The Collector's Showcase: Post Pictures of Any Type of Pokémon Collection!

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RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! said:
Grail Get.

Indeed! Congratulations! :)

I am very happy for you, it must be one of the best feelings in the world to own such exclusive cards. Would you be collecting the '97 and '98 year prints, too? I hope I can obtain similar treasures in future conquests (highly unlikely...chuckles).

What's next? Super Secret Battle? Tropical Mega Battle?

...Pokémon Illustrator?!

P.S. - Forgive me, I have a tendency to miss details...You have the Blastoise Mega Battle 1999 print, correct? I wish I could read Japanese. I know what the differences are between each print - like you said, it's in the text (after all, you can't have two First Pokémon Card Game Tournaments ;)) yet I've never seen each print in comparison to its predecessor/successor. I would love to see something like that, one day.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Oh I certainly will be. 1997 and 1998's trophy cards are actually officially catalogued by PCL on their old catalogues from, and I have a thing for catalogued cards. I've had two Illustrators offered to me for purchase in a single year, so I know I can definitely get one these days, it's just a matter of time and someone who is patient enough for me to pay it off bit by bit since I can't lump sum that much. You can see what I'm actively hunting here, though. I've been collating all my missing cards and adding database images where I can since I find visual references are a great way to hunt. Especially when you've got a partner who likes to buy cards for the collection as much as I do but doesn't read a single shred of Japanese, haha.

I've got database images of the other two years, let me put them up here so you can compare the text bodies. The best way for me to put it to anyone who can't read Japanese: 1997 has no numbers in the body text of the card, 1998 has the number 1 on it (and as you can see on the 1999 prints in my coming soon picture, they have number 2 in the body text). That's basically it. Those are the key factors in looking for the difference in them.


RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!,

Do you have cards for trade?
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!


I very, very seldom trade. Which is hilarious given how many spares I have. Were you hunting for anything in particular?
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

I have some of your wants. You can see my needs and my Holo rare and rares haves in my trade thread. I add a list of promos I need that I know of.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! - Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us! In addition, thank you for juxtaposing those images - I greatly appreciate it. I sound like a complete nitwit in admitting this, but I had to squint to observe the numbers prowling amidst the characters...(chuckles).

...The No. 3 [1997] picture appears to have a 3 in it. ;)
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

I love the SR cards. I haven't gotten my hands on the Bolty card yet myself, but I love the textures on my Zekrom and Torunedosu.

@Unique Username
Ahahaha well so it does. Regardless, the 1998/9 ones are easier to pick out due to their specific numbers ("1st" official Tourney, "2nd" official Tourney, even though they're the 2nd and 3rd but aahhh...) I just read the card bodies in full but I can read them, because I'm crazy like that. ;)
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! - Crazy like a fox! :) (/pun)

Speaking of incongruity (i.e. 1st = 2nd and 2nd = 3rd), the 1997 print has peculiar phrasing.

Bulbapedia said:
By presenting this card, you may gain preferential entry into the Pokémon Card Game Official Tournament.

It makes it sound like you need to obtain this card before playing in the tournament, haha. Was this a translation error?


Where do the SR cards originate from?
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Haha XD Oh so punny~

The Bulba translations of those cards are.. um. Yeah. They're not as great as they could be, let me put it that way. They're pretty accurate, almost word for word, but the way they word around the tourney details is a bit funny; basically by owning one of those cards you were welcome to come back and play in the tourney held the next year without battling in any prerequisite battles. It was a get in free pass practically, all you had to do was flash the card at the door, in a manner of speaking.

Not that many of them used it. Having actually gotten the history on my cards, I know that the player who won the 1999 set didn't use them again, and sold them rather quickly.

Those SR cards in particular are from the latest BW-era set(s): Black Collection and White Collection.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Please excuse the messy room....but I'm in the middle of sorting it out.
Anyways, onto the photo's:

.::photo's & what's in it::.
#1: Top Shelf~Tins, tins & more tin's, 2x Coro Coro, a few YGO Master Guides, Pokémon Walkthroughs & deck boxes (that hold DBZ cards).
#2: Bottom shelf~this is where I keep my binders...& other things.
#3: Desk: 3x 400-card binders (1st orange one is for Eevee, 2nd/3rd one is for YGO cards), 2000 Pikachu World "Clear File" that holds my POP cards, & 4 other binders.
#4: Desk: bottom box, YGO tin & YGO/5d's (Raging Battle) has YGO commons & the Umbreon Starter.
#5: Eeveelutions (I've got this one up on my dA account) are guarding my Un/commons box.
#6: all of my PokéDolls (& 1 TOMY-HoOh) plushies (not shown: tiny Zorua Branpesto plush.
#7: My deck (Yep, Dragonsheild sleeves...they've lasted me 12+ years now).
#8: My Pre-Release cards (not shown: Snorlax CotL which I'm getting this weekend).
#9: My Premier Event Cards (I'm missing: Nat's Machamp, Staff Nats Luxray, Nat's Gachomp & Staff Gabite/Chomp)

& the rest talks for it's self.

Mods: I can split this into 2 posts if needed.
Edit: Made into links

Top Shelf
Bottom Shelf
Desk where I keep my Un/commons (DP+) box
Another view of the same desk
Thanx to Jade I now have all 8 Eeveelutions (the one above Flareon, my Mum got for me last Yr for my B'day)
All of my PokéDolls (& Ho-Oh's the TOMY one), The DP starters are bootlegs :(
My Deck, Yep I use Dragon Sheild sleeves (& their in my MD deck box)

.::Legend Maker 9-pocket folder/binder & what's inside it::.
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.::Supreme Victors 9-pocket folder/binder & what's inside it::.
Missing: Jp Glacia Lv.X (decked), Shining Ponyta, Ho-Oh Legend (bottom~fake), 2x Espeon PRIME (decked) & Darkrai/Cresselia Legend (top)
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I do have other things in my TCG collection, but they'll be in another post.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Can some of you try and resize your pictures? If you're posting one or two photos that's fine, but if you are posting more than that please resize them. Thanks.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Or better yet, just post the links to the pictures.

dmaster out.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture! and Shiny Venesaur are very "hard core" collectors. I am just going to collect for like a year or two. Pokemon better never stop making epicness :)

P.S. My brother owns almost all the holofoil Basic Set cards. I want his binder :D
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Mudkip/dmaster: All changed into links.
Phenomenon: Thanx, but my name is Light Venusaur. If you want, I can take photo's of my base-set cards, so that you can use them for a I've completed the set (now I'm doing 1st ed. & Shadowless base set).
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Thank you for making those all text links, it was taking forever to load this page of the thread.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

^Your Welcome.
I'll be posting up my Eevee (TCG) collection a bit later on today~with Vivee (yep, from One Peice) the FEMALE Eevee PokéDoll as your guide.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

I am sure you have a lot of the Base Set, haha. I, personally, have a cardboard box full of old cards from the sets before EX came. I can post pics. I WILL post pics.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

Before I post them here.
Are Merchandise pictures allowed? I just got all the Stamp Rally Prize pictures taken and might Scan the Booklet next.
RE: TCG Collector's Showcase - Please try to post a picture!

You are welcome to post any pictures of your Pokemon merchandise. Plushies, cards, figures are all welcome.
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