Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

Picked up the Shiny Tapu Koko box and pulled Umbreon GX. Would feel better about that pull if the Umbreon and Espeon GX boxes weren't released. I shake my head sadly at most of my pulls, where the heck is my SR Ultra Ball?
Picked up the Shiny Tapu Koko box and pulled Umbreon GX. Would feel better about that pull if the Umbreon and Espeon GX boxes weren't released. I shake my head sadly at most of my pulls, where the heck is my SR Ultra Ball?
Still not horrible though. I just got the Shiny Koko box and all I got was a Hydreigon BREAK and a holo Oranguru.
Use this thread to list and discuss the pulls you get from any Pokemon TCG product or the pull rates of any Pokemon TCG products! Pictures are preferred when you pull something cool, please! Also, please don't post if you pulled a totally lame pack! This is for the best pulls you've had or discussing how often some pulls happen.


I think I've just gotten really lucky but I've gotten some really good pulls from boxes. But what do you guys think... do boxes (not booster boxes, the box that comes with promos and stuff), blisters and tins have better rates? Well lemme give you a recap of some of the stuff I've gotten...

First box ever, this was when I quit Pokemon and was thinking about getting back into it, I got a Darkrai and Cresselia box. The one with the Lv X promos and the Jumbo card legend card. The goodies I got...

Snorlax Lv X (and I didn't know this was worth money at the time)
Kingdra Prime (sold it to Gamingetc for 7$ and didn't know it was worth 20$ back then :X)
Shiny Vulpix (didn't even realize it was shiny)

After buying two new Black and White theme decks I wanted to try to see what new cards are out... I got a full art Zekrom from a Reshiram tin at Best Buy. Thought it was super valuable but not really.

Not too long I bought another tin from a different Best Buy I got a Zekrom tin. And I got a full art Reshiram, woooooahhh, I started thinking maybe all these tins come with it?

And then I got some tins with Oshawott, Snivy and Tepig (the one with the figures). So outta 9 tins, 36 packs I got Flying Pikachu, Mew Prime, Shiny Groudon, Shiny Entei, Darkness Energy holo, Psychic Energy holo, and Water energy holo but a load of holos that were... relatively worthless but I did get more holos than rares which is always awesome.

Moving on to the Evolved action tins... I got two full art Tornadus (yaaay...) and a Thundurus full art (omg...) which considering the packs in there, could have been better had those two not gotten full arts...

Then came the EX dragons tins... I think the first two were kinda bad I didn't get any EX's but then at a Target I told my brother to be lucky and pick one and a Kyurem tin had a Mewtwo EX. WOW.

I also got a Mewtwo Box which had a Kyurem EX. Meh. Still an EX though.

Next were the Legendary tins which I got a Rayquaza and Mewtwo tin. The Rayquaza... didn't have anything special. Oh wait no it had a Tornadus full art from EP... >_> and the Mewtwo one... I didn't bother opening the Black and White packs since I wanted to sell the tin 10 years from now but then I got curious and the Emerging powers still had nothing but the Black and white one had a Pikachu ultra rare which was cool but still not shiny Rayquaza...

And for Boundaries Crossed I bought two blisters and they both had full arts. (WHAT) Cheren and Black Kyurem EX.

So yea... what do you think? Are tins luckier? Or was it just my beginner's luck?
The other day, I bought a Guardians Rising Elite Trainer Box. I pulled a holo Blissey,holo Politoad and a Rainbow Rare Drampa GX.
Got the Umbreon GX and Espeon GX boxes. Only good pull was from the Umbreon GX box, somewhat ironically being a Sylveon GX, but just a regular one not full art or hyper.
In GR boosters I have pulled a FA Mallow, FA Turtonator-GX, and two Vikavolt-GX. I usually only buy a few packs at league play, so I guess my rates are ok. I tend to get more regular holo rares.

In the online game I have pulled three Lele's, but traded them for packs since they were so valuable. I traded again for one Lele and use that.
Out of an Evolutions booster box, most notably:
Nidoking BREAK
Ninetales BREAK
M Blastoise-EX FA
Dragonite-EX FA
RH Charizard
Got 3 packs from local cardshop. They were Sun and Moon base. Pulled Umbreon GX, RH Dragonite, and Tauros GX HR. 2 months later, bought 6 packs of Guardians Rising. I got RA & FA Tapu Koko GX, and a Tapu Lele GX. =)
I managed to get some early Burning Shadows boosters! Wooo! Also, amazing pulls, I got exaclty what I wanted! <333

From four booster packs, I got:

1 holo rare (Lucario)
1 reverse holo rare (Araquanid)
1 'regular' GX card (Ho-Oh! YAY!)

So totally not bad, I'm so happy! :D
My prerelease Kit:
Tapu Bulu Full Art
Alolan Muk Rainbow Rare

My Booster Box
Salazzle GX
Machamp GX
Gardevoir GX
Necrozma GX - Full Art
Lycanroc GX - Full Art
Salazzle GX - Rainbow Rare
Darkrai GX - Rainbow Rare

My Elite Trainer Box
Much better prelease kit than I had. I had NOTHING! lol

My ETB only gave me a Ho-oh GX regular art.

I think pulls for SM generation have been horrible.
First full booster box I bought since pre-TR era had

Gardevoir-GX RR
Kiawe FA
Rescue Stretcher FA
Tapu Fini-GX FA
Tapu Fini-GX
Alolan Muk-GX

I got all of the normal rares I wanted too, couple of Raticates in case there's some tech scenario where it becomes useful in the future, a playset of Crabrawler and a playset of Kingdra.
2 more boxes:
SR Band
RR Gardevoir
RR Machamp
FA Acerola
FA Salazzle
FA Sophocles
2x Fini GX
Golisopod GX
2x Marshadow GX
Muk GX
Charizard GX
BUS etb - nothing
talking with several friends who bought ETB from BUS - pull's are extremely bad

total of 15 boosters of BUS opened so far - 0 GX or FA :(
Day before official release I got 4x random booxster packs and pulled: Full Art - Noivern GX [141/147]
plus few Reverse Holo and Holo.

Next time I got on release date 3x random booster packs and 1x blister pack [3x booster packs, coin and Cosmog Holo card]
From this one: Full Art - Golisopod GX [129/147]
Again some Holo and Reverse Holo

Totally from all of this booster packs I got:
Golisopod GX
Noivern GX
Dusknoir - Holo
Kindra - holo
Raichu - Holo
Cosmog - Holo

This was only random pack, so I'm think so wasn't that bad.

I'm not going to spam you with my video but if someone wants to see all cards I got, feel free to visit YT link from my signature