BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

Emboar7 said:
In 2012 will probably begin to see pictures or anything that CoroCoro shows of possible R/S remakes and by 2013 will be its release. For its 10th year anniversary.

The 10th anniversary is Fall 2012 (November 21st) in Japan and Spring 2013 (March 19th) in US. So if it's being released for the 10th anniversary, I think Japan will get it September 2012 and the US will get it March 2013 just like they did with HG|SS.
PikabooPikachu said:
Yeah... I don't want them to rush the game and do a bad job on it. :\ But I can't wait for it to come <3

If they are doing it in 2012, I think they would have been working on it for a while, and probably they wouldn't rush it.
OMGxShante said:
The 10th anniversary is Fall 2012 (November 21st) in Japan and Spring 2013 (March 19th) in US. So if it's being released for the 10th anniversary, I think Japan will get it September 2012 and the US will get it March 2013 just like they did with HG|SS.

The dates could be earlier. Since they are getting earlier and ealier by the year. Maybe August or September 2012 for Japan, then in February for the US. Since HeartGold and SoulSilver were released 7 months before their approximate 10th Anniversary.
Zekroman said:
I wish they had continued the mach/acro bike thing because i really liked that

They more than likely will with RSE remakes. They were a facator in the game, like if you could get to this or that location.

But yay, knowing Game Freak, they won't give us garbage. :)
Emboar7 said:
It's not going to be bad, I can guarantee it.

Why would the RSE remakes be bad? Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald were by far the BEST pokemon games ever, so that can't mess up the games even if they wanted to but why would they?
supergamerfreak said:
Why would the RSE remakes be bad? Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald were by far the BEST pokemon games ever, so that can't mess up the games even if they wanted to but why would they?

Dude I'm not saying it's going to be bad. Chill out.
^ why does he need to chill out? He's not upset or anything and he has a valid point. Rse are arguably the best pokemon games out there
pokemonjoe said:
^ why does he need to chill out? He's not upset or anything and he has a valid point. Rse are arguably the best pokemon games out there

Just letting him know even if he's upset or not ;)
supergamerfreak said:
Why would the RSE remakes be bad? Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald were by far the BEST pokemon games ever, so that can't mess up the games even if they wanted to but why would they?
pokemonjoe said:
^ why does he need to chill out? He's not upset or anything and he has a valid point. Rse are arguably the best pokemon games out there
And you say that without giving any reasons as to why they were the best.
How do you expect anybody to believe you if you don't explain your point when you make it?
It's just my opinion. I don't care if other people disagree. I'm not going to sit here and rattle off reasons why I think rse were my favorite games. It doesn't matter how much reasons I can give you, if it's not your favorite game, it's not your favorite game. It's just your opinion and I respect that.
Are we getting Off-Topic?
Anyways, so in the possible remakes of R/S/E.
I think they're going to do a great job on remaking it. Will it be on a 3D environment like on B/W?
Anyways, if it is on the 3D environment, in my personal opinion, Slateport city is going to be very beautiful.
Reasons why? Well it's on the beach and the boats that are in the east, that are on the land will look great in 3D and
the lighthouse in the as well. What do you guys think?
It seems that there is MUCH more to N than we thought after his background being revealed. If he was born from Pokemon, could he be one? Zorua and Zoroark in the event both transformed into humans. Also, N owns a Zoroark. Could his Zoroark have more of a relation to him than just being one of his Pokemon? In the intro of both Black and White, N is shown as a kid with a Zorua, so he's had it for awhile. Zoroark and Zorua are known to be tricky, so that could be why N is so smart. That's just a theory, though.

He could be Kyurem. He seemed to want you to catch the main legendary dragon of your game as he said he'd give you a chance when he got his dragon. The goal of team Plasma is to release Pokemon from their trainers, so why would he encourage you to catch a legendary Pokemon? My theory is he wants to seperate Reshiram and Zekrom. He wants two opposite trainers who have almost nothing in common and would rarely cross paths (the player and N) to have Zekrom and Reshiram. This may be so that Zekrom & Reshiram never see each other, so they could never fight. When his plan fails (his plan would be so elaborate because he's very smart) and the dragons are released (somehow both would be released in Gray, mayebe the player released theirs) he must fight them as Kyurem, in order to stop their fued (like in Ruby and Sapphire). In BW, you don't see N after the main story (I don't think) and you can't battle Kyurem until after the main story as well. Again, just a theory.
Zekrom Black said:
He could be Kyurem.

Yes, I'm sure they would give you a chance to capture one of the main villains. Also, it says that N was seen in a far off land riding the back of a "Great Dragon".
AllInAPackage said:
Also, it says that N was seen in a far off land riding the back of a "Great Dragon".

inb4 you meet him in the Hoenn remakes, and depending on your version he has one of the dragons. It all fits, doesn't it?