The Dream Thread

RE: Dream Thread

Once, I've had this horrific nightmare that I was with a bunch of people sitting down on a wooden bench in a big white house when this menacing, abnormal tall person appeared out of nowhere and made everyone scream for their lives. There was chaos everywhere, the house was falling down and I was the only one left, too shocked to move or speak when finally the tall psycho came up running and said, "I'm going to take out your spine." and the whole dream just went black. What is that supposed to mean? @_@
RE: Dream Thread

A few nights ago, I dreamed that I couldn't control my arm, and it kept trying to turn into a building. Finally, I gave in and it turned into a building. Because of that, I ended up in space orbiting around the Earth which was covered in fire because of my 'misdeeds'.

Yes, I know, random. It sure scared me, too. I woke up thinking, "what exactly happened last night?"
RE: Dream Thread

I dreamt yesterday that I had wings (kinda like those of Angel in X-men the third movie) and a bunch of werewolves chased me through the woods and a bunch of buildings. The sky was completely dark and red so it was weird. Oh yeah, and I had this weird laser gun which was random and I was hunting raspberries. Weird. O.O
RE: Dream Thread

In one of my dreams a few days ago I turned into a big muscley black man (kind of like the guy in the Old Spice commercials but with tattoos) and jumped off a ferris wheel, landed on my feet and survived. Also for some reason this woman I was in love with for no reason and Bianca/Bel from Pokemon was there.
RE: Dream Thread

I've also had this dream a few months back. I was flying through the clouds in the night with a silver, strong dragon. The dragon looked like a mechanical dragon and I was flying over the cities of Canada before my dragon started shooting downwards and after that my dream ended. What could that mean?
RE: Dream Thread

Last night, I dreamed that I was a cloud with an ugly face and when people would step on me I would rain arms.
RE: Dream Thread

Last night, I also had a dream i was doing parkour... ._.
RE: Dream Thread

Few nights ago, I had a dream about a solar eclipse. I don't exactly remember what it looked like, but I looked away from it. Then I saw this bright ring of light on the ground. Odd, but then again, someone mentioned a solar eclipse days ago...
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream that my mom got married, (she was married before, but dad left us) and me and my new dad were watching TV, and someone started shooting our new house with a cannon! And, I keep having dreams that my friends die in. I can physically feel their weight in my arms as they die. And then, once they all die, I burn to death, and I can feel the fire too! And, I also had a dream a few days ago that I found a child who was still alive, but had everything below his waist bitten off by a large dog, about 7 feet tall, and the dog went after a girl I like, so I fought it. I woke up before the fight ended.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a dream that I fell into a giant lake (the kind that they drain in the winter) and there was a HUGE drain in the bottom (I have a big fear of pool drains. Any kind of drain really.) and the drain sucked me in and I died.
RE: Dream Thread

Yesterday I had a dream that I was the avatar and I couldn't stop bending earth in a sphere around me so I suffocated and died. And earlier on in that dream I was in space and was bending like crazy. It was really weird.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a really bad nightmare about my dad! :( He has a hernia and in my nightmare it wan't a hernia, but a cancerous tumor! We are moving in real life and in my nightmare we were already at the new house, all I could do was watch him be driven further and further away by the ammbulance... I was really sad when I woke up and the first thing I did when I was awake was get out of bed to see if he was okay. It would just kill me to lose another family member to cancer! I'm starting to cry just thinking about it! (first my great grandfather, then I almost lost one of my aunts on my dad's side of the family, then almost my cousin who I haven't even met yet (luckily she got opperated on just in time)) Excuse my terrible spelling/grammar in this post, I haven't been feeling that great lately. Sorry if this post makes anyone sad.
RE: Dream Thread

I had a very odd dream days ago. I'm actually thankful for it, as it gave me a idea for a story to expand the dream. :)

All I can still remember before I woke up was that I was in a cave. A Dewott told me to dress up in a Dewott costume. I hesitated, then saw a Snivy jump out of a hole (leading to a rainforest or something), and then it fled back in. I put the costume on, and transformed into a Dewott. I ran outside and saw Pokemon-like robots wreaking havoc on the village. It was snowing in a nearby area, and a rainforest in the other. I saw a shining Oshawott jumping across to one of the robots. I'm not sure what happened next.