Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

holy?! That must have been were my good pulls went lol.

Maybe XD Honestly, I nearly screamed both times - shiny was from the first pack of the lot, and VMAX was a few packs down. Makes me wish I had thought about recording this stuff for YouTube, a god box opening would have been perfect
RE: Pokemon Tins, 3 Pack Blisters & Special Boxes: Better pull rates?

I think that tins contain random cards. But other then that you are lucky, oh yeah and since when does bestbuy sell pokemon?
Since forever. (Since Steam Siege, actually.)
Saw that it’s been a long time since anyone commented on this thread and so I decided to I’d describe my pulls from my most (but not so) recent opening. I was opening an Eternatus Premium Collection with 1 Evolutions booster, 1 Burning Shadows, 1 Sword and Shield, 1 Rebel Clash, and 2 Darkness Ablaze packs and I got a Zamazenta V, Copperaja VMAX, and Grimmsnarl VMAX! I sleeved all the cards I pulled and used gloves, the first time I’d ever conducted an opening in such a professional manner. It was a while ago (about Mid-December) but it just stood out to me. All the photos have me in them so I’ll try and get a photo of the cards later when I have a chance.
Most of my pulls that are good have been from the Burning Shadows. I got 3 secret rare trainer cards & a secret rare fire energy... Something about those packs are good luck for me.
Sorry, I tried creating an image url that I could share on here, but the picture didn’t show up on here for some reason. What website should I use to create the link to ensure that everyone can actually see the uploaded photo?
Sorry, I tried creating an image url that I could share on here, but the picture didn’t show up on here for some reason. What website should I use to create the link to ensure that everyone can actually see the uploaded photo?
I use; it can write out the bb code for you as well so its one of the more convenient options in my opinion
Saw that it’s been a long time since anyone commented on this thread and so I decided to I’d describe my pulls from my most (but not so) recent opening. I was opening an Eternatus Premium Collection with 1 Evolutions booster, 1 Burning Shadows, 1 Sword and Shield, 1 Rebel Clash, and 2 Darkness Ablaze packs and I got a Zamazenta V, Copperaja VMAX, and Grimmsnarl VMAX! I sleeved all the cards I pulled and used gloves, the first time I’d ever conducted an opening in such a professional manner. It was a while ago (about Mid-December) but it just stood out to me. All the photos have me in them so I’ll try and get a photo of the cards later when I have a chance.
Here are the pulls I said I would post... although it took me a long time to remember to post them.
Probably one of my luckiest days in TCG collecting ever. Not only did I manage to find ten packs of Vivid Voltage in a store, but in them were two V-Maxes (Orbeetle and Aegislash), one Ampharos-V, one Amazing Rare Zacian, and a Full Art Leon!
Probably one of my luckiest days in TCG collecting ever. Not only did I manage to find ten packs of Vivid Voltage in a store, but in them were two V-Maxes (Orbeetle and Aegislash), one Ampharos-V, one Amazing Rare Zacian, and a Full Art Leon!
Wow! That’s some amazing fortune! An Ultra Rare a pack, exactly the pull rate I had in my Eternatus VMAX Premium Collection opening, but across ten packs of the most-scalped non-special set to date (except possibly Battle Styles, not sure which of them was scalped worse.).
Could you please share a picture?
Wow! That’s some amazing fortune! An Ultra Rare a pack, exactly the pull rate I had in my Eternatus VMAX Premium Collection opening, but across ten packs of the most-scalped non-special set to date (except possibly Battle Styles, not sure which of them was scalped worse.).
Could you please share a picture?
Here you go:
Ugh, im almost ashamed at how much im paying for crap pulls...
$275. on Battle Styles
Collectors Chest
Eevee 3pack
Jolteon 3pack
Both Urshifu boxes
Both Vmax battle boxes

$300. on Shining Fates

Boltund Tin - Shiny Indeedee, Cinderace V, SR Toxtricity Vmax
SF ETB - Shiny Thwackey/Suicune/Galarian Weezing, Dubwool V fa, A Reshiram
Crobat box - Shiny Dottler/Wooloo/Perrserker
Dragapult box - Shiny Sobble/Drednaw/Galarian Darumaka, Ditto V, Cramorant Vmax, Cara Liss fa
So... i noticed something... strange about Evolving skies.
im going to wait till someone else opens a prerelease pack.
i dont think this has been mentioned in the news.
So... i noticed something... strange about Evolving skies.
im going to wait till someone else opens a prerelease pack.
i dont think this has been mentioned in the news.
If it's code cards being the wrong color or extra/missing reverse holos, then those errors are known to happen.
yeah, i guess.
i opened a regular pack, green code, nonholo rare
then i opened 4 packs from a prerelease box, 4 white codes, 4 nonholo rares

i blame the shop that i bought them from, lol