Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

would the centre card (charmander) be considered a grey stamp?
my experience... with Champions Path

-my town only has a walmart, it was stocked and sold out yesterday.
went to Ft Wayne,
-1 Target - nothing,
-Gamestop said they never ordered any,
-Summit sports/comics/games only had 1 Dubwool box for 25, over priced but i used credits, so it was pretty much free.
-Walmart, got there as they were stocking pokemon/magic...

what they stocked...
1 CR box of pin sets (1Kabu/2Milo/2Nessa)
4 CR Dubwool boxes
4 Galarian Farfetchd boxes
random 'returned' boxes

what i got out of them...
1 ETB - 7 holo rares, VenusaurV, Piers RR, Suspicious food can SR, 1 rare rh, 2 energy rh,. 7 crap rh
1 Dubwool - 4 holo rares, 3 common RH, 1 rare RH
1 Milo- 3 holo rare, 2 uc rh, 1 rare rh
1 Nessa- 3 holo rare, 3 common rh
1 Kabu- 1 holo rare, CursolaV, Charizard Vmax RR , 3 uc rh
1 (a offbrand '1pack and 5cards' they had a few HF packs so i grabbed a zard pack) - 1 nonholo rare in pack, 5 cards were common swsh.

im wanting to say pack rarity is...
quantity of packs - Dreadnaw C, Obstigoon UC, Alcreamy R, Gardevoir UR
quality of packs - Gardevoir C, Obstagoon(1rr) UC, Alcreamy (1v,1rr) R Dreadnaw (1v,1sr) UR
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Does anyone know what the pull rates for VMAXs are? Are they just a bit more uncommon than Vs? Or about as rare as a Full Art?

As of this comment, I've opened 55 SSH packs, 43 RCL packs and a dozen DAA or so. From those, I have 17 regular art Vs, 3 Full Art Vs, a Golden Zacian V and a Full Art Bede... but I haven't pulled a single VMAX of any kind...
my experience... with Champions Path

-my town only has a walmart, it was stocked and sold out yesterday.
went to Ft Wayne,
-1 Target - nothing,
-Gamestop said they never ordered any,
-Summit sports/comics/games only had 1 Dubwool box for 25, over priced but i used credits, so it was pretty much free.
-Walmart, got there as they were stocking pokemon/magic...

what they stocked...
1 CR box of pin sets (1Kabu/2Milo/2Nessa)
4 CR Dubwool boxes
4 Galarian Farfetchd boxes
random 'returned' boxes

what i got out of them...
ETB - 7 holo rares, VenusaurV, Piers RR, Suspicious food can SR, 1 rare rh, 2 energy rh,. 7 crap rh
Dubwool - 4 holo rares, 3 common RH, 1 rare RH
Milo- 3 holo rare, 2 uc rh, 1 rare rh
Nessa- 3 holo rare, 3 common rh
Kabu- 1 holo rare, CursolaV, Charizard Vmax RR , 3 uc rh
(a offbrand '1pack and 5cards' they had a few HF packs so i grabbed a zard pack) - 1 nonholo rare in pack, 5 cards were common swsh.

im wanting to say pack rarity is...
quantity of packs - Dreadnaw C, Obstigoon UC, Alcreamy R, Gardevoir UR
quality of packs - Gardevoir C, Obstigoon(1rr) UC, Alcreamy (1v,1rr) R Dreadnaw (1v,1sr) UR
From what I’ve heard GameStop only got enough product to fill in preorders while Targets have been funky with some getting ‘em and other not getting ‘em in on release date due to distributor issues.

EDIT (08/28/2020): And I forgot to post some recent Champion’s Path pulls. This is what I pulled from two ETBs, a Dubwool V box, and one of each Pin collection.
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ok, so over here it's been a bit hard to find any Champion's Path stuff (doesn't help that my local GAME sold out of the ETBs within 15 minutes of opening this past Friday), but earlier today from said store, I was able to pick up a Stow-On-Side box as it was the only CP product they had in (and the last one out, apparently).

I nearly managed to give myself a heart attack with what I pulled - might honestly be the first card I consider looking into getting graded. (Now I've just got to try to track down an ETB for the full-art Charizard V promo). Still gonna be getting the rest of the CP badge sets as I can find them, also because I wanna test my luck a bit more and see if I can get the shiny full-art 'zard.

Ripped the RR Charizard VMax today out of an ETB. Barnes and Nobel seems to be keeping the ETBs behind the front counter selling 1 to a customer, which is nice.
Ripped the RR Charizard VMax today out of an ETB. Barnes and Nobel seems to be keeping the ETBs behind the front counter selling 1 to a customer, which is nice.
Shoot, good to know. I wonder if my local one is doing this too, or if they even still have any period. I just want an ETB for the promo really, so that'd work out well.
I’m seeing some Galarian Sirfech’d V boxes at some of my local Targets but no CHP products, I’m starting to suspect that it’ll all be dropped on Friday due to the dual pin collections dropping that day.
Ripped the RR Charizard VMax today out of an ETB. Barnes and Nobel seems to be keeping the ETBs behind the front counter selling 1 to a customer, which is nice.
Strange, some of the CHP pulls I posted earlier were from products I bought from Barnes & Noble and they didn’t have any ETBs in stock...

Guess I’ll have go over there again and check ‘em out.
What times are you all checking stores out for CP products? Especially those that have found some. I usually go around noon-1pm, but I don't know if it's best to be there early in the morning?
The one I found that had basically all the current product I visited Wednesday around noon.
Can confirm this doesn't seem to apply to every B&N. Mine was out the day they got Champion's Path.

So, uh, because this is the pulls thread... This is where I'd post the cool card I pulled.
Well, you know how retail is. Some folks follow the policies; some don't even know there are policies. I give them credit for at least trying to apply the breaks some. I even saw couple of Targets put a "1 per customer" sign up. Problem was they were applying the policy to the WHOLE trading card rack, no just CP [facepalm]. Needless to say, they have a LOT of not CP in stock.
Well, you know how retail is. Some folks follow the policies; some don't even know there are policies. I give them credit for at least trying to apply the breaks some. I even saw couple of Targets put a "1 per customer" sign up. Problem was they were applying the policy to the WHOLE trading card rack, no just CP [facepalm]. Needless to say, they have a LOT of not CP in stock.
I’ve seen those signs at one of my local Targets but itwas there even before CHP dropped so I’m glad to see that other Targets are following the trend.
Opened a CP ETB and all I got was a V Eldegoss from 10 packs :(. I have the worst luck when it comes to pulls. I thought ETBs used to have the best pulls.
Managed to FINALLY get my hands on a Champion's Path ETB today - where I am currently there's a nice little shop that does TCG and tabletop stuff, and the guy kept one of the ones they got in today for me (Which was good as he only got in 5 boxes which went as quick as they came)

As for my pulls... I think I must have got a god box, cause seriously, how do you even begin to explain this? (Sorry for the blurriness, hands were shaking pretty bad after that XD) It really did make up for the fact that the promo Charizard V was bent due to how poorly packed it was - when I opened the box, it had curved through the inner part of the packaging that holds the stuff in place