33 Packs, and 26 of them had an Ultra Rare. My hit ratio is just about 0.78:1, and about 0.36:1 for SV cards. For 33 packs, I've been pretty impressed with my pull rates. Not sure what the consensus is on what the rates *actually* are, but I'd say I'm doing quite solid.
I'm also doing really good in terms of not getting dupes, both on the reverses side and in the ultra rares side (besides THREE Rainbow Birds, lmao. Good lord). In terms of the duplicates I am getting, I'm pretty happy that the reverse I have the most of is one of my favorite Pokemon. I'm sure I'm going to end up getting more duplicates in time, ESPECIALLY of the main-set GXs, but I hope I can knock out Charizard, Gyarados, and Giovanni before then. And then just... Keep getting Zard GXs, lol. If there's ANY double I want it's that, certainly not a fOURTH RAINBOW BIRD, good lord.
The shinies have ramped up more in my recent openings, the first two bouts of this set I did yielded a lot more of the main set, whereas the latter two were much more SV-oriented. I'm hoping that rhythm continues, but mainly I'm just hoping to keep up the good rates, get more unique reverses, and to keep getting unique SV cards (or another SV Charizard, that'd be lovely).
I'm probably going to open up a few more things I can find, like the Ultra Premium I preordered, so hopefully this keeps up. After that, I'll probably complete this set by getting singles. Lucky I already got the Charizard so I don't have to worry about that, but I'm hoping to pull the Cynthia so I have the second hardest card to get out of the way. After that, it should be smooth-sailing from there.
I'm gonna complete this set if it's the last thing I do-even if the start was rocky, I've got some good momentum going. It feels really good to be collecting again.