The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rubbatic

Should I completely redo the two legendaries, Paraigon and Garakuia to look similar to the new legen

  • Yes, you should redo both.

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Just redo Paraigon.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just redo Garakuia.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, both are fine.

    Votes: 4 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Golitspear

Super beast! I think that the Golitspear should be a real Pokemon! As for the shadow, it looks like the evolution of the hedgehog pokemon! Pricklepine, if I remember. Anyway, awesome pokemon!
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Golitspear

I really like Golitspear's design. I could totally see myself having one.

I think the shadow looks like a rocky sheep Pokemon.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Golitspear

Maybe a sheep pokemon? Probably normal type.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Golitspear

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: Thanks! I like him as well!

@LillipupFTW: Thanks for the comment! That is a very good guess but I won't release that Pokemon until much later.

@AllInAPackage: If you have any ideas on how it could evolve from Heracross, I would appreciate it!

@Reshiwott: Good guess!

Today's Pokemon is the Sheep Pokemon, Bloxen!


#048 Bloxen
The Sheep Pokemon
Type: Ice/Steel
Color: White
Ability: Frozen Iron
Height: 3'3
Weight: 83 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Bloxen is the Sheep Pokemon. It is a dual Ice/Steel Type Pokemon and has the unique ability Frozen Iron. This ability gives a 50/50 chance of freezing the opponent when hit by a Steel type attack. It is unknown what Pokemon is evolves into.

Bloxen live in large herds on top of snow clad mountains where they eat frozen vegetation. The steel on their bodies are frigid to the touch and can frost bite within seconds. It can live in subzero temperatures and still function. When it shakes its body, snow shoots up in the air and falls back down gently.

Bloxen is based on a sheep.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what form it could belong to and what type it could be. Also, please let me know how you liked Bloxen.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Golitspear

The shadow might be a humanoid/gecko Pokemon?
Normal type maybe?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Bloxen

Looks like a gecko or a zombie.LOL:p
Yeah, grass/poison type gecko/tree frog.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Bloxen

@AllInAPackage: Maybe the Geico mascot <_< >_>

@Reshiwott: DUDE! A zombie gecko! >_> <_< >_<

Good guesses but you are all waaaaaaaay off.

Today's Pokemon is the Sports Pokemon, Rookid.


#085 Rookid
The Sports Pokemon
Type: Fighting
Color: Brown
Ability: Guts/Vital Spirit
Height: 3'0
Weight: 65 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Rookid is the Sports Pokemon. It is a Fighting type Pokemon and has the abilities Guts or Vital Spirit. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Rookid are constantly running, jumping, tackling, and sliding. They may be inexperienced but they never give up. They seek to win the trust of its trainers and others around it. While this can be a good thing; sometimes it puts its own life in danger to prove itself to others. It is a very strong Pokemon but trains everyday to become stronger.

Rookid is based off a rookie in sports. Its name comes from rookie and kid.

Here is tomorrow's new Fakemon, Please guess what form it could belong to and what type it could be. Also, please let me know what you think of Rookid.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Bloxen

Rookoid-ugly(no offence)
Shadow-little mouse with balloons. Bouse?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

I think the shadow is a pig with balloons, playing off the phrase," When pigs fly". lol :p
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

It looks like a Pichu. Maybe its an evolution of pichu, a flying and electric type. Because of the balloons. Maybe it evolves by leveling it up with balloons. :3

(\ _ /)
z(= > )>
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

@Reshiwott: None taken but he is not meant to be cute or anything. I do not like his legs. I can see where I got lazy when drawing him at places.

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: Haha I have often thought of using that saying for a Pokemon. We shall see.

@Evolution: Good idea but no, it's not a evolution of Pichu or Pikachu.

@GoobieDoob: Haha for some odd reason that made a funny image in my head.

Very good guesses! Today's new Pokemon is the Balloon Drifter Pokemon, Kikyum.


#041 Kikyum
The Balloon Drifter Pokemon
Type: Normal/Flying
Color: Yellow
Ability: Balloon Pillow
Height: 2'2 (without balloons), 5'1 (with balloons)
Weight: 15 lbs.
Evolves into: ?

Kikyum is the Balloon Drifter Pokemon. It is a dual Normal/Flying type and has the unique ability Balloon Pillow. Balloon Pillow is only used in double or triple matches. It gives the ally Pokemon protection against Ground types without adding the type "Flying" to it's allies pre-existing types as well as replaces attacks that are Normal type with Flying type. It also has a unique attack called Float which deals Flying type damage. Out of battle, it allows Kikyum to float over crevices and holes.

Kikyum can be found hovering high in the sky with its balloons. It can only hold four balloons since adding more will cause the Pokemon to go much higher. It prefers a certain elevation and will hardly venture away from it. If one of its balloons breaks, it will swiftly patch it up using its saliva and then use the helium from its tail to inflate the balloon.

Kikyum is based on a kid with a balloon, the movie "UP", and a Pikachu model. Its name means "Balloon helium" in Japanese. Kikyu meaning balloon and heriumu meaning helium. Thus Kikyuumu.

Here is tomorrow's revealed Pokemon. Please guess what form it could belong to and what type it could be. Also, please comment on Kikyum.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

Looks like a crystal with legs. Probably the Ore Pokemon. The Types:

RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

^ That's about what I'm thinking.
As for kikyum, I like it very much but one thing bothers me: It's weight. If it weighs 15 lbs and can hold only 4 balloons, how can it even get off the ground? Are it's balloons filled with a special light-weight gas that floats extremely well? (Like helium on steroids) :p

Aside from that one detail, I love this design and could see it being a very useful Pokemon in battle. :D
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

The shadow looks like a crystal or a rocket.
Kikyum looks cool, too. Its float attack sounds handy.:D
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

Woah! Haven't been on in three days, and these are awesome!! The shadow looks like that germ from Jimmy Neutron when they go inside Carl's body.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

Like Reshiwott said, I think Float will be very handy. Its ability sounds like a double battle Levitate.
I think the Pokemon will be a bug with a Crystal on its back, maybe a Bug/Rock type?
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

the shadow looks like a bacteriophage ;and I think kikyum is cute.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

silazu said:
the shadow looks like a bacteriophage

Totally what I was thinking. As soon as I saw it I thought "virus?!"

Or I could see it being a rocket of some kind.
RE: The LV Fakemon Project: Pokemon Shine and Shade: Rookid

@GoobieDoob: Interesting combinations! By the way I like your fake region so far! It is very interesting!

@BlueEmboar'n'Bisharp: I see what you mean : / I will decrease the weight to 10 pounds.

@Reshiwott: Thanks! I was hoping it would be received well.

@LillipupFTW: Man, I haven't watched Jimmy Neutron for ages! That gave me a laugh haha.

@AllInAPackage: Yeah, I guess its ability can be seen as a Double Levitate in battle.

@silazu: Hm, interesting. I can see the resemblance though!

@CMP: There was a virus in my previous region.

Today's new Pokemon is the Crystal Pokemon, Crystalite.


#027 Crystalite
The Crystal Pokemon
Type: Rock/Light
Color: Blue
Ability: Super Shine
Height: 2'2
Weight: 83 lbs.
Evolves into: Crystilumate at level 28

Crystalite is the Crystal Pokemon. It is a dual Rock/Light type and has the new ability, Super Shine. Super Shine is a common Light-type ability. It lowers the opponents accuracy when it enters the field. It is unknown what Pokemon it evolves into.

Crystalite live deep in dark caves where crystals grow on its head. The bigger the crystal, the older it is. Some may grow multiple smaller crystals as well. It is a common saying that if you become lost in a cave, just look for the Crystalites light.

Crystalite is based off a crystal. Its name comes from crystal and light.

Here is tomorrow's new Pokemon! Please guess what it form it could be of and what type it could be! Also, please comment on Crystalite.