The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

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As in do I have access to ones for sale? No. There are a handful on Yahoo Japan at the moment, and a handful on eBay. VS cards come and go, they have periods of not being around at all and then you have near full sets up and about.
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@Viper.Fox: How much did you have to pay for the Magicarp?

EDIT: How much do you spend each month on cards? lol
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! – You are my hero! You are an inspiration to card connoisseurs and collectors everywhere. Your photographs are halcyon eye candy – vivaciously vivid.

I have always wanted to share photographs of my own collection. I was too shy, until now.

I embarked on my passion fourteen years ago, in a convenience store where they sold the very first types of booster packs for Pokémon cards. It was a beautiful experience - the crisp yellow edges, the scent of paper, the reflective glean of holofoil shimmering against the fluorescent lights...Needless to say, I was hooked – take that, Phonics!

My proudest achievement is – believe it or not, my beloved Mew card collection. My obsession for this Pokémon is an understatement! It's serious business :|

While I have at least one copy of every creature card ever issued, I do need a Japanese Ancient Mew I (Corrected) Booklet to complete my “sealed/unopened” segment. I know where to buy one, yet...half the fun is waiting for a cheaper auction, right? I would also have to obtain the Japanese Pokemon 10th Anniversary Binder Sheet (with "Tree of Beginning Mew") to truly achieve one-hundred percent...however, I have higher priority cards to get.

Without further ado...
English Mew Cards



Japanese Mew Cards

[The “Lily Pad Mew” shown is the Coro Coro February 1997 (Glossy) version. The "Bubble Mew" shown is the Best Collection CD version.]



[Left to Right - Ancient Mew I (Error), Ancient Mew I (Corrected), Ancient Mew II. The PSA mislabeled Ancient Mew I (Corrected) as the North American version – not sure how you can mix those two up.]



Coro Coro “Shining Mew”, May 2001



[Left to Right: "Sunset Mew" 033/P, Shining Mew ☆δ 015/068, Mew ex 007/PLAY (Sealed)] These are my absolute favourite cards – especially the Shining Mew ☆δ (Furthest Ends of Offense and Defense Series)



Lily Pad Mew, JR Rally 1997 (Non-Glossy) version.



[Left to Right: Ancient Mew I (Error), Ancient Mew II]


Ancient Mew I (Error)


Ancient Mew II



Vending Sheet #00, 1998 World Hobby Fair, Japan. It is still unpeeled – I have no idea what this version of Bubble Mew is like. Is it glossy or matte card stock? I've been plagued by this mystery for a while. The CD release of Bubble Mew is glossy, so I would presume VS#00 is matte...does anyone know?


I also have the Best Collection CD with Bubble Mew, though I will post that in another segment because it includes all ten promotional cards.
That's it! I will be uploading everything else in increments, because I have a lot of sealed/unopened boxes and folders in addition to other sealed cards.
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Oh amazing collection of Mews. Glad to see another avid collector for the pink guy.
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

@Unique Username
Really nice mews!
Also you should know: The Best Collection CD version is 100% the same as the original Extended Sheet 00 version. Gloss and all. I've handled both in my hands and there is no difference to them what so ever. (Nor is there a Pikachu Records logo on them like Bulbapedia and a few other sources like to claim.)

Not a lot on cards monthly over here, not unless as set has just come out in Japan or if I've gone on a shopping spree to fill gaps in things. The karp set me back $800, but he was paid of slowly over Yuletide in a few batches. That's the nice thing about private sales, along with direct contact with your seller.
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! - Thank you! The mystery is solved, hurray! How did you discover that both versions were identical? said:
Nor is there a Pikachu Records logo on them like Bulbapedia and a few other sources like to claim.

It's funny that you should mention that. I noticed this as well, long ago. I remember trying to research the differences (or lack thereof) between VS#00 Bubble Mew and CD Bubble Mew, and stumbled across that tidbit of trivia. I figured it was incorrect, because I had seen the promotional poster for the CD and Mew still had a vending series logo. Someone needs to edit that article and stop spreading the lies! :)
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Unique Username, if you ever give away your Pokemon cards, I call dibs to inherit your Mew collection. I also collect Mews, but I have only have three. :( Nice collection!! :D
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@Unique Username
I've actually had the pleasure of handling both the extended sheet and the CD promos in person, and physically compared the two. Asides from the slight difference in cut (but all older JP promos have different cuts).

Haha yeah. See, the only ones in that CD which had the Pikachu Records logos were the Blastoise/Charizard/Venusaur... and they had it on their first release anyway, along with the Please Trade promo trainer card.
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Base Set 1st edition holos

Base Set shadowless holos

Please don't point out the Machamp is a 3rd printing. There was no shadowless print for that one!

I only break these out of storage for special occasions!
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

@PikachewTofu - Thanks! Which three cards do you own?

@Shakespeare - Wow! Beautiful cards! What's the special occasion?
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Gahh, these pictures almost inspire me to get back into the trading world, but I'm afraid I don't have time for that/parents don't approve :3
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@Unique Username, I have a Mew holo Blackstar Promo #9, a Mew non-holo Blackstar Promo #9, and Mew Prime.

EDIT: I just found my Rumble Mew, too. So I have four Mews.
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

@123wert50 - Thanks!

@PikachewTofu - Congratulations! I'm impressed that you found the 'Rumble Mew' so quickly in your quest, because - believe it or not, the English version was my third last card! (laughs)

Second segment! Ready, Set, GO!
Sealed & Unopened Pokémon Items and Cards

Porygon & Snorlax – Nintendo 64 Promotional Campaign Folder




Mt. Fuji Surfing Pikachu & Lily Pad Mew – 1997 JR Rally Campaign Folder



I am looking for the Pikachu & Arcanine 1997 Toyota Campaign Folder. If anyone knows of its whereabouts, please let me know! I remember bidding on a Toyota Campaign folder once twice thrice four times and lost – I was devastated... (sobs)

I did it! Yay~!! ♥♥♥


ANA Promotional Folders, 1996 – 2008




“Riding with Lapras” Mini CD with “Misty's Treatment” Card




“Meowth's Party” CD with “Team Rocket's Meowth” Card




"Best Collection CD" with 10 promotional re-releases of various promotional cards. Surprisingly, the Best Collection CD cards are in pristine condition despite the damage to the case. I guess it's a good thing it's made out of Styrofoam.




[Top to Bottom – JR Rally 2000 Gold Prize Eevee, JR Rally 2000 Silver Prize Mewtwo]



[Left to Right – 2005 World Hobby Fair Pikachu (Sealed), Japan, 2nd Anniversary Happy Birthday Pikachu]



Coro Coro promotional cards, 4th Movie Kecleon promotional card. I would have had an unpeeled Buizel promotional card if the seller hadn't shoved it into a skinny envelope and broke the backing...



Arceus Stadium Card. When you open it up...


It's a comic book! I think it explains how the card works in a PTCG battle – with style and humor of course.



Video Introduction Set (Sealed).



1998 Red & Green Quickstarter Gift Set (Sealed). I am looking for the 1996 Gift Set and the 1997 Team Rocket Gift Set – if anyone knows of their whereabouts, please let me know! (March 4th - Brian recently advertised the '96 Gift Set, yet sadly I can't afford it.)



Jumbo Cards. I have a new obsession – jumbo cards (Japanese versions only). I am striving to have every jumbo card ever made to date. I have Happy Birthday Pikachu & Tabunne on its way. I am in the process of (possibly) obtaining Lawrence III.


RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

^That is simply stunning. You have so many Pikachus, Eevees, and Mew/Mewtwos I need my head is spinning. xD I love the backround in the JR Rally Gold Prize Eevee. Congrats on your collection!
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I have the secret super battle SSB No.2 trophy card.
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Was there a reverse holo mew prime? Did lost link have rh primes like the other sets?
RE: Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

@crm103top08 - I don't believe so. If there is a Reverse Holo Mew Prime - in either HS Triumphant or Lost Link, I have yet to see it. No, Lost Link did not have Reverse Holo cards.
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I don't think there are any reverse holo Primes, but I could be wrong.
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There were RH primes in the JPN sets except for LL
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