Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

I decided to just get some random boosters to unpack for the Sun and Moon series, but I'm starting to think I'd have been better off buying a whole booster box instead. Is it just me, or are the pull rates somewhat different from before? I know the Generations series has been very generous to us, because it just included so many Full Arts and EX cards. The Full Art/GX pull rates seem slightly lower for the SM set. And is it just me - or is the 'regular
holo rare pull rate super duper low? o_O I got just one holo rare out of five packs and it seems others haven't pulled many holo rares either.

Anyways, for anyone who's interested:

The luck keeps coming, the last video we pulled a Base Set Charizard and now an Ultra Ball and then a Full Art Shaymin EX! crazy night of pulls

I finally got the ever elusive Venusaur Spirit Link after buying pack after unsuccessful Evolutions pack.

Also got a FA Brock's Grit, RH Mewtwo and Holo Gyarados.
Went to a local card store, and talked to them about Sun/Moon boxes being able to be mapped. The dude told me they'd NEVER do something like that. I was a bit paranoid, but I decided to buy three packs. Being my first Sun/Moon packs, I wasn't expecting much.

On my first pack, I pull the full art ultra ball. I almost died opening it. Absolutely unbelievable. I even got 3 popplio :D
I think it's just luck. I stopped buying tins after my tenth one. The other nine the closest things I got to Ultra Rare was the Promo card. Tenth time lucky I thought but no, the best card I got was the Yveltal EX promo.
Just bought my first Sun and Moon cards. A Moon elite trainer box. I'm happy.
Incineroar GX 27/149
Lunala GX 153/149 "Rainbow"
Plus several decent trainers and pokemon.
I got the Mega Absol EX Premium Collection and pulled Yveltal BREAK and RH Tyranitar. Fine with me because I wasn't expecting much out of it. Totally worth it for the Absol promos and the pin.

Also was feeling lucky at Toys R Us today and got 2 Togedemaru 3 pack blisters and a single S/M pack that was just sitting on the shelf. Pulled Espeon GX, Lapras GX and Primarina GX.
Recently when Roaring Skies got another print run I bought another booster box to keep, however because I already have one master set of it complete and had enough left to make it worth completing another I went and opened it today. Good move as it turned out.


Holos (5): Deoxys, Jirachi, Togekiss, Reshiram & Zekrom
EX (4): Thundurus, Rayquaza Dragon type, Hydreigon & Shaymin!
FA (3): Hydreigon, Rayquaza & Shaymin again!

Out of all 4 Roaring Skies boxes this was the best, I'm very much almost there now with my second master set thanks to unbelievably getting both reg and FA Shaymins. The Rayquaza's were also great too, even though I already have them it means I can at least sell or trade them in order to complete some more sets. I have only really a few rev holos, regular holos and the more cheaper EX's to get to complete my second RSK master set. Most expensive card being the VS Seeker SR which thankfully isn't too difficult to get right now.
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12 packs of Dollar Tree Pokemon Evolutions
Gyrados Rare Holo
Magneton Rare Holo
Mewtwo Rare Non Holo X2
Machoke Reverse Holo
Metapod Reverse Holo
Rattata Reverse Holo
Fairy Energy Reverse Holo

4 Packs of Pokemon Evolutions
Mega Charizard EX Rare Holo
Porygon Reverse Holo
Dragonite EX Full Art Rare Holo
Professor Oak Reverse Holo
Misty's Determination Uncommon
Starmie Rare Non Holo
Fairy Energy Reverse holo
Dewgong Rare Non Holo
Electabuzz Reverse Holo

Absol Promo 2 Pack Blister
1 Pack of XY Phantom Forces
Mightyena Rare Non Holo
Bronzor Reverse Holo
1 Pack of Pokemon Evolutions
Beedrill Rare Non Holo
Mewtwo Reverse Holo

Vensuar Pin Blister
1 Pack of XY Phantom Forces
Goodra Rare Holo
Pumpkaboo Reverse Holo
2 Packs of Evolutions
Raticate Rare Non Holo
Dugtrio Reverse Holo
Dewdong Rare Non Holo
Dodou Reverse Holo

Blastoise Pin Blister
1 Pack of Furious Fists
Tornados Rare Non Holo
Mountain Ring Reverse Holo
2 Packs of Evolutions
Charizard Rare Holo ( Yay! ^3^ )
Beedrill Reverse Holo
Beedrill Rare Non Holo
Kakuna Reverse Holo
Misty's Determination Uncommon

Zygarde Complete Form Pin Box
1 pack Break Through
Cresselia Rare Non Holo
Snorlax Reverse Holo
2 Packs Sun and Moon Base
Primarina GX Rare Holo
Sharpedo Reverse Holo
Dark Energy card
Stoutland Rare Non Holo
Togedemaru Reverse Holo
Fairy Energy Card

2 Packs of Sun and Moon Base
Primarina GX Rare Holo
Pyukumuku Reverse Holo
Butterfree Rare Non Holo
Toxapex Reverse Holo
Both packs had Steel Energy card

Pikipek Promo Blister
1 pack of Sun and Moon Base
Palossand Rare Non Holo
Toucannon Reverse Holo
Fighting Energy
Rockruff Promo Blister
1 pack of Sun and Moon Base
Cloyster Rare non Holo
Araquanid Reverse Holo
Steel Energy

Litten Promo Blister
3 packs of Sun and Moon Base
Lanturn Rare Non Holo
Arcanine Reverse Holo
Fire Energy
Lanturn Rare Non Holo
Repel Reverse Holo
Fighting Energy
Espeon GX Rare Holo
Rare Candy Reverse Holo
Fiary Energy

Togedemaru Promo Blister
3 packs of Sun and Moon Base
Umbreon GX Rare Holo
Poliwhirl Reverse Holo
Dark Energy
Bruxish Rare Non Holo
Rainbow Energy Reverse Holo
Steel Energy
Lanturn Rare non Holo
Snubbull Reverse Holo
Electic Energy

Shiny Rayquaza EX Box 2016 Reissue
1 pack XY Phantom Forces
Exploud Rare Non Holo
Chandelure Reverse Holo
1 pack XY Roaring Skies
Victini Rare Non Holo
Jirachi Reverse Holo
1 Pack XY Ancient Origins
Entei Rare Non Holo
Kirlia Reverse Holo
1 Pack XY Break Through
Zoroark BREAK Rare Holo
Vanilluxe Reverse Holo

Giratina Promo Blister
1 Pack of XY Fates Collide
Diancie EX Rare Holo
Minccino Reverse Holo
1 Pack of XY Break Point
Ho-Oh EX Rare Holo
Ferroseed Reverse Holo
1 Pack of XY Break Through
Simisage Rare Non Holo
Zoroark Reverse Holo

Articuno Pin Blister
2 packs of XY Steam Siege
Xerneas Rare Holo
Chandelure Reverse Holo
Bastiodon Rare Non Holo
Volcanion Reverse Holo
1 pack of XY Break Through
Simisage Rare Non Holo
Goldeen Reverse Holo

Moltres Pin Blister
2 packs of XY Steam Siege
Klinklang Rare Holo
Oshawott Reverse Holo
Armaldo Rare Non Holo
Fletchinder Reverse Holo
1 pack of XY Break Through
Mega Mewtwo EX (Y) Rare Holo
Florges Reverse Holo

Zapdos Pin Blister
2 packs of XY Steam Siege
Volcarona Rare Non Holo
Talonflame Reverse Holo
Steelix Ex Full Art Rare Holo
Klink Reverse Holo
1 pack of XY Break Through
Xerneas Rare Holo
Swoobat Reverse Holo

Jirachi Mythical Collection Box
2 Packs of Generations
Leafeon EX Rare Holo
Red Card Reverse Holo
Flareon EX Rare Holo Radiant Collection
Pinsir Rare Non Holo
Cloyster Reverse Holo
Dedenne Foil Uncommon Radiant Collection

Genecsent Mythical Collection Box
2 Packs of Generations
Blastoise EX Rare Holo
Persian Reverse Holo
Jirachi Uncommon Holo Radiant Collection
Rapidash Rare Non Holo
Electic Energy Reverse Holo
Mega Gardevior EX Full Art Holo Radiant Collection

Meloetta Mythical Collection Box
2 Packs of Generations
Dodrio Rare non Holo
Slowpoke Reverse Holo
Sylveon EX Full Art Holo Radiant Colecction
Snorlaz Rare Non Holo
Clemont Reverse Holo
Swirlix Uncommon Holo Radiant Collection Pulls 2017 Part 1 Pics here :)
I got 3 SUM packs yesterday from my LGS yesterday for $10 and pulled the following:

RF Cosmoem
Lanturn (needed one more)
and a FA Rotom Dex (makes 2 I've pulled so far)

I was pretty happy with the pulls. Don't really need the Rotom Dex but the younger kids there were excited about the last one I pulled. Gotta love trade bait!
Well, I think that I have the best luck ever with dollar tree packs. A few weeks ago, I pulled TWO Mega Charizard Ys out of Flashfire packs, a full art Toxicroak EX, AND a Tauros GX rainbow rare. Oh, and also some holos (Delphox, Raichu, and Trevenant from XY base, and Pyroar from Flashfire). The packs were straight out of the box, and I'm lucky no one weighed them. (I didn't weigh them either.)
I did something that I wasn't gonna do at all.
I bought a booster box from sun and moon.
Thing is, all I needed for myself out of the box were just a few commons and 2 vikavolts (which I don't think you can get common).
I bought my Lurantis as singles because I thought buying a box would be dumb, I wouldn't pull what I needed anyway.

So the reason I ended up buying it was more to have some extras and with some luck get some cards for my little brother.
As far as I remembered he still needed 2 lunala gx, 2 espeon gx (but the oldest of the 2 has one, so technically only needed 1) and maybe, just maybe a solgaleo.
I've opened 14 packs so far and I don't think I'll open the rest.
Got a lunala gx ultra or hyper rare (the ugly one with no background but still some colors) and a normal Lunala gx.
On top of that I've pulled an Espeon gx as well so I pretty much finished his deck, ignoring a few commons.
And I also pulled a yugioh-ghost rare Tauros gx ... which idk what I'll do with.

I, myself am still missing a vikavolt and a few common trainers ... idk if I should open the rest of the box or just sell them off ...
I feel like I pulled most out of it, but I'm a bit afraid there'll be more and I'll sell them just to see them being opened and something amazing like a full art lillie being pulled out of em

Id say open them why miss out on needed cards?
I recently decided to have a throwback and bought a single pack of furious fists, and pulled Hawlucha-EX! Yay!
Managed to get a Mimikyu Pin Collection Box already! I'm so happy! Wanted to share this with everyone here so you can all have a little sneak peek ^w^

I've had some pretty good luck with the recent Sogaleo and Lunala tins. Got both, and each had at least one full-art Mega in the boosters!

One had both a full-art M Venusaur and full-art M Houndoom, and the other had a full-art M Mewtwo (Y, I think) and a BREAK card, but I can't remember which, only that it was grass type.