holy?! That must have been were my good pulls went lol.
Since forever. (Since Steam Siege, actually.)RE: Pokemon Tins, 3 Pack Blisters & Special Boxes: Better pull rates?
I think that tins contain random cards. But other then that you are lucky, oh yeah and since when does bestbuy sell pokemon?
I use imgbb.com; it can write out the bb code for you as well so its one of the more convenient options in my opinionSorry, I tried creating an image url that I could share on here, but the picture didn’t show up on here for some reason. What website should I use to create the link to ensure that everyone can actually see the uploaded photo?
Here are the pulls I said I would post... although it took me a long time to remember to post them.Saw that it’s been a long time since anyone commented on this thread and so I decided to I’d describe my pulls from my most (but not so) recent opening. I was opening an Eternatus Premium Collection with 1 Evolutions booster, 1 Burning Shadows, 1 Sword and Shield, 1 Rebel Clash, and 2 Darkness Ablaze packs and I got a Zamazenta V, Copperaja VMAX, and Grimmsnarl VMAX! I sleeved all the cards I pulled and used gloves, the first time I’d ever conducted an opening in such a professional manner. It was a while ago (about Mid-December) but it just stood out to me. All the photos have me in them so I’ll try and get a photo of the cards later when I have a chance.
Wow! That’s some amazing fortune! An Ultra Rare a pack, exactly the pull rate I had in my Eternatus VMAX Premium Collection opening, but across ten packs of the most-scalped non-special set to date (except possibly Battle Styles, not sure which of them was scalped worse.).Probably one of my luckiest days in TCG collecting ever. Not only did I manage to find ten packs of Vivid Voltage in a store, but in them were two V-Maxes (Orbeetle and Aegislash), one Ampharos-V, one Amazing Rare Zacian, and a Full Art Leon!
Here you go:Wow! That’s some amazing fortune! An Ultra Rare a pack, exactly the pull rate I had in my Eternatus VMAX Premium Collection opening, but across ten packs of the most-scalped non-special set to date (except possibly Battle Styles, not sure which of them was scalped worse.).
Could you please share a picture?
Thanks for sharing the photo! Those cards look great!Here you go: