Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Cracked open 3 booster boxes and 2 ETB of CE and the character rares were coming down better than the pull rate for Prism Stars. Got all but 3 and had 4 duplicates.
Sooo... what about the Cosmic Eclipse pull rates?

Four booster packs and 2 secret rares, whut? xD Is this normal?
The character full art cards like Weavile come in the reverse slot and are about 4 in a booster box, yeah.
Work randomly got in a set of the Pokeball Collections today so I grabbed them up.


Me: "I probably shouldn't have bought these, only one of these weren't dupes... should I open the second one? Ehh, why not."



Apologies for garbo picture quality, lmao. But I found me a Shiny Zoroark box and snatched it right up. Second best one of these Hidden Fates openings I've done. I've bought 6 tins over the last week too so once I get the chance to post my pulls from those I'll put them up. (Also good god that's my third rainbow bird trio. Why do I need three rainbow bird trios)

Work randomly got in a set of the Pokeball Collections today so I grabbed them up.


Me: "I probably shouldn't have bought these, only one of these weren't dupes... should I open the second one? Ehh, why not."


Y'know, it's funny. I thought this was the previous post you made about your HF collections. And then I realized this was different. And then it hit me. You're now TWICE as lucky as I am, lol. Nice job.
Okay, little (Well, it's more huge but...) follow-up to my previous post. I got back to my home, and I'm pretty bored, so here's a huge wall of stuff analyzing my Hidden Fates pulls. Apologies for talking WAY too much, but hey, it's fun. These pulls were out of three pin blisters, six tins, and one Zoroark-GX box.


(7/9 GX's pulled, missing Zard and Gyarados).


(3/4 pulled, missing Giovanni's Exile).


(7/45 SV Regular Cards)


(6/49 SV Full Arts)


(23/56 unique Reverses, 2/6 Holo Rares, 4/9 Energy reverses)

33 Packs, and 26 of them had an Ultra Rare. My hit ratio is just about 0.78:1, and about 0.36:1 for SV cards. For 33 packs, I've been pretty impressed with my pull rates. Not sure what the consensus is on what the rates *actually* are, but I'd say I'm doing quite solid.

I'm also doing really good in terms of not getting dupes, both on the reverses side and in the ultra rares side (besides THREE Rainbow Birds, lmao. Good lord). In terms of the duplicates I am getting, I'm pretty happy that the reverse I have the most of is one of my favorite Pokemon. I'm sure I'm going to end up getting more duplicates in time, ESPECIALLY of the main-set GXs, but I hope I can knock out Charizard, Gyarados, and Giovanni before then. And then just... Keep getting Zard GXs, lol. If there's ANY double I want it's that, certainly not a fOURTH RAINBOW BIRD, good lord.

The shinies have ramped up more in my recent openings, the first two bouts of this set I did yielded a lot more of the main set, whereas the latter two were much more SV-oriented. I'm hoping that rhythm continues, but mainly I'm just hoping to keep up the good rates, get more unique reverses, and to keep getting unique SV cards (or another SV Charizard, that'd be lovely).

I'm probably going to open up a few more things I can find, like the Ultra Premium I preordered, so hopefully this keeps up. After that, I'll probably complete this set by getting singles. Lucky I already got the Charizard so I don't have to worry about that, but I'm hoping to pull the Cynthia so I have the second hardest card to get out of the way. After that, it should be smooth-sailing from there.

I'm gonna complete this set if it's the last thing I do-even if the start was rocky, I've got some good momentum going. It feels really good to be collecting again.
This made me count up where I'm at and it's 35/102 for Shiny Vault hits. On one hand three of those are Rockruff... but on the other, two of them were Charizard (and one of those was sold), so....

I still have the Ultra Premium collection coming next week and then I'm just going to buy the rest as singles. As it is I've kind of been doing that anyway, I only have 36 cards left to complete the set.
This made me count up where I'm at and it's 35/102 for Shiny Vault hits. On one hand three of those are Rockruff... but on the other, two of them were Charizard (and one of those was sold), so....

I still have the Ultra Premium collection coming next week and then I'm just going to buy the rest as singles. As it is I've kind of been doing that anyway, I only have 36 cards left to complete the set.

Honestly, getting a triple of anything is maddening (I have a history of this in the XY and BW days, ESPECIALLY with the BCR Kyurems), especially in a special set like this, lol. At least we both got Zards, so it could be a lot worse. That was my number-one goal of the set, and I got it in my, what, third pack of the set? All things considered it hasn't been too bad.

I'm personally not sure how much more of the set I'm gonna open, apart from my Ultra Premium collection. Maybe a few more tins or boxes (or an ETB please) if I can get my hands on them. Anything I haven't opened or just stuff if I want to have some fun. But I'm likely going to move to singles by the end of the year. I've got quite a long way to go myself, lmao, but hey, like I said, at least I got the hard part out of the way.

Terrible picture quality (my apologies) but here's what I got out of the HF Ultra Premium Box and a CES Elite Box I impulse bought due to needing sleeves and not being where all my sleeves are (lol). Not bad, no duplicates besides the FA Birds, but all new SV cards makes me happy. Also that FA Reshi/Rom makes me so happy, it's the one card I wanted out of the set.


Bonus of the Ray statue holding himself as a card. I love this thing.
...aaaand I just pulled another Shiny Charizard. Got both from the Super Premium boxes; the last pieces of HF product I had any intention of buying.
Final Hidden Fates product opening:

Guzma, Fisherman and Drampa GX were new. I wish I didn't pre-order this one so early; I overpaid, and could have gotten it even cheaper than MSRP through my employee discount, but it is what it is. And that's a wrap on Hidden Fates openings.
I’m up in Canada visiting family and I rarely buy cards here since they tend to be more expensive than just buying ‘em in the US, but I picked up a Garchomp and Giratina tin at EB Games since it was on sale. I also picked an Ultra Necrozma Battle Arena deck at a different EB Games I went to due to how rare they are now.

Oh, and outside of a RH Dark Energy from an Evolutions pack and the contents of the Battle Arena deck I didn’t pull anything of interest. I do like how the holo Energies in the Ultra Necrozma Battle Arena Deck has the same wavy holo pattern as the regular holos found in sets.

Edit: I picked up a Pale Moon GX Box, a Cosmic Eclipse B&B Kit, and some singles over the weekend to help me back into the competitive scene. The Pale Moon GX box only gave me a Sigilyph-GX and a Reset Stamp but given that I got it for $20 I’m considering that a win. The B&B Kit was well worth it, I pulled a Character Rare (Magnemite), an Alternate Art Silvally-GX, and a RH Mimikyu (one of the cards I was going to pick up with my singles but forgot to) and my promo was Blacephalon.
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Just got back into collecting Pokémon Cards and pulled 4 GX cards out of 7 single Burning Shadows Blister packs yesterday :),I pulled a (Darkrai GX) (Charizard GX) (Slazzle GX) (hyper Rare Machamp GX) :D
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