THE Durant thread: Durant NV.

I really like N in the deck. It's an Oak's for you and disruptive for your opponent. Usually they need PlusPowers and stuff to KO you. It's especially good against Yanmega.
However, I needed hand refreshment, and Gliscor had a 8 card hand. By using N (Had a hand of Junk Arms), I lost the game.
I really don't understand N here. Your opponent has 1 prize left, you force them from a 7 card hand to a 1 card hand netting yourself a fresh 6. Cool. Great.

Also, if they've taken 5 prizes, they're fully set up. And you just put 6 cards back into their deck that YOU now have to mill.
What cards can consistently OHKO Durants without using Catcher or PlusPower? Fire types and Zekrom... So against anything else, if you use N, you might create an extra turn of milling, but you might buy your active Durant 2 more turns. You can also use it early-game when they have a 4-card hand to turn that into a 5-card or 6-card hand. I guess this is going to be mostly player preference, but I like it in the deck.
Donphan Prime using Heavy Impact, Gothitelle, SEL, RDL, and a few both attackers can too. It was a bit useful in the beginning of the game, but two times I wished I had a PONT instead.
RDL can't - it discards energy. Gothitelle takes a lot of setup and it's usually too late. If you get some Evolites and Sp. Metals on there, you're tanking 50 damage. 120HP = 5 energy. That's pretty hard. SEL is also pretty hard to get out and you threaten discarding a piece of it. Donphan does 90, so Sp. Metal + Evolite = Donphan needs PlusPower.
Why would you put all your SP Metals on one Durant? Once that Durant is knockout you'll have none left. Without putting too many Sp Metals on Durant, it takes 4.
Resistance: -20
Evolite: -20
1 Special Metal: -10
=-50 or 120HP, =5 energy.

I think you might have missed the Resistance.
Yes I missed the resistance. Scratch that.

However, under trainer lock, you can't attach evolite, so you'll only get one that gets -50. All others -30, which isn't that hard to ohko.
Without Twins, they often whiff on the fast lock before you get a couple Evolite out, especially if you're running a higher count or go first. But you're right that you won't get an Evolite out on every Durant. Not that you need it, either.
Against a T2 or T3 Gothitelle, the Durant Player will most likely only get one out though. And against Durant the Gothitelle player doesn't have to focus at all on Reuniclus too, making it a lot easier to get out Gothitelle.
Usually they don't focus on Reuniclus until they have Goth out anyway, though. Occasionally they bench double Solosis, but I think that's about it.
So is there any ideal counter to either Reshiram or Zekrom? I'm thinking Crushing Hammer or Lost Remover for Zekrom (Not sure if Zekrom commonly plays special energies), just to kind of disrupt them, but I don't know what to do for Reshiram. Even if we were to use Hammer/Remover, Reshiram could still set right back up.

I think the best way to deal with Reshi is with Weavile, just by sniping their hand for important cards, and hoping that we mill away important cards.

Also, is their Ninetails harmful or beneficial to us?
Opinions on all this?
^ I would run Lost Remover because you don't want those fires in the Reshiphlosion player's discard pile.

EDIT: Whoops I forgot Lost Remover only removed Special Energys.
Lost Remover can't get rid of basic Fire energy... I don't see a good way for Durant to stop ReshiPhlosion because with just one Typhlosion, Reshiram can easily KO with Outrage.
The way I would ATTEMPT to fight against Reshi, is with Seeker/Weavile. When they have their bench set up, use Seeker to make them pull up something important and Snipe it with Weavile. Yes, I know this is a really weak strategy, but there really isn't much else I can think of but getting lucky on the mill.
Reshiphlosion isn't a horrid matchup. Usually they attack with Typhlosion and they don't even pull Reshi out of the deck. Your chance to win is if they open Reshi and have to get 5 energy in play in order to get Typhlosion attacking. If they get attacking T2 or T3 without burning too many resources to do it, you've got a pretty good chance. Most lists only run Sage/Juniper too, so chances are pretty good they end burning a lot of resources.
Hmmmmm I see this as a giant disruption deck (I read the first page...I'm not gonna read 6 pages to post once :p)

How about play it like Mime Jr. decks?

4 Spiritomb (If they got something fancy in there hand get rid of it)
4 Mr Mime (Check there hand for fancy things)
2-2 Slowking (Top deck control is cool yo)
4 Durant (Obvious...)
4 Seeker (PFFFFFFFFT like a Spiritomb is gonna take bench space)
3 Collector (3 for more consistency)
4 Dual Ball (Gotta get all dem basics)
4 Revive (Gotta get all dem Duuuuurants)
2 Catcher (Pull up something with high retreat and high attack cost so that you can stall them)
12 Metal energy (I always run heavy energy because energy drought even for like 2 turns bugs me)

Seems like it would be pretty evil to me...testing wise? Um I can't lol
Straight Durant >>> Durant/Mime Jr./any other milling tech. Durant provides a much stronger mill than Mime Jr, which is much more important because the deck isn't built around taking prizes. The faster you can deckout your opponent, the better.