I opened up 2 GUR packs and got a Full Art Hau out of 1 and a Full Art Hala out of another.
Dude the FA lele is more than enough. You got a darn good box.Got a GR booster on Friday
1 FA Tapu Lele GX
1 RA Wishiwashi GX
1 RA Lyncaroc GX
1 RA Kommo-o GX
1 RA Sylveon GX
1 RA Aloan Ninetails GX
No SR. A little dissapointed.
However, I've opened 7 random packs as well and pulled:
1 RR Drampa GX
1 FA Vikavolt GX
So hopeful to do better with 2 additional boxes and a trainer box on the way for tomorrow.
Went to my usual Sunday tournament earlier, got one pack of Guardians Rising beforehand, and a pack of GR and Evolutions after I came in first. Both Guardians Rising pulls were brilliant, a full art Kommo-o GX and a secret Field Blower.
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The pull I got from the Evolutions pack was just... well, legendary to put it one way. I went with Evo as they had no other GR packs in, and my main pull from it was a holofoil Metal Energy. The reason I'm calling this pull legendary... well, take a look at the code card.
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I literally just yelled "What the HELL?!" when I saw this. I mean, it's not my first misprint, I've got a color test Yu-Gi-Oh! card, as well as a few cards with the wrong names printed, and I've got a Tentacool where the top part of the card had indentations from where the pack was sealed. This in itself is just something else. I've put it in a sleeve and placed it in my folder, I'm wondering if it's something I can sell on - there is a market for misprints, isn't there?
I don't know how much misprints are worth. I have a Copycat (Heartgold Soulsilver) with a misprinted text (it's like: f45kgujd...) and my second misprint is a Tentacruel (I think DP or something) which "evolves from Squirtle". I have never seen a place that sells this misprints, but once I saw a Copycat similar to mine in ebay for $50
Did a couple of trades at my club earlier, though it does remind me about why I'm weary about trading with kids sometimes. I managed to get a handful of cards (mostly some supporters), as well as a Tapu Koko GX and a secret Psychic Energy, the only problem is that both of those cards weren't treated to well - Koko's peeling at the sides, and the Psychic Energy had a crease evident in the foil, and other signs of wear along the back. I traded off one of my two SR Mewtwo EX's from Evolutions along with a few random reverse holos. I'd have offered more for the Energy given its rarity, but with the state it was in, my trying to sell it on would be pointless, so I'm gonna use it in the next Psychic deck I make.
Could have been worse, though - could have been a SR DCE in bad shape XD
I made that mistake once too, I don't even remember what I traded but I traded for an Emboar EX. I wasn't feeling well though and didn't realize how badly it was scratched up. Luckily I don't think I traded anything major for it, considering I don't even remember what it was. But I never would have made the trade if I had been thinking clearly about it.