Well I like some randomness, but they should make it so that no 1 box has 2 or less UR. My 1 box of plasma freeze had:
FA deoxys (1st pack)
thundurus EX
shiny garbodor
latias EX
24 non-holo R
11 reverse holo r
8 regular holo rare
4 rev trainers
which inlcude 2 sableye (the worst sableye in a long time!), 2 kyurem, 2 metagross, 2 dragonite, 1 kingdra, 1 absol. 2 umbreon, 0 electrode (cousin wants 4), and 0 ghetsis
Jungletoad, that HGSS box you got was awesome - my friend got 1 and it only had 3-4 ultra rares in it.