J said:
Oh that's right, Online Battle Simulators but they're uncompatible with the DS systems. It's like everyone on here is like getting stuff for their DS games but they rather use the Simulators for Battling straight from the Internet. Doesn't anyone understand how that defeats the purpose of using a DS to play Pokemon?

I don't believe in the simulators for that said. Simple as you say that defeat the purpose of using Wi-Fi. That is why this form is basically dead.:(
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Hmm, that sucks man. I tried finding other forums where I can request Gen 5 Wi-Fi Battles and the only sites I was able to find were the Serebii and Marriland forums. The problem is that the Marriland forums won't allow me to make an account there cause apparently they don't accept e-mail addresses from America Online, bummer.

So yeah xxashxx If you could PM me some good websites and places where I can ask people for Pokemon Gen 5 Wi-Fi Battles where there Servers are in the U.S. If Possible (incase If SOPA passes and such) then that'd be great. I made a Battle Request via PM one time here and I never got a reply back (that's right catutie you still owe me a Wi-Fi Battle!).
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Is there anyone here that can clone my HG team then transfer to your 5th gen game and transfer to my White version? If so please PM me. My FC is: 4899 9746 3348. Thanks guys.:)
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Does anyone have cloning on Black and White that I could use? Loads of shines, legends etc. that of course you yourself could keep a copy of.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Teapot's trade post/thread/whatever

1) No hacks unallowed in VGC please. I would like to one day compete in VGC, so if I get traded a hacked pokemon, I will be... "less than enthusiastic."
2) Please try to get the trade done in a timely manner. I don't like waiting for multiple weeks on end for a Pokémon I'd like to use.
3) No spamming or Flaming.
4) All Pokebeach rules apply
5) Exceptional IVs only are listed. If you would like to know a Pokémon's IVs that are not listed, don't be afraid to let me know.
6) The IVs that are listed will be listed as: HP/Atk/Def/SpAtt/SpDef/Speed. EVs given will be the same.
7) I would prefer UT Pokémon in B/W, unless they're EV Trained. If they have light EVs, and its on a Gen IV game, it will be fine. I've got EV reducing berries in my gen IV games.
8) No Fun allowed Have fun. Please. If you don't have fun its just...no fun. :p
9) Just becuase it isn't on my wants list doesn't mean I don't want it. I'll happily check your list.
10) No silly offers. Offer quality for quality please.
11) feel free to Profile comment or PM me with offers. :)

Trainer Info:
Pokémon SoulSilver
Name: Kleptov

Pokémon White
Name: Sean
FC: 4040-9396-3646

Pokémon SoulSilver
-RNG'd shinies on emerald- Please ask. I can migrate them up to SS easily.

Rayquaza LV. 100 (Bold)- Heavily Touched (RNG'd on emerald)
Kyogre Lv. 100 (bold) -Heavily Touched (RNG'd on emerald)
Regirock Lv. 50 (bold) -Heavily Touched (RNG'd on emerald)

IV Breedable Pokemon (everything in here is male)
Cubone Lv. 16 (rash)- 31 Def
Furret LV. 37 (Quirky)- 31 Def
Marowak Lv. 17 (Adamant)- 31 SpAtt
Sunkern Lv. 17 (impish)- 31 SpAtt
Geodude Lv. 5 (Careful)- 31 SpDef
Abra Lv. 17 (Impish)- 31 Spe
Wobuffet LV. 16 (Adamant)- 31 Spe
Magmar LV. 17 (Naughty)- 31 HP

Pokémon White
-Phanpy (modest) Lv. 6 UT
-Mr. Mime (relaxed) Lv. 42 UT
-Bellsprout (bold) Lv. 17 UT
-Roselia (jolly) Lv. 49 UT
-Magnezone (Docile) Lv. 51 Heavily Touched -nicknamed "Magnetix"
-Regice (Bold) LV. 50- Heavily Touched
-Salamence (sassy) Lv. 50 Heavily Touched

-Gamestop Shiny Raikou UT
IVs: 17-19/7-9/0-3/29/17-23/27-29

-Gamestop Shiny Suicune UT
IVs: 4-6/17-19/0-3/22/14-16/4-6

-Movie14 Victini (Adamant) UT
Unknown IVs

-Wifi Celebi (Modest) UT
-IVs: 28-29/18-19/28-29/28-29/20-21/31

-Wishmaker Jirachi (Modest) Heavily Touched

Other cool/competitive UT Things
-Zekrom Lv. 50 (serious)
-Kyurem Lv. 75 (mild)
-Virizion Lv. 42 (Timid)
-Terrakion Lv. 42 (Hasty)
-Cobalion Lv. 42 (Hasty)
-Landorus Lv. 70 (Jolly)
-Regice LV. 41 (rare candied up 1) (Relaxed)
-Registeel Lv. 41 (rare candied up 1) (Impish)
-Regirock Lv. 41 (rare candied up 1) (Brave)
-Moltres Lv. 50 (timid)
-Articuno Lv. 50 (Bold)
-Azelf Lv. 50 (timid) (used TMs, but no EVs)
-Mesprit Lv. 50 (Hardy) (Used TMs, but no EVs)
-Uxie Lv. 50 (relaxed) (used Tms, but no EVs)
-Ho-Oh Lv. 70 (Adamant)
-Giratina (regular) Lv. 47 (bold)
-Volcarona Lv. 70 (rash)
-Dragonair Lv. 45 (Jolly)
-Darmanitan Lv. 35 (Lonely)
-Dratini lv. 10 (Brave)
-Abra Lv. 17 (Naive)
-Larvitar Lv. 42 (Adamant)
-Larvitar Lv. 42 (lonely)
-Larvitar Lv. 42 (naughty)
-Larvitar Lv. 42 (Gentle)
-Larvitar Lv. 42 (Impish)
-Shroomish Lv. 1 (Adamant)(Poison heal)
-Happiny Lv. 8 (bold)

EV Trained
-Nats 2010 Shiny Jolteon (Hardy) Lv. 57- EV
252 SpAtt/252 Speed
-Thunderbolt/Substitute/Toxic/Shadow Ball

-Dragonite LV. 55 (Adamant)(Inner Focus. Sorry guys.)
-252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
-Dragon Dance/Dragon Claw/Earthquake/Roost

-Gyarados Lv. 46 (Naive)(Intimidate)
-252 ATk/252 Speed
-Dragon Dance/Waterfall/Earthquake/Ice Fang

-Gamestop Shiny Entei
-252 Atk/252 Spe
-IVs: 27-28/23-24/10-12/18-19/0-1/30-31
-Flare Blitz/Flamethrower/ExtremeSpeed/Crush Claw

-Azelf LV. 67 (Hasty)
-252 SpAt/252 Spe
-IVs: 27/4-5/16/23-24/26-27/30
-Psychic/Fire Blast/U-turn/Stealth Rock

-Uxie Lv. 51 (Bold)
-252 Hp/252 Def/4 SpDef
-IVs: 19-20/29-30/27/15-16/28-29/12-13
-Stealth Rock/Thunderbolt/Psychic/Yawn

-Dream World Lax or Impish Gligar/Gliscor
-Dream World Adamant Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite
-Dream World Bold or Modest Poliwag/Poliwhirl/Politoed
-Shiny Ralts/kirlia/Gardevoir with Trace or Synchronize+ good nature
-Sassy or Relaxed Ferrothorn/Ferroseed with Stealth Rock or Spikes or Leech seed (or any combination of.)
-EV Trained Pokemon
-Good UT IV'd pokemon
-My Pokémon EV Trained- LMK if you can do this for me w/o Action Replay.
-UT Event pokemon with decent nature/IVs
-Any competitive item. Leftovers, Life Orb, Choice Items, Toxic Orb, etc.
-Anything that can be useful in VGC.

Outstanding Trades:
none so far