BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

I wonder if in the remakes they might put Froslass, Gallade, Dusknior, Budew, Rosrade, Chingling in the Hoenn dex since they are evos|pre-evos of Hoenn pokemon. They did it with HG|SS when they added Magmortar, Electivire, Mismagius, Weavile, Honchcrow, Mamoswine, Yanmega,Ambipom to the Johto dex because they were final evolutions of pokemon that are Johto native (Magby, Elekid, Misdreavous, Sneasel, Murkrow, Swinub, Yanma, Aipom).

Note: Spell check on some of these names.
Now, how are you all positive that there will be remakes of 3rd gen? Of course, you can argue that it would put more money in their pockets and all, but think about the cartridges for a moment. 1st and 2nd gen were on the Gameboy, 3rd gen was on the Advance, and 4th and 5th gen were on the DS. As you should know, 4th gen had Pal Park, letting you transfer Pokemon from 3rd gen to 4th gen. Without the remakes of 1st and 2nd gen, there was no way for gens 3-5 to connect to gens 1 and 2, so now every generation is connected and is able to, at the very least, transfer Pokemon.

What would a 3rd gen remake do?

I don't quite understand...what are your opinions on why there will be a remake of 3rd gen?
Pokefan4000 said:
Now, how are you all positive that there will be remakes of 3rd gen? Of course, you can argue that it would put more money in their pockets and all, but think about the cartridges for a moment. 1st and 2nd gen were on the Gameboy, 3rd gen was on the Advance, and 4th and 5th gen were on the DS. As you should know, 4th gen had Pal Park, letting you transfer Pokemon from 3rd gen to 4th gen. Without the remakes of 1st and 2nd gen, there was no way for gens 3-5 to connect to gens 1 and 2, so now every generation is connected and is able to, at the very least, transfer Pokemon.

What would a 3rd gen remake do?

I don't quite understand...what are your opinions on why there will be a remake of 3rd gen?

My Reason i'm sure there will be a remake of the 3rd gen:

-The 3rd gen is incompatible with the 5th gen. There is no way to DIRECTLY connect to gen 5. If you wan to get your 3rd gen team to your B|W game you have to pal park it to a 4th gen game then poke shift it to B|W. Who wants to sit there and do that not to mention if you wanna use the poke shifter you need 2 DS's since both gen 4 and gen 5 are on the DS.

-They usually make remakes for the 10th anniversary and in Japan R|S 10th anniversary is Fall 2012 (November 21st).

-(The reason a bunch of other people use) In the D|P Special Dawn went to the Hoenn Region the same as when May went to Johto and there Ended up being a remake of gen 2.

-There are a truck load of hints in HG|SS & B|W that hinted at a gen 3 remake.

-The most important of all around Christmas or before The DS Lite is most likely to be discontinued because it's nearly 8yrs old and there are 3 newer models (DSi, DSi XL, 3DS) to take up the shelves in stores. Since none of the newer models are GBA compatible if you don't already have a DS Lite you can't even play the original R|S|E if you can even find them anywhere (if you don't already have them). (This would only apply if the remakes are for the 3DS)

With that being said it's come to a point where a gen 3 remake is needed if you want to directly connect with gen 5.

Edit: You aren't gonna find the original R|S|E ANYWHERE unless you are extremely lucky and find someone who is willing to sell theirs because R|S|E are discontinued. Even the used ones are very rare to find in store.
OMGxShante said:
My Reason i'm sure there will be a remake of the 3rd gen:

-The 3rd gen is incompatible with the 5th gen. There is no way to DIRECTLY connect to gen 5. If you wan to get your 3rd gen team to your B|W game you have to pal park it to a 4th gen game then poke shift it to B|W. Who wants to sit there and do that not to mention if you wanna use the poke shifter you need 2 DS's since both gen 4 and gen 5 are on the DS.

It's no where near as incompatible as 2nd was to 3rd. Sure, it's a hassle, but the process is still reasonable.

-They usually make remakes for the 10th anniversary and in Japan R|S 10th anniversary is Fall 2012 (November 21st).

It's hard to say that this is a usual occurrence. It happened once for HG/SS. FR/LG came out early 2004 in Japan, which is about a year off of the 10th anniversary.

-There are a truck load of hints in HG|SS & B|W that hinted at a gen 3 remake.

I know there are a few, but there aren't really a ton. No where near the many hints for HG/SS. Seriously, that Gold, Silver, and Crystal Poke Ball stuff on the Poke Center floor is mind blowing. And the Park Balls. Crazy stuff. This time, our biggest discovered hint is... Steven, Latias, and Latios. B/W definitely don't have that many.

Edit: You aren't gonna find the original R|S|E ANYWHERE unless you are extremely lucky and find someone who is willing to sell theirs because R|S|E are discontinued. Even the used ones are very rare to find in store.

Anywhere in-store, yes. Amazon... $9.99 + shipping.
Emboar7 said:
If there are R/S/E remakes they should give several Pokemon evolutions like in D/P/P. For example, Plusle, Minun, Sharpedo, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper? Do you guys agree?
No, I don't. Plusle and Minun were gimmicks, and because of that they will never evolve.
OMGxShante said:
I wonder if in the remakes they might put Froslass, Gallade, Dusknior, Budew, Rosrade, Chingling in the Hoenn dex since they are evos|pre-evos of Hoenn pokemon. They did it with HG|SS when they added Magmortar, Electivire, Mismagius, Weavile, Honchcrow, Mamoswine, Yanmega,Ambipom to the Johto dex because they were final evolutions of pokemon that are Johto native (Magby, Elekid, Misdreavous, Sneasel, Murkrow, Swinub, Yanma, Aipom).

Note: Spell check on some of these names.

Not all of those were added. Only the Pokemon who evolved by moves were added pre-national dex. Dawn and Dusk stones were post-E4 items. All these Gen 3 evos and prevos you named can't be obtained without certain items which GF can easily not make available without retconning things, which they couldn't do in the case of Yanma, Aipom, Tangela, and Piloswine.

tl;dr: You won't obtain any post-RS Pokemon in RS remakes if they do come out.
Why are you asking us instead of Game Freak. I hope those won't be the names, though. It's too obvious with those being the evil teams' names.
Shadow Arceus said:
No, I don't. Plusle and Minun were gimmicks, and because of that they will never evolve.

Not all of those were added. Only the Pokemon who evolved by moves were added pre-national dex. Dawn and Dusk stones were post-E4 items. All these Gen 3 evos and prevos you named can't be obtained without certain items which GF can easily not make available without retconning things, which they couldn't do in the case of Yanma, Aipom, Tangela, and Piloswine.

tl;dr: You won't obtain any post-RS Pokemon in RS remakes if they do come out.

I knew some of them were added I just wasn't sure which ones so I mentioned all of them.

I know there are a few, but there aren't really a ton. No where near the many hints for HG/SS. Seriously, that Gold, Silver, and Crystal Poke Ball stuff on the Poke Center floor is mind blowing. And the Park Balls. Crazy stuff. This time, our biggest discovered hint is... Steven, Latias, and Latios. B/W definitely don't have that many.

I said a ton because I was on another forum where someone had listed hints for a R|S remake and there was a lot. If your looking yourself you probably won't find alot especially if your not looking because I noticed a few but not nearly as much as what I saw someone else list them.

It's hard to say that this is a usual occurrence. It happened once for HG/SS. FR/LG came out early 2004 in Japan, which is about a year off of the 10th anniversary.

I forgot to mention FR|LG came out 8yrs in to it.

Anywhere in-store, yes. Amazon... $9.99 + shipping.

Really!? I spoke to quite a few people who were having an extremely hard time finding them in store and online and I know there is no gamestop or any store near me that sells them anymore not even the used ones.
I wonder. If there are going to be Ruby and Sapphire Remakes, then how would Team Magma and Team Aqua be?
In Ruby, Team Magma was the bad team, and Team Aqua was the good team, and in Emerald, both teams were bad. How would they do that in the Ruby and Sapphire? Since they would add all of Emerald's features in the Remakes. Maybe they both will be bad.
I think itd be closer based on emerald but with each versions exclusives. Both teams are bad and it follows emralds plot up to rayquaza. It savea the day and now the legend is in the cave of origin.
I am hoping to see more pokemon play a part in the story. Why not have absol or The latis play a role? The regis could be of importance too.
Well, I'd love another Shadow Pokemon game for the Wii, with Sinnoh and Unova Pokemon in it. I'd also love remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, maybe called LandRuby and OceanSapphire or something like that. Perhaps Hoenn was the distant region N was sighted in, and maybe he'll give you the Dragon that he has in the Hoenn remakes, probably Zekrom in Sapphire and Reshiram in Ruby. Though Black and White are confirmed to take place in the future, so maybe he encountered a Celebi on the way to Hoenn which accidentally sent him back in time?
RayquazaMaster said:
Well, I'd love another Shadow Pokemon game for the Wii, with Sinnoh and Unova Pokemon in it. I'd also love remakes of Ruby and Sapphire, maybe called LandRuby and OceanSapphire or something like that. Perhaps Hoenn was the distant region N was sighted in, and maybe he'll give you the Dragon that he has in the Hoenn remakes, probably Zekrom in Sapphire and Reshiram in Ruby. Though Black and White are confirmed to take place in the future, so maybe he encountered a Celebi on the way to Hoenn which accidentally sent him back in time?

That's a good speculation.
Nintendo made to many spin-off games, and now there is no time for a mian series in 2011. Kyurem is NOT related to Zekrom and Reshiram, he came out of a Meteor and they were once a combined dragon pokemon. Mayebe, they will throw a curve ball with a new 650th pokemon. When you think about it, one away from 650 is an odd place to stop. Though, they may just figure out a clever way to relate Kyurem to the two.

Also, I wonder the Ruby and Sapphire remakes will be RockRuby and SeaSapphire or something. Hoenn is my least fovorite generation, so I don't care for remakes. I am a pure Pokemon fan, so I'd still pre-order one. Probably Ruby, because I like Groundon more.
Thats just a legend. Its more likely that kyurem was the combination of zekrom and reshiram and also xame from a meteor.
This isn't much of a speculation but much of what I kinda want to see in the future games to come.

1.A new mystery dungeon game I think would make me happy I would love to see how they incorporate the new Unova Pokémon in the story such as the legends.
2.A new game like the colosseum/xd games that have the inclusion of Shadow Pokémon but that takes place in a different region that isn't Orre I think that it would be super cool.
3.A third generation game(s) remake.The R/S/E generation is by far one my favorite generations next to G/S/C.

I would personally hate the fact that they'd make another ranger game that by far is one of my least favorite games of the spin-off games.
And as far as the sixth generation goes I think the number of new Pokémon should be kept at a minimum 105 sounds pretty good.The regions land mass should be bigger than Unovas in my opinion Unova was a let down in regards to the routes only 18 routes and all very simple to get through I think there should also be more routes that are also longer and more extensive than Unovas.New elements need to be added such as when reaching the Pokémon League instead of having to go through Victory Road how about a Victory Jungle that's extremely immense there's vines to swing on and what not I think that would be cool.Victory Road has been overused throughout the generations we have had I think it's time for a change and I also would love a dark type gym.I wish they would stop the Fire/Fighting typing for the fire starter evolutions it's just repetitive and it's starting to get on my nerves.There's also another whole load of things I can come up with I'll be sure to post them here when I get the chance.
I hope in the R|S remakes they keep contest (although I doubt they will just toss them since this is where they originated) and find a way to make them more appealing. I have an idea how but since I'm kind of over thinking it, it's not quite understandable to other people yet.
In 2012 will probably begin to see pictures or anything that CoroCoro shows of possible R/S remakes and by 2013 will be its release. For its 10th year anniversary.